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Commit 8fb12687 authored by Anoushka Deshmukh's avatar Anoushka Deshmukh
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script to translate raw data to sessions

parent 1312af7f
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import os
import pandas as pd
import csv
import re
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
from collections import defaultdict
import time
# Initializing some variables
avg_session_time = 0
total_session_count = 0
total_session_time = 0
document_event = ['document-ready']
window_event = ['window-unload', 'window-blur', 'window-focus', ]
pe_event = ['jsav-matrix-click', 'jsav-exercise-grade', 'jsav-exercise-reset', 'jsav-node-click',
'button-identifybutton', 'button-editbutton', 'button-addrowbutton', 'button-deletebutton', 'button-setterminalbutton', 'button-addchildbutton',
'button-checkbutton', 'button-autobutton', 'button-donebutton',
'submit-helpbutton', 'submit-edgeButton', 'submit-deleteButton', 'submit-undoButton', 'submit-redoButton', 'submit-editButton', 'submit-nodeButton',
'submit-begin', 'submit-finish', 'button-hintbutton', 'button-movebutton', 'button-removetreenodebutton', 'button-savefile', 'button-edgebutton',
'jsav-exercise-model-end', 'jsav-exercise-model-begin', 'jsav-array-click',
'jsav-exercise-gradeable-step', 'jsav-exercise-grade',
'jsav-exercise-model-open', 'jsav-exercise-model-forward',
'jsav-exercise-model-close', 'jsav-node-click',
'jsav-exercise-grade-change', 'jsav-exercise-reset',
'jsav-exercise-step-fixed', 'jsav-arraytree-click',
'jsav-exercise-undo', 'jsav-exercise-model-backward',
'jsav-exercise-model-begin', 'jsav-exercise-step-undone',
'jsav-exercise-model-end', 'odsa-award-credit', 'odsa-exercise-init',
'button-classify', 'button-throwRoll', 'button-calculate',
'button-decrement', 'button-help', 'button-selecting',
'button-sorting', 'button-incrementing', 'button-run',
'button-partition', 'button-markSorted', 'button-reset',
'button-outputbuffer', 'button-noaction', 'button-submit',
'button-insert', 'button-remove', 'button-next', 'button-about',
'button-undir', 'button-dir', 'button-clear', 'button-read',
'button-write', 'button-restart']
ff_event = ['jsav-begin', 'jsav-end', 'jsav-forward', 'jsav-backward']
other_event = ['hyperlink', 'jsav-narration-on', 'jsav-narration-off', 'button-layoutRef', 'odsa-exercise-init']
# Reads a raw interaction data file
def readfile(file_name):
os.chdir("./data/" + file_name)
print("Reading " + file_name + " data")
df = pd.read_csv(file_name + "_sorted.csv")
global csvdata
csvdata = df.sort_values(['user_id', 'action_time'])
# convert time in a specific format to display
def GetTime(seconds):
sec = timedelta(seconds=int(seconds))
d = dt(1,1,1) + sec
return "%d days %d hours %d minutes %d seconds" % (, d.hour, d.minute, d.second)
# helper function to write a name of the event
def writeEvName(row):
event = row['name']
if event in document_event:
return "document event"
elif event in window_event:
return "window event"
elif event in ff_event:
return "FF event"
elif event in pe_event:
return "PE event"
return "Other event"
# Helper function to write a description for events
def writeDesc(row):
# exercise_type
if row['ex_type'] == "pe":
return "Attempted to solve PE"
elif pd.isnull(row['inst_section_id']):
return row['description']
# ev_name
if row['short_name']:
return f'Attempted to solve {row[9]} frame '
return f'Attempted to solve {row[9]} exercise'
# Helper function to write a time for events
def writeTime(row, start, end):
if row['description'] == "PE" or row['ex_type'] == "pe" or check_pe_helper(row['name']):
return f'{(end - start).total_seconds()} seconds'
elif row['name'] in ff_event:
return f'{(end-start).total_seconds()} seconds'
elif "document" not in row['name']:
# ev_name
if row['short_name']:
return f'In slideshow for {(end - start).total_seconds()} seconds' if (end - start).total_seconds() > 0 else None
return f'In exercise for {(end - start).total_seconds()} seconds' if (end - start).total_seconds() > 0 else None
# Check whether the event is associated with PE
def check_pe_helper(command):
if command in pe_event:
return True
return False
# Check whether this and next events are the same type of event (PE)
def bundle_pe(curr, next):
if not pd.isnull(curr['ex_type']) or curr['description'] == 'PE': # curr has value
if not pd.isnull(next['ex_type']): # both curr and next has values
if curr['ex_type'] != 'pe' and next['ex_type'] != 'pe':
return False
else: #if only curr has value
if not check_pe_helper(next['name']) and next['description'] != 'PE':
return False
else: # curr doesn't have value
if check_pe_helper(curr['name']):
if next['ex_type'] == 'pe' or check_pe_helper(next['name']):
return True
return False
return False
return True
# Check whether this and next events are the same type of event (FF)
def bundle_ff(curr, next):
if not pd.isnull(curr['short_name']) and curr['short_name'] == next['short_name']:
return True
return False
# Main function to abstract a raw event data into a session data
def abstract(file_name):
print("Reading complete")
global avg_session_time
global total_session_count
global total_session_time
session_count = 0
session_start_time = csvdata.iloc[0]['action_time'] # Initially set up the start time as the first event's action time
session_end_time = 0
columns = ["session", "user ID", "Inst Book", "Event name", "Event Description", "Start time", "End Time", "Action Time", "Exercise Type", "Number of events"]
start_time = 0
num_event = 1
is_pe_exercise = False
is_ff_exercise = False
# Write a csv "file_name"_merged_result_unannotated.csv file
with open(file_name + '_merged_result_unannotated.csv', 'w', newline="") as csv_file:
writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
session_count += 1
row_iterator = csvdata.iterrows()
_, curr = next(row_iterator)
for i, row in row_iterator:
# Set the threshold for the session
threshold = 600
# Example of sample raw interaction data
# id user_id inst_book_id name description action_time inst_chapter_module_id inst_section_id inst_exercise_id short_name ex_type
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# 22961032 8387 722 document-ready "User loaded module" 2020-01-21 18:43 70590
# 23119732 3013 722 jsav-node-click {"ev_num":43} 2020-01-29 2:41 70620 109676 1095 sheet1exercise3 pe
user_id = curr['user_id']
book_id = curr['inst_book_id']
ev_name = curr['name']
ev_desc = curr['description']
action_time = curr['action_time']
module_id = curr['inst_chapter_module_id']
section_id = curr['inst_section_id']
exercise_id = curr['inst_exercise_id']
exercise_name = curr['short_name']
exercise_type = curr['ex_type']
next_ev = row
now = dt.strptime(action_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
next_time = dt.strptime(next_ev['action_time'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
time_diff = (next_time - now).total_seconds()
end_time = start_time
if start_time == 0:
start_time = action_time
if session_count == 0:
# writer.writerow("\n")
# writer.writerow([f'Session {session_count + 1}'])
session_count += 1
session_start_time = action_time
total_session_count = total_session_count + 1
if user_id == next_ev['user_id']:
if (time_diff > threshold): # Creating a new session
# For the last event of a session, we need to add one more row of event at the end of the session
end_time = action_time
start = dt.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
end = dt.strptime(end_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
diff = writeTime(curr, start, end)
# diff = f'{(end - start).total_seconds()} seconds' if (end - start).total_seconds() > 0 else None
if is_pe_exercise:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), "Attempted to solve PE", start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
elif is_ff_exercise:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
# Write a comprehensive information about a session
# Uncomment these lines if you want to see an annotated version of abstracted data
session_end_time = end
# writer.writerow([f'User inactive for {GetTime(time_diff)}'])
# writer.writerow([f'Session lasted for {session_end_time - dt.strptime(session_start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'])
# writer.writerow("\n")
# writer.writerow([f'Session {session_count + 1}'])
total_session_time = total_session_time + (session_end_time - dt.strptime(session_start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).total_seconds()
total_session_count = total_session_count + 1
session_count += 1
session_start_time = next_ev['action_time']
start_time = 0
num_event = 1
is_pe_exercise = False
is_ff_exercise = False
else: # Retreive all events in one session
if user_id == next_ev['user_id']:
if ev_name == next_ev['name']: # Finds duplicate events within the same session
end_time = action_time
num_event += 1
curr = row
if bundle_pe(curr, next_ev):
end_time = action_time
num_event += 1
is_pe_exercise = True
curr = row
elif bundle_ff(curr, next_ev):
end_time = action_time
num_event += 1
is_ff_exercise = True
curr = row
end_time = action_time
start = dt.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
end = dt.strptime(end_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
diff = writeTime(curr, start, end)
# diff = f'In slideshow for {(end - start).total_seconds()} seconds' if (end - start).total_seconds() > 0 else None
if is_pe_exercise:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), "Attempted to solve PE", start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
elif ev_name == 'window-focus':
# if next_ev['name'] == 'window-blur':
# if (next_time - now).total_seconds() > 3:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, "Window open", writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, f'Reading time: {(next_time - now).total_seconds()} sec', exercise_name, num_event])
elif ev_name == 'window-blur' and next_ev['name'] == 'window-focus':
# if (next_time - now).total_seconds() > 3:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, "Window close", writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, f'Away time: {(next_time - now).total_seconds()} sec', exercise_name, num_event])
elif is_ff_exercise:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
start_time = 0
num_event = 1
is_pe_exercise = False
is_ff_exercise = False
start_time = 0
session_count = 0
num_event = 1
else: # Starts a new session for new student
# For the last event of a session, we need to add one more row of event at the end of the session
end_time = action_time
start = dt.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
end = dt.strptime(end_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
diff = writeTime(curr, start, end)
# diff = f'{(end - start).total_seconds()} seconds' if (end - start).total_seconds() > 0 else None
if is_pe_exercise:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), "Attempted to solve PE", start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
elif ev_name == 'window-focus' and next_ev['name'] == 'window-blur':
# if (next_time - now).total_seconds() > 3:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, "Window open", writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, f'Reading time: {(next_time - now).total_seconds()} sec', exercise_name, num_event])
elif ev_name == 'window-blur' and next_ev['name'] == 'window-focus':
# if (next_time - now).total_seconds() > 3:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, "Window close", writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, f'Away time: {(next_time - now).total_seconds()} sec', exercise_name, num_event])
elif is_ff_exercise:
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
writer.writerow([session_count, user_id, book_id, writeEvName(curr), writeDesc(curr), start_time, end_time, diff, exercise_name, num_event])
# Write a comprehensive information about a session
start_time = 0
session_count = 0
num_event = 1
session_end_time = end
# writer.writerow([f'Session lasted for {session_end_time - dt.strptime(session_start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'])
# writer.writerow([f'All User Session Ended for User: {user_id}'])
total_session_time = total_session_time + (session_end_time - dt.strptime(session_start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).total_seconds()
is_pe_exercise = False
is_ff_exercise = False
curr = row
start_time = time.time()
print(total_session_count, total_session_time)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
# SQL commands for pulling Fall 2020 CS4114 data
# SELECT, oui.user_id, oui.inst_book_id,, oui.description, oui.action_time, oui.inst_chapter_module_id, exercise.inst_section_id, exercise.inst_exercise_id, ex.short_name, ex.ex_type
# FROM opendsa.odsa_user_interactions oui
# LEFT JOIN opendsa.inst_book_section_exercises exercise ON oui.inst_book_section_exercise_id =
# LEFT JOIN opendsa.inst_exercises ex ON exercise.inst_exercise_id =
# WHERE oui.inst_book_id = 852 Order by action_time ASC;
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