Joel Jeremy Marquez authored
* Mobile category modal menu * Release notes * Apply category and group modals * Category modal updates + notes * Reduce notes modal view height * Update CategoryGroupMenu modal view height * Update CategoryMenu modal view height * Fix lint error * No notes text * Add budget-table testid on edit mode * Fix lint error * Fix lint error * Remove edit mode tooltip * Update modals * Updates + Simplify code by removing edit mode * Optional closeModal arg * Fix mobile budget table category divider * Cleanup + close modal on click outside * collapseModals action * Fix lint errors * Category modal hidden menus + Lift edit state to MobileBudget component * Hide category / group actions when editing title * Add margins between buttons * Fix lint errors
Joel Jeremy Marquez authored* Mobile category modal menu * Release notes * Apply category and group modals * Category modal updates + notes * Reduce notes modal view height * Update CategoryGroupMenu modal view height * Update CategoryMenu modal view height * Fix lint error * No notes text * Add budget-table testid on edit mode * Fix lint error * Fix lint error * Remove edit mode tooltip * Update modals * Updates + Simplify code by removing edit mode * Optional closeModal arg * Fix mobile budget table category divider * Cleanup + close modal on click outside * collapseModals action * Fix lint errors * Category modal hidden menus + Lift edit state to MobileBudget component * Hide category / group actions when editing title * Add margins between buttons * Fix lint errors