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Capstone Project.ipynb
9 additions, 21 deletions
Capstone Project.ipynb
9 additions
21 deletions
Capstone Project.ipynb
View file @
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"id": "c465b945",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
@@ -23,7 +23,11 @@
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split\n",
"from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor\n",
"from sklearn.decomposition import PCA\n"
"from sklearn.decomposition import PCA\n",
"from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score\n",
"from sklearn import tree\n",
"from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error\n",
"from sklearn.tree import plot_tree"
@@ -1901,22 +1905,10 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"id": "d3e0bea5",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "NameError",
"evalue": "name 'train_test_split' is not defined",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-1-5cf4497a8723>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 3\u001b[0m '''\n\u001b[1;32m 4\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# Split the data into train/test split\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 5\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mtrain\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtest\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtrain_test_split\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mMLBDataSelected\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtest_size\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m0.25\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 6\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtrainLabel\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtestLabel\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtrain\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"delta_run_exp\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtest\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"delta_run_exp\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 7\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
"\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'train_test_split' is not defined"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"Here will test how our data will run under a random forest model compared to that of an xgboost model\n",
@@ -1933,11 +1925,7 @@
", trainLabel)\n",
"# Predict using the trained model\n",
"predictions = rf_model.predict(test)\n",
"# Evaluate the model\n",
"score = rf_model.score(test, testLabel)\n",
"print(\"Random forest model score:\", score)"
"predictions = rf_model.predict(test)"
%% Cell type:markdown id:68eef21e tags:
# Package Imports & Data Reading
%% Cell type:code id:c465b945 tags:
``` python
# import any needed libraries
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import xgboost as xgb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree
%% Cell type:code id:eddf5627 tags:
``` python
# Read in the data
MLBData = pd.read_csv("MLBData.csv")
# Make sure pitch types are correct
MLBData = MLBData[MLBData["pitch_type"].isin(["CH", "CU", "SL", "FF", "KC", "SI", "FS", "FA", "EP", "FC", "KN", "FT", "SC"])]
%% Cell type:code id:0d30357e tags:
``` python
# Convert the pfx_x and pfx_z columns into HorzBreak and InducedVertBreak
# Scaling both columns by 12 results in their output being in inches, and multiplying pfx_x by -1
# makes the data be oriented from behind the pitcher
MLBData["HorzBreak"], MLBData["InducedVertBreak"] = MLBData["pfx_x"] * -12, MLBData["pfx_z"] * 12
# Change the order of names from last, first to first last
MLBData.player_name=MLBData.player_name.str.split(', ').map(lambda x : ' '.join(x[::-1]))
# change name of first column in order to proper name
MLBData.rename(columns = {'Unnamed: 0': 'row_number'}, inplace = True)
%% Cell type:code id:14d78b28 tags:
``` python
# observe data structure
%% Output
count 1.719214e+06
mean 3.652832e-06
std 2.428943e-01
min -1.538000e+00
25% -6.700000e-02
50% -1.800000e-02
75% 3.800000e-02
max 3.653000e+00
Name: delta_run_exp, dtype: float64
%% Cell type:code id:7279e220 tags:
``` python
# For every outing that a pitcher has, count the number of various fastball types that they threw and the average velo and movement of those pitches
primaryFastball = MLBData[MLBData["pitch_type"].isin(["FF", "SI", "FC", "FT"])].groupby(["game_date", "player_name", "pitch_type"]).agg({"pitch_number":'size', 'release_speed':'mean', 'InducedVertBreak':'mean', "HorzBreak":'mean'}).reset_index()
# Rename columns
primaryFastball.rename(columns = {'pitch_number':'nPitches', 'release_speed':'meanVelo', 'InducedVertBreak':"meanIVB", 'HorzBreak':'meanHB', 'pitch_type':"primaryFB"}, inplace = True)
# For each outing, select the fastball thrown most often
primaryFastball = primaryFastball[primaryFastball["nPitches"] == primaryFastball.groupby(["game_date", "player_name"])["nPitches"].transform(max)]
%% Output
game_date player_name primaryFB nPitches meanVelo meanIVB \
1 2020-07-23 Adam Kolarek SI 8 87.887500 -2.280000
2 2020-07-23 Brusdar Graterol SI 6 99.316667 8.400000
4 2020-07-23 Caleb Ferguson FF 4 94.950000 16.560000
5 2020-07-23 Conner Menez FF 11 92.218182 16.952727
6 2020-07-23 Dany Jimenez FF 13 93.300000 16.338462
1 -17.340000
2 14.260000
4 -5.400000
5 -4.625455
6 0.230769
%% Cell type:code id:4a32d7ec tags:
``` python
# Join the data onto the original dataset
MLBData = pd.merge(MLBData, primaryFastball, on = ["game_date", "player_name"])
%% Cell type:code id:ffe86dd6 tags:
``` python
# Calculate velo and movement differences
MLBData["velo_diff"], MLBData["vmov_diff"], MLBData["hmov_diff"] = MLBData["release_speed"] - MLBData["meanVelo"], MLBData["InducedVertBreak"] - MLBData["meanIVB"], MLBData["HorzBreak"] - MLBData["meanHB"]
# Calculate arm angle for a given pitch
MLBData["armAngle"] = np.arctan2((MLBData["release_pos_z"] - 4.2), MLBData["release_pos_x"]) * 180/np.pi - 90
# Assign a textual descriptor to the arm slot for each pitch
MLBData["armSlot"] = np.where(abs(MLBData["armAngle"]) < 30, 'Overhand',
np.where(abs(MLBData["armAngle"]) < 70, 'Three-Quarters',
np.where(abs(MLBData["armAngle"]) < 90, 'Sidearm', 'Submarine')))
%% Output
row_number X pitch_type game_date release_speed release_pos_x \
0 1 195 SL 2022-11-05 89.2 -0.06
1 2 202 FF 2022-11-05 93.9 -0.18
2 3 212 FF 2022-11-05 93.0 -0.09
3 4 216 SL 2022-11-05 88.1 -0.15
4 5 227 SL 2022-11-05 89.0 -0.25
release_pos_z player_name batter pitcher ... primaryFB nPitches \
0 6.14 Ryan Pressly 592206 519151 ... FF 2
1 5.94 Ryan Pressly 547180 519151 ... FF 2
2 5.97 Ryan Pressly 592663 519151 ... FF 2
3 6.03 Ryan Pressly 656555 519151 ... FF 2
4 6.06 Ryan Pressly 656555 519151 ... FF 2
meanVelo meanIVB meanHB velo_diff vmov_diff hmov_diff armAngle \
0 93.45 19.2 3.18 -4.25 -14.76 -8.10 1.771470
1 93.45 19.2 3.18 0.45 -0.36 0.78 5.906141
2 93.45 19.2 3.18 -0.45 0.36 -0.78 2.910838
3 93.45 19.2 3.18 -5.35 -16.68 -10.50 4.685900
4 93.45 19.2 3.18 -4.45 -13.44 -7.98 7.655167
0 Overhand
1 Overhand
2 Overhand
3 Overhand
4 Overhand
[5 rows x 106 columns]
%% Cell type:code id:178f4297 tags:
``` python
# Plot all of the arm angles in the dataset
armAnglePlot = sns.scatterplot(x = "release_pos_x", y = "release_pos_z", data = MLBData, hue = "armSlot")
armAnglePlot.set(xlim = (-5, 5))
%% Output
[(-5.0, 5.0)]
%% Cell type:code id:b378deb7 tags:
``` python
# Creates a plot for a given player that shows all of their individual pitch movements
def playerMovementPlot(playerName):
palette_colors = sns.color_palette("bright")
palette_dict = {pitch_type: color for pitch_type, color in zip(MLBData.pitch_type.unique(), palette_colors)}
playerData = MLBData[MLBData["player_name"] == playerName]
# Create a scatter plot for a pitcher's pitch movement colored by pitch type
pitchPlot = sns.scatterplot(x = "HorzBreak", y = "InducedVertBreak", data = playerData, hue = "pitch_type", palette=palette_dict)
pitchPlot.set(xlabel = "Horizontal Pitch Movement (inches)",
ylabel = "Vertical Pitch Movement (inches)",
title = playerName + " Pitch Movement Plot")
pitchPlot.axhline(0, linestyle = '--', color = 'black')
pitchPlot.axvline(0, linestyle = '--', color = 'black')
playerMovementPlot("Spencer Strider")
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:51ebc41e tags:
``` python
# Included features within the model
selectedFeatures = ["release_speed", "InducedVertBreak", "HorzBreak", "armAngle", "release_spin_rate", "release_extension", "spin_axis", "velo_diff", "vmov_diff", "hmov_diff", "delta_run_exp"]
# Drop any missing values from the key features
MLBData.dropna(subset = selectedFeatures, inplace=True)
# Reduce dataset to just key features
MLBDataSelected = MLBData[selectedFeatures].dropna()
# Split the data into train/test split
train, test = train_test_split(MLBDataSelected, test_size=0.25)
trainLabel, testLabel = train["delta_run_exp"], test["delta_run_exp"]
# Drop target variable
train, test = train.drop("delta_run_exp", axis = 1), test.drop("delta_run_exp", axis = 1)
# Load the data to be able to be read by xgboost
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train, label=trainLabel)
dtest = xgb.DMatrix(test, label=testLabel)
dtotal = xgb.DMatrix(MLBDataSelected.drop("delta_run_exp", axis = 1), MLBDataSelected["delta_run_exp"])
%% Cell type:code id:1cb48fe5 tags:
``` python
# Create parameters for model training, still need to do random grid search and cv to improve model
param = {'max_depth': 4, 'eta': 0.1, 'objective': 'reg:squarederror', "colsample_bytree" : 0.8, "min_child_weight": 1, "subsample":1}
param['nthread'] = 8
evallist = [(dtrain, 'train'), (dtest, 'eval')]
num_round = 40
# train model
model = xgb.train(param, dtrain, num_round, evals = evallist, early_stopping_rounds = 10)
# plot variable importance
%% Output
[0] train-rmse:0.51119 eval-rmse:0.51152
[1] train-rmse:0.47203 eval-rmse:0.47242
[2] train-rmse:0.43775 eval-rmse:0.43820
[3] train-rmse:0.40788 eval-rmse:0.40840
[4] train-rmse:0.38197 eval-rmse:0.38256
[5] train-rmse:0.35961 eval-rmse:0.36028
[6] train-rmse:0.34044 eval-rmse:0.34117
[7] train-rmse:0.32407 eval-rmse:0.32487
[8] train-rmse:0.31018 eval-rmse:0.31104
[9] train-rmse:0.29845 eval-rmse:0.29938
[10] train-rmse:0.28861 eval-rmse:0.28959
[11] train-rmse:0.28037 eval-rmse:0.28141
[12] train-rmse:0.27353 eval-rmse:0.27461
[13] train-rmse:0.26785 eval-rmse:0.26898
[14] train-rmse:0.26316 eval-rmse:0.26433
[15] train-rmse:0.25930 eval-rmse:0.26050
[16] train-rmse:0.25613 eval-rmse:0.25736
[17] train-rmse:0.25353 eval-rmse:0.25479
[18] train-rmse:0.25141 eval-rmse:0.25269
[19] train-rmse:0.24967 eval-rmse:0.25098
[20] train-rmse:0.24826 eval-rmse:0.24958
[21] train-rmse:0.24711 eval-rmse:0.24845
[22] train-rmse:0.24617 eval-rmse:0.24753
[23] train-rmse:0.24541 eval-rmse:0.24678
[24] train-rmse:0.24479 eval-rmse:0.24617
[25] train-rmse:0.24428 eval-rmse:0.24568
[26] train-rmse:0.24387 eval-rmse:0.24528
[27] train-rmse:0.24354 eval-rmse:0.24495
[28] train-rmse:0.24327 eval-rmse:0.24469
[29] train-rmse:0.24305 eval-rmse:0.24448
[30] train-rmse:0.24287 eval-rmse:0.24431
[31] train-rmse:0.24272 eval-rmse:0.24417
[32] train-rmse:0.24261 eval-rmse:0.24406
[33] train-rmse:0.24251 eval-rmse:0.24397
[34] train-rmse:0.24243 eval-rmse:0.24389
[35] train-rmse:0.24236 eval-rmse:0.24383
[36] train-rmse:0.24231 eval-rmse:0.24379
[37] train-rmse:0.24227 eval-rmse:0.24375
[38] train-rmse:0.24223 eval-rmse:0.24372
[39] train-rmse:0.24220 eval-rmse:0.24369
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Feature importance'}, xlabel='F score', ylabel='Features'>
%% Cell type:code id:c933726a tags:
``` python
# Create predictions for the whole dataset
predictions = model.predict(dtotal)
MLBData["expected_run_value"] = predictions
# Create the grouping variable so pitches are all graded compared to similar pitch types
MLBData["grouped_pitch_type"] = np.where(MLBData["pitch_type"].isin(["FF", "FA", "FT", "SI"]), "Fastball",
np.where(MLBData["pitch_type"].isin(["CU", "KC", "SL", "EP", "KN"]), "Breaking Ball",
np.where(MLBData["pitch_type"].isin(["FS", "CH", "SC"]), "Off Speed",
np.where((MLBData["pitch_type"].isin(["FC"])) & (MLBData["primaryFB"] == "FC"), "Fastball", "Breaking Ball"))))
# Convert predictions from normal distribution to 20-80 scale, another normal distribution
# The mean and sd by group variables are used to calculate the z score of a given pitch
# We then multiply by 10 to set the standard deviation to 10 and add 50 to set the mean to 50
MLBData["meanByGroup"] = MLBData.groupby(["grouped_pitch_type"])["expected_run_value"].transform("mean") * -1
MLBData["sdByGroup"] = MLBData.groupby(["grouped_pitch_type"])["expected_run_value"].transform("std")
MLBData["stuffGrade"] = (-MLBData.expected_run_value - (MLBData.meanByGroup))/(MLBData.sdByGroup) * 10 + 50
# Some pitches receive outlier grades, so we push them back to the highest possible values on the scale
MLBData["stuffGrade"] = np.where(MLBData["stuffGrade"] < 20, 20, np.where(MLBData["stuffGrade"] > 80, 80, MLBData["stuffGrade"]))
# Checking to make sure that the mean of each group is ~ 50
%% Output
Breaking Ball 50.054432
Fastball 49.957054
Off Speed 50.062462
%% Cell type:code id:426f3be6 tags:
``` python
# Filter down the dataset to just fastballs
RHPFastballs = MLBData[MLBData["pitch_type"].isin(["FF", "SI"])]
# Filter down the fastballs to just pitches thrown by RHP
RHPFastballs = RHPFastballs[RHPFastballs["p_throws"] == "R"]
# Filter the data down to just RHP fastballs thrown between 90-92 MPH
RHPFastballs = RHPFastballs[RHPFastballs["release_speed"].between(90,92)]
# This plot will bin the horizontal and vertical pitch movement and find the mean of the pitch grade for the bin
# Red indicates a higher grade (better pitch) and blue indicates a lower grade (worse pitch)
counts, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(RHPFastballs["InducedVertBreak"], RHPFastballs["HorzBreak"], bins = (30,30))
sums, _, _ = np.histogram2d(RHPFastballs["InducedVertBreak"], RHPFastballs["HorzBreak"], weights = RHPFastballs["stuffGrade"], bins = (xbins, ybins))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols = 1, figsize = (5,4))
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # suppress possible divide-by-zero warnings
m = ax.pcolormesh(ybins, xbins, sums / counts, cmap='coolwarm', vmin = 20, vmax = 80)
plt.colorbar(m, ax=ax)
plt.xlabel("Horizontal Break")
plt.ylabel("Induced Vertical Break")
plt.title("Stuff Grade by Pitch Movement")
plt.axhline(0, linestyle = '--', color = 'black')
plt.axvline(0, linestyle = '--', color = 'black')
%% Output
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1d1cb4e8400>
%% Cell type:code id:06a3dc31 tags:
``` python
#RHPFastballs[RHPFastballs["expected_run_value"] == RHPFastballs["expected_run_value"].max()]
# We can aggregate the data by pitcher to see which pitch receives the highest grades on average and some of their pitch characteristics
# This table is just fastballs, but the next table will be all pitch types
bestFBs = RHPFastballs.groupby(["player_name", "pitch_type"]).agg({"stuffGrade":"mean", "release_speed":"mean", "InducedVertBreak":"mean", "HorzBreak":"mean", "des":"count"}).reset_index()
bestFBs.rename(columns = {'des': 'nPitches'}, inplace = True)
bestFBs = bestFBs[bestFBs["nPitches"] > 500]
bestFBs.sort_values(by = ["stuffGrade"], ascending = False).head(25)
%% Output
player_name pitch_type stuffGrade release_speed \
436 Felix Bautista FF 73.540079 99.152961
1237 Trevor Bauer FF 69.518897 93.698312
886 Matt Bush FF 68.631157 97.139961
1027 Pete Fairbanks FF 68.065789 97.716941
826 Liam Hendriks FF 67.752787 97.376000
1108 Ryan Helsley FF 66.604543 98.510979
469 Gerrit Cole FF 66.057453 97.530853
383 Dylan Cease FF 65.821012 96.860557
204 Chad Green FF 65.475723 95.538719
921 Michael Kopech FF 65.367529 95.810636
1179 Spencer Strider FF 65.359398 98.142750
549 Jacob deGrom FF 64.614360 98.936491
1280 Tyler Wells FF 64.455784 94.240315
1204 Tanner Rainey FF 64.360772 96.621187
578 James Karinchak FF 63.560195 95.610694
529 J.P. Feyereisen FF 63.249537 92.916861
765 Justin Verlander FF 63.157823 95.069186
695 Jordan Romano FF 63.136646 97.219787
1272 Tyler Glasnow FF 63.111984 97.184027
380 Dustin May SI 63.012347 97.897883
687 Jonathan Loaisiga SI 62.954263 98.029180
732 Josh Sborz FF 62.931928 96.771324
53 Alex Reyes FF 61.895139 96.927787
982 Nick Pivetta FF 61.780013 94.048738
508 Hunter Greene FF 61.611195 98.904996
InducedVertBreak HorzBreak nPitches
436 19.675263 7.266908 608
1237 19.971994 9.761093 1244
886 18.964211 6.752749 513
1027 18.264505 -0.294505 1092
826 18.819459 6.737647 1700
1108 17.524501 3.055663 1093
469 18.135407 11.256979 4019
383 18.339715 3.869136 3159
204 19.141068 4.836641 1405
921 18.610020 9.841551 2012
1179 17.735819 5.106817 1593
549 16.708070 8.604632 1710
1280 19.901523 5.159901 1208
1204 18.077871 8.090358 977
578 19.285836 4.025269 1412
529 20.632374 5.022412 771
765 19.327519 9.563566 1548
695 18.081675 5.371330 1218
1272 17.509295 1.529765 1659
380 7.944956 18.582217 803
687 11.547678 15.942446 1292
732 18.973414 6.491519 823
53 17.784759 5.463095 601
982 20.186084 5.157451 3248
508 16.020254 11.713158 1181
%% Cell type:code id:0198f3b6 tags:
``` python
#MLBData[MLBData["expected_run_value"] == MLBData["expected_run_value"].max()]
# This table is looking at all pitch types for all pitchers that have been thrown at least 250 times over our 3 year sample
bestPitches = MLBData.groupby(["player_name", "pitch_type"]).agg({"stuffGrade":"mean", "release_speed":"mean", "InducedVertBreak":"mean", "HorzBreak":"mean", "release_spin_rate":"mean", "des":"count"}).reset_index()
bestPitches.rename(columns = {'des': 'nPitches'}, inplace = True)
bestPitches = bestPitches[bestPitches["nPitches"] > 250]
# This function will return all of the pitch types for a given player along with their grades and characteristics
def playerGrades(playerName):
return bestPitches[bestPitches["player_name"] == playerName].sort_values(by = ["stuffGrade"], ascending = False)
bestPitches.sort_values(by = ["stuffGrade"], ascending = False).head(25)
%% Output
player_name pitch_type stuffGrade release_speed \
1435 Dustin May CU 74.014314 86.218750
3175 Matt Brash SL 73.882999 87.016971
1327 Devin Williams CH 73.588792 83.641433
1600 Felix Bautista FF 73.540079 99.152961
3354 Miguel Castro SL 72.442468 85.900123
2862 Kyle Crick SL 71.147745 78.894606
4480 Trevor Bauer FF 69.518897 93.698312
2298 Joe Kelly KC 68.662184 87.541218
3178 Matt Bush FF 68.631157 97.139961
3670 Pete Fairbanks FF 68.065789 97.716941
1154 Daniel Bard SL 67.938288 87.608909
4483 Trevor Bauer SL 67.882190 80.685767
2954 Liam Hendriks FF 67.752787 97.376000
4391 Tejay Antone CU 67.683431 79.567636
828 Charlie Morton CU 67.193399 80.719970
3313 Michael King SL 67.128943 81.563488
4518 Trevor Rosenthal FF 67.123303 98.050327
106 Adam Ottavino SL 66.947490 80.828401
1448 Dylan Cease SL 66.892225 86.581429
3973 Ryan Helsley FF 66.604543 98.510979
374 Aroldis Chapman FF 66.405422 97.940702
1716 Gerrit Cole FF 66.057453 97.530853
3690 Phil Maton CU 66.029448 75.439239
1445 Dylan Cease FF 65.821012 96.860557
916 Chris Stratton CU 65.731336 80.447757
InducedVertBreak HorzBreak release_spin_rate nPitches
1435 -5.396591 -13.738977 3160.511364 352
3175 0.183603 -15.131279 2893.391645 383
1327 -3.321502 17.992464 2787.862799 1465
1600 19.675263 7.266908 2340.735197 608
3354 1.456471 -10.252059 2925.890931 816
2862 0.537261 -21.165809 3194.047718 482
4480 19.971994 9.761093 2781.580386 1244
2298 -9.050726 -8.701546 2907.837237 854
3178 18.964211 6.752749 2536.048733 513
3670 18.264505 -0.294505 2431.648352 1092
1154 2.237127 -8.216618 2849.050000 1100
4483 -2.616488 -17.342551 2956.212569 541
2954 18.819459 6.737647 2409.547059 1700
4391 -10.605818 -17.693673 2984.905455 275
828 -9.510167 -16.258103 3044.140945 2689
3313 0.909973 -18.131444 2742.400545 367
4518 18.095686 5.745098 2460.480392 306
106 0.821480 -18.265394 2738.856802 1257
1448 -0.606950 -5.401575 2845.691506 2590
3973 17.524501 3.055663 2588.995425 1093
374 18.096526 -4.280526 2380.108772 1140
1716 18.135407 11.256979 2451.727793 4019
3690 -9.231181 -19.297008 2991.405512 762
1445 18.339715 3.869136 2524.160177 3159
916 -8.351240 -15.814037 3146.245383 758
%% Cell type:code id:52e7a2bf tags:
``` python
playerGrades("Graham Ashcraft").head(10)
%% Output
player_name pitch_type stuffGrade release_speed InducedVertBreak \
1741 Graham Ashcraft SL 61.334864 85.791429 -2.798242
1739 Graham Ashcraft FC 53.940315 97.265083 9.467031
1740 Graham Ashcraft SI 46.444777 97.067347 6.399534
HorzBreak release_spin_rate nPitches
1741 -11.025231 2706.729670 455
1739 -0.600285 2383.301663 842
1740 9.672420 2185.469388 343
%% Cell type:code id:d3c4dd95 tags:
``` python
#MLBData[MLBData["expected_run_value"] == MLBData["expected_run_value"].max()]
# This table is the highest graded pitchers with a minimum of 500 pitches thrown in total, regardless of pitch type
bestPitchers = MLBData.groupby(["player_name"]).agg({"stuffGrade":"mean", "des":"count"}).reset_index()
bestPitchers.rename(columns = {'des': 'nPitches'}, inplace = True)
bestPitchers = bestPitchers[bestPitchers["nPitches"] > 500]
bestPitchers.sort_values(by = ["stuffGrade"], ascending = False).head(25)
%% Output
player_name stuffGrade nPitches
380 Felix Bautista 67.819584 993
316 Devin Williams 65.361720 2476
752 Matt Brash 64.635423 970
1060 Trevor Bauer 63.971779 2938
795 Miguel Castro 62.987786 2239
275 Daniel Bard 62.856025 2583
701 Liam Hendriks 62.834236 2568
196 Chad Green 62.817211 2088
89 Aroldis Chapman 62.582101 1948
870 Pete Fairbanks 62.551335 1864
1005 Spencer Strider 62.346613 2365
538 Jimmy Nelson 62.147864 518
342 Dylan Cease 62.054692 7198
1087 Tyler Glasnow 61.804199 2993
340 Dustin May 61.720488 1897
408 Gerrit Cole 61.564790 8094
455 J.P. Feyereisen 61.333885 1519
680 Kyle Crick 61.288790 823
1039 Tejay Antone 61.263102 1111
362 Emmanuel Clase 61.171971 2037
941 Ryan Helsley 61.169187 2012
173 Caleb Baragar 61.040522 690
720 Luis Gil 60.784321 615
183 Camilo Doval 60.751881 1622
577 Jonathan Loaisiga 60.670362 2475
%% Cell type:code id:2903278a tags:
``` python
# This shows a given tree within the model, can't see much though
xgb.to_graphviz(model, num_trees=39)
%% Output
<graphviz.sources.Source at 0x1d1cb4a0e50>
%% Cell type:code id:d3e0bea5 tags:
``` python
Here will test how our data will run under a random forest model compared to that of an xgboost model
# Split the data into train/test split
train, test = train_test_split(MLBDataSelected, test_size=0.25)
trainLabel, testLabel = train["delta_run_exp"], test["delta_run_exp"]
# Drop target variable
train, test = train.drop("delta_run_exp", axis=1), test.drop("delta_run_exp", axis=1)
# Fit the random forest model
rf_model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=5, random_state=36) #took forever to run 100 trees by default, so had to lower the number down, trainLabel)
# Predict using the trained model
predictions = rf_model.predict(test)
# Evaluate the model
score = rf_model.score(test, testLabel)
print("Random forest model score:", score)
%% Output
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-5cf4497a8723> in <module>
3 '''
4 # Split the data into train/test split
----> 5 train, test = train_test_split(MLBDataSelected, test_size=0.25)
6 trainLabel, testLabel = train["delta_run_exp"], test["delta_run_exp"]
NameError: name 'train_test_split' is not defined
%% Cell type:code id:637b620f tags:
``` python
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