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import torch
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import cv2
from torchvision import models
import numpy as np
class CourtLineDetector:
def __init__(self, model_path):
self.model = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
self.model.fc = torch.nn.Linear(self.model.fc.in_features, 14*2)
self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location='cpu'))
self.transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((224, 224)),
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
def predict(self, image):
image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image_tensor = self.transform(image_rgb).unsqueeze(0)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = self.model(image_tensor)
keypoints = outputs.squeeze().cpu().numpy()
original_h, original_w = image.shape[:2]
keypoints[::2] *= original_w / 224.0
keypoints[1::2] *= original_h / 224.0
return keypoints
def draw_keypoints(self, image, keypoints):
# Plot keypoints on the image
for i in range(0, len(keypoints), 2):
x = int(keypoints[i])
y = int(keypoints[i+1])
cv2.putText(image, str(i//2), (x, y-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 2), (x, y), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)
return image
def draw_keypoints_on_video(self, video_frames, keypoints):
output_video_frames = []
for frame in video_frames:
frame = self.draw_keypoints(frame, keypoints)
return output_video_frames
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This diff is collapsed.
File suppressed by a .gitattributes entry or the file's encoding is unsupported.
from utils import (
read_video, save_video, measure_distance, draw_player_stats, convert_pixel_distance_to_meters
import constants
from trackers import PlayerTracker, BallTracker, PoseDetector
from court_line_detector import CourtLineDetector
from mini_court import MiniCourt
import cv2
import pandas as pd
from copy import deepcopy
import os
def main():
# Ensure input and output directories exist
input_video_path = "static/input_videos/input_video.mp4"
output_video_path = "static/output_videos/input_video1.avi"
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_video_path), exist_ok=True)
# Read Video
print("Reading video...")
video_frames = read_video(input_video_path)
# Detect Players and Ball
player_tracker = PlayerTracker(model_path='yolov8x')
ball_tracker = BallTracker(model_path='models/')
pose_detector = PoseDetector(model_path='models/final_pose_model.pth')
print("Detecting players and ball...")
player_detections = player_tracker.detect_frames(
video_frames, read_from_stub=True, stub_path="tracker_stubs/player_detections.pkl"
ball_detections = ball_tracker.detect_frames(
video_frames, read_from_stub=True, stub_path="tracker_stubs/ball_detections.pkl"
ball_detections = ball_tracker.interpolate_ball_positions(ball_detections)
# Court Line Detection
print("Detecting court lines...")
court_model_path = "models/keypoints_model.pth"
court_line_detector = CourtLineDetector(court_model_path)
court_keypoints = court_line_detector.predict(video_frames[0])
# Filter players
print("Filtering player detections...")
player_detections = player_tracker.choose_and_filter_players(court_keypoints, player_detections)
# Initialize Mini Court
mini_court = MiniCourt(video_frames[0])
# Detect ball shots
ball_shot_frames = ball_tracker.get_ball_shot_frames(ball_detections)
# Convert positions to mini court coordinates
print("Converting positions to mini court coordinates...")
player_mini_court_detections, ball_mini_court_detections = mini_court.convert_bounding_boxes_to_mini_court_coordinates(
player_detections, ball_detections, court_keypoints
# Initialize player statistics data
player_stats_data = [{
'frame_num': 0,
'player_1_number_of_shots': 0, 'player_1_total_shot_speed': 0, 'player_1_last_shot_speed': 0,
'player_1_total_player_speed': 0, 'player_1_last_player_speed': 0,
'player_2_number_of_shots': 0, 'player_2_total_shot_speed': 0, 'player_2_last_shot_speed': 0,
'player_2_total_player_speed': 0, 'player_2_last_player_speed': 0,
'player_1_pose_backhand': 0, 'player_1_pose_forehand': 0, 'player_1_pose_ready': 0, 'player_1_pose_serve': 0,
'player_2_pose_backhand': 0, 'player_2_pose_forehand': 0, 'player_2_pose_ready': 0, 'player_2_pose_serve': 0
print("Calculating player statistics...")
for ball_shot_ind in range(len(ball_shot_frames) - 1):
start_frame = ball_shot_frames[ball_shot_ind]
end_frame = ball_shot_frames[ball_shot_ind + 1]
ball_shot_time_in_seconds = (end_frame - start_frame) / 24 # Assuming 24fps
# Measure ball distance and speed
distance_covered_pixels = measure_distance(
ball_mini_court_detections[start_frame][1], ball_mini_court_detections[end_frame][1]
distance_covered_meters = convert_pixel_distance_to_meters(
distance_covered_pixels, constants.DOUBLE_LINE_WIDTH, mini_court.get_width_of_mini_court()
speed_of_ball_shot = (distance_covered_meters / ball_shot_time_in_seconds) * 3.6 # km/h
# Identify the player who hit the ball
player_positions = player_mini_court_detections[start_frame]
player_shot_ball = min(
key=lambda pid: measure_distance(player_positions[pid], ball_mini_court_detections[start_frame][1])
# Copy the previous stats to keep a running total.
current_stats = deepcopy(player_stats_data[-1])
current_stats['frame_num'] = start_frame
player_frame = video_frames[start_frame].copy()
for player_id, bbox in player_detections[start_frame].items():
# Predict keypoints and pose class
keypoints, pose_class = pose_detector.crop_and_predict_pose(player_frame, bbox)
player_frame = pose_detector.draw_pose(player_frame, bbox, keypoints, pose_class)
# Print for debugging purposes
pose_label = ["Backhand", "Forehand", "Ready", "Serve"][pose_class]
print(f"Player {player_id} detected with pose: {pose_label}")
# Ensure stats are updated correctly
stat_key = f'player_{player_id}_pose_{pose_label.lower()}'
if stat_key in current_stats:
current_stats[stat_key] += 1
print(f"Invalid stat key: {stat_key}") # Debugging message
# Ensure the modified frame is saved back to the video frames
video_frames[start_frame] = player_frame
# Update statistics for this frame
# Calculate opponent speed
opponent_id = 1 if player_shot_ball == 2 else 2
opponent_distance_pixels = measure_distance(
opponent_distance_meters = convert_pixel_distance_to_meters(
opponent_distance_pixels, constants.DOUBLE_LINE_WIDTH, mini_court.get_width_of_mini_court()
opponent_speed = (opponent_distance_meters / ball_shot_time_in_seconds) * 3.6 # km/h
# Update player stats
current_stats = deepcopy(player_stats_data[-1])
current_stats['frame_num'] = start_frame
current_stats[f'player_{player_shot_ball}_number_of_shots'] += 1
current_stats[f'player_{player_shot_ball}_total_shot_speed'] += speed_of_ball_shot
current_stats[f'player_{player_shot_ball}_last_shot_speed'] = speed_of_ball_shot
current_stats[f'player_{opponent_id}_total_player_speed'] += opponent_speed
current_stats[f'player_{opponent_id}_last_player_speed'] = opponent_speed
# Create a DataFrame for player stats
stats_df = pd.DataFrame(player_stats_data)
frames_df = pd.DataFrame({'frame_num': range(len(video_frames))})
stats_df = pd.merge(frames_df, stats_df, on='frame_num', how='left').ffill()
# Calculate average speeds
stats_df['player_1_average_shot_speed'] = stats_df['player_1_total_shot_speed'] / stats_df['player_1_number_of_shots']
stats_df['player_2_average_shot_speed'] = stats_df['player_2_total_shot_speed'] / stats_df['player_2_number_of_shots']
stats_df['player_1_average_player_speed'] = stats_df['player_1_total_player_speed'] / stats_df['player_2_number_of_shots']
stats_df['player_2_average_player_speed'] = stats_df['player_2_total_player_speed'] / stats_df['player_1_number_of_shots']
'player_1_pose_backhand', 'player_1_pose_forehand',
'player_1_pose_ready', 'player_1_pose_serve']].head())
# Draw bounding boxes, keypoints, and stats on the video frames
print("Generating output video...")
output_frames = pose_detector.draw_poses(video_frames, player_detections, {})
output_frames = player_tracker.draw_bboxes(video_frames, player_detections)
output_frames = ball_tracker.draw_bboxes(output_frames, ball_detections)
output_frames = court_line_detector.draw_keypoints_on_video(output_frames, court_keypoints)
output_frames = mini_court.draw_mini_court(output_frames)
output_frames = mini_court.draw_points_on_mini_court(output_frames, player_mini_court_detections)
output_frames = mini_court.draw_points_on_mini_court(output_frames, ball_mini_court_detections, color=(0, 255, 255))
output_frames = draw_player_stats(output_frames, stats_df)
# Add frame numbers to the video
for i, frame in enumerate(output_frames):
cv2.putText(frame, f"Frame: {i}", (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
# Save the output video
save_video(output_frames, output_video_path)
print(f"Video saved at {output_video_path}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
from .mini_court import MiniCourt
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File added
import cv2
import numpy as np
import sys
import constants
from utils import (
class MiniCourt():
def __init__(self,frame):
self.drawing_rectangle_width = 250
self.drawing_rectangle_height = 500
self.buffer = 50
def convert_meters_to_pixels(self, meters):
return convert_meters_to_pixel_distance(meters,
def set_court_drawing_key_points(self):
drawing_key_points = [0]*28
# point 0
drawing_key_points[0] , drawing_key_points[1] = int(self.court_start_x), int(self.court_start_y)
# point 1
drawing_key_points[2] , drawing_key_points[3] = int(self.court_end_x), int(self.court_start_y)
# point 2
drawing_key_points[4] = int(self.court_start_x)
drawing_key_points[5] = self.court_start_y + self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.HALF_COURT_LINE_HEIGHT*2)
# point 3
drawing_key_points[6] = drawing_key_points[0] + self.court_drawing_width
drawing_key_points[7] = drawing_key_points[5]
# #point 4
drawing_key_points[8] = drawing_key_points[0] + self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.DOUBLE_ALLY_DIFFERENCE)
drawing_key_points[9] = drawing_key_points[1]
# #point 5
drawing_key_points[10] = drawing_key_points[4] + self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.DOUBLE_ALLY_DIFFERENCE)
drawing_key_points[11] = drawing_key_points[5]
# #point 6
drawing_key_points[12] = drawing_key_points[2] - self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.DOUBLE_ALLY_DIFFERENCE)
drawing_key_points[13] = drawing_key_points[3]
# #point 7
drawing_key_points[14] = drawing_key_points[6] - self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.DOUBLE_ALLY_DIFFERENCE)
drawing_key_points[15] = drawing_key_points[7]
# #point 8
drawing_key_points[16] = drawing_key_points[8]
drawing_key_points[17] = drawing_key_points[9] + self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.NO_MANS_LAND_HEIGHT)
# # #point 9
drawing_key_points[18] = drawing_key_points[16] + self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.SINGLE_LINE_WIDTH)
drawing_key_points[19] = drawing_key_points[17]
# #point 10
drawing_key_points[20] = drawing_key_points[10]
drawing_key_points[21] = drawing_key_points[11] - self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.NO_MANS_LAND_HEIGHT)
# # #point 11
drawing_key_points[22] = drawing_key_points[20] + self.convert_meters_to_pixels(constants.SINGLE_LINE_WIDTH)
drawing_key_points[23] = drawing_key_points[21]
# # #point 12
drawing_key_points[24] = int((drawing_key_points[16] + drawing_key_points[18])/2)
drawing_key_points[25] = drawing_key_points[17]
# # #point 13
drawing_key_points[26] = int((drawing_key_points[20] + drawing_key_points[22])/2)
drawing_key_points[27] = drawing_key_points[21]
def set_court_lines(self):
self.lines = [
(0, 2),
(4, 5),
def set_mini_court_position(self):
self.court_start_x = self.start_x + self.padding_court
self.court_start_y = self.start_y + self.padding_court
self.court_end_x = self.end_x - self.padding_court
self.court_end_y = self.end_y - self.padding_court
self.court_drawing_width = self.court_end_x - self.court_start_x
def set_canvas_background_box_position(self,frame):
frame= frame.copy()
self.end_x = frame.shape[1] - self.buffer
self.end_y = self.buffer + self.drawing_rectangle_height
self.start_x = self.end_x - self.drawing_rectangle_width
self.start_y = self.end_y - self.drawing_rectangle_height
def draw_court(self,frame):
for i in range(0, len(self.drawing_key_points),2):
x = int(self.drawing_key_points[i])
y = int(self.drawing_key_points[i+1]), (x,y),5, (0,0,255),-1)
# draw Lines
for line in self.lines:
start_point = (int(self.drawing_key_points[line[0]*2]), int(self.drawing_key_points[line[0]*2+1]))
end_point = (int(self.drawing_key_points[line[1]*2]), int(self.drawing_key_points[line[1]*2+1]))
cv2.line(frame, start_point, end_point, (0, 0, 0), 2)
# Draw net
net_start_point = (self.drawing_key_points[0], int((self.drawing_key_points[1] + self.drawing_key_points[5])/2))
net_end_point = (self.drawing_key_points[2], int((self.drawing_key_points[1] + self.drawing_key_points[5])/2))
cv2.line(frame, net_start_point, net_end_point, (255, 0, 0), 2)
return frame
def draw_background_rectangle(self,frame):
shapes = np.zeros_like(frame,np.uint8)
# Draw the rectangle
cv2.rectangle(shapes, (self.start_x, self.start_y), (self.end_x, self.end_y), (255, 255, 255), cv2.FILLED)
out = frame.copy()
mask = shapes.astype(bool)
out[mask] = cv2.addWeighted(frame, alpha, shapes, 1 - alpha, 0)[mask]
return out
def draw_mini_court(self,frames):
output_frames = []
for frame in frames:
frame = self.draw_background_rectangle(frame)
frame = self.draw_court(frame)
return output_frames
def get_start_point_of_mini_court(self):
return (self.court_start_x,self.court_start_y)
def get_width_of_mini_court(self):
return self.court_drawing_width
def get_court_drawing_keypoints(self):
return self.drawing_key_points
def get_mini_court_coordinates(self,
distance_from_keypoint_x_pixels, distance_from_keypoint_y_pixels = measure_xy_distance(object_position, closest_key_point)
# Conver pixel distance to meters
distance_from_keypoint_x_meters = convert_pixel_distance_to_meters(distance_from_keypoint_x_pixels,
distance_from_keypoint_y_meters = convert_pixel_distance_to_meters(distance_from_keypoint_y_pixels,
# Convert to mini court coordinates
mini_court_x_distance_pixels = self.convert_meters_to_pixels(distance_from_keypoint_x_meters)
mini_court_y_distance_pixels = self.convert_meters_to_pixels(distance_from_keypoint_y_meters)
closest_mini_coourt_keypoint = ( self.drawing_key_points[closest_key_point_index*2],
mini_court_player_position = (closest_mini_coourt_keypoint[0]+mini_court_x_distance_pixels,
return mini_court_player_position
def convert_bounding_boxes_to_mini_court_coordinates(self,player_boxes, ball_boxes, original_court_key_points ):
player_heights = {
1: constants.PLAYER_1_HEIGHT_METERS,
output_player_boxes= []
output_ball_boxes= []
for frame_num, player_bbox in enumerate(player_boxes):
ball_box = ball_boxes[frame_num][1]
ball_position = get_center_of_bbox(ball_box)
closest_player_id_to_ball = min(player_bbox.keys(), key=lambda x: measure_distance(ball_position, get_center_of_bbox(player_bbox[x])))
output_player_bboxes_dict = {}
for player_id, bbox in player_bbox.items():
foot_position = get_foot_position(bbox)
# Get The closest keypoint in pixels
closest_key_point_index = get_closest_keypoint_index(foot_position,original_court_key_points, [0,2,12,13])
closest_key_point = (original_court_key_points[closest_key_point_index*2],
# Get Player height in pixels
frame_index_min = max(0, frame_num-20)
frame_index_max = min(len(player_boxes), frame_num+50)
bboxes_heights_in_pixels = [get_height_of_bbox(player_boxes[i][player_id]) for i in range (frame_index_min,frame_index_max)]
max_player_height_in_pixels = max(bboxes_heights_in_pixels)
mini_court_player_position = self.get_mini_court_coordinates(foot_position,
output_player_bboxes_dict[player_id] = mini_court_player_position
if closest_player_id_to_ball == player_id:
# Get The closest keypoint in pixels
closest_key_point_index = get_closest_keypoint_index(ball_position,original_court_key_points, [0,2,12,13])
closest_key_point = (original_court_key_points[closest_key_point_index*2],
mini_court_player_position = self.get_mini_court_coordinates(ball_position,
return output_player_boxes , output_ball_boxes
def draw_points_on_mini_court(self,frames,postions, color=(0,255,0)):
for frame_num, frame in enumerate(frames):
for _, position in postions[frame_num].items():
x,y = position
x= int(x)
y= int(y), (x,y), 5, color, -1)
return frames
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
db = SQLAlchemy()
from datetime import datetime
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from flask_login import UserMixin
from models import db # Import the shared db instance
class User(db.Model, UserMixin):
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(150), nullable=False)
email = db.Column(db.String(150), unique=True, nullable=False)
password_hash = db.Column(db.String(200))
created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
def set_password(self, password):
self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password)
def check_password(self, password):
return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password)
def __repr__(self):
return f'<User {}>'
File added
File added
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File added
"players": {
"daniilMedvedev": {
"playerOverview": {
"fullName": "Daniil Medvedev",
"nationality": "Russian",
"dateOfBirth": "1996-02-11",
"height": 198,
"weight": 83,
"playingHand": "Right-handed",
"playingStyle": "Aggressive baseliner with a powerful serve",
"turnedProYear": 2014
"careerHighlights": {
"totalCareerTitles": 20,
"grandSlamWins": 1,
"olympicMedals": {
"total": 0,
"details": []
"careerPrizeMoney": 31785620,
"careerHighRanking": 1,
"currentRanking": 3,
"yearEndNo1Rankings": []
"headToHeadRecords": {
"totalMatchesPlayed": 15,
"winsByMedvedev": 9,
"winsByZverev": 6,
"winsBySurface": {
"hard": {
"medvedev": 8,
"zverev": 5
"clay": {
"medvedev": 1,
"zverev": 1
"grass": {
"medvedev": 0,
"zverev": 0
"historicalTrends": "Medvedev has a stronger record on hard courts, while Zverev has managed to win key matches on clay."
"performanceStatistics": {
"overallWinPercentage": 73.4,
"serviceStats": {
"aces": 5200,
"doubleFaults": 1200,
"firstServePercentage": 63,
"firstServePointsWon": 76,
"secondServePointsWon": 54
"returnStats": {
"firstServeReturnPointsWon": 34,
"secondServeReturnPointsWon": 52
"tiebreakRecord": "32-24"
"tournamentHistory": {
"grandSlamPerformances": {
"australianOpen": "Finalist (2021, 2022)",
"frenchOpen": "Quarterfinals (2021)",
"wimbledon": "Fourth Round (2021)",
"usOpen": "Winner (2021)"
"atpFinalsTitles": 1,
"mastersTitles": 6
"rankingProgression": [
{"year": 2016, "ranking": 99},
{"year": 2017, "ranking": 65},
{"year": 2018, "ranking": 16},
{"year": 2019, "ranking": 4},
{"year": 2020, "ranking": 4},
{"year": 2021, "ranking": 2},
{"year": 2022, "ranking": 1},
{"year": 2023, "ranking": 3}
"historicalTrends": {
"matchWinStreaks": 20,
"performanceAgainstTop10Players": 60.2,
"notableUpsets": "Defeated Novak Djokovic in the 2021 US Open final to win his first Grand Slam."
"alexanderZverev": {
"playerOverview": {
"fullName": "Alexander Zverev",
"nationality": "German",
"dateOfBirth": "1997-04-20",
"height": 198,
"weight": 90,
"playingHand": "Right-handed",
"playingStyle": "Aggressive baseline player with strong serve and forehand",
"turnedProYear": 2013
"careerHighlights": {
"totalCareerTitles": 19,
"grandSlamWins": 0,
"olympicMedals": {
"total": 1,
"details": ["Gold in singles at Tokyo 2020"]
"careerPrizeMoney": 30752000,
"careerHighRanking": 2,
"currentRanking": 7,
"yearEndNo1Rankings": []
"headToHeadRecords": {
"totalMatchesPlayed": 15,
"winsByMedvedev": 9,
"winsByZverev": 6,
"winsBySurface": {
"hard": {
"medvedev": 8,
"zverev": 5
"clay": {
"medvedev": 1,
"zverev": 1
"grass": {
"medvedev": 0,
"zverev": 0
"historicalTrends": "Zverev has had success against Medvedev on clay and in crucial matchups."
"performanceStatistics": {
"overallWinPercentage": 69.5,
"serviceStats": {
"aces": 4500,
"doubleFaults": 1600,
"firstServePercentage": 65,
"firstServePointsWon": 75,
"secondServePointsWon": 52
"returnStats": {
"firstServeReturnPointsWon": 33,
"secondServeReturnPointsWon": 51
"tiebreakRecord": "40-30"
"tournamentHistory": {
"grandSlamPerformances": {
"australianOpen": "Semifinalist (2020)",
"frenchOpen": "Semifinalist (2021, 2022)",
"wimbledon": "Fourth Round (2017)",
"usOpen": "Finalist (2020)"
"atpFinalsTitles": 2,
"mastersTitles": 5
"rankingProgression": [
{"year": 2016, "ranking": 24},
{"year": 2017, "ranking": 4},
{"year": 2018, "ranking": 4},
{"year": 2019, "ranking": 7},
{"year": 2020, "ranking": 7},
{"year": 2021, "ranking": 3},
{"year": 2022, "ranking": 4},
{"year": 2023, "ranking": 7}
"historicalTrends": {
"matchWinStreaks": 13,
"performanceAgainstTop10Players": 55.3,
"notableUpsets": "Defeated Novak Djokovic in the semifinals of Tokyo 2020, eventually winning the gold medal."
\ No newline at end of file
"players": {
"rafaelNadal": {
"playerOverview": {
"fullName": "Rafael Nadal Parera",
"nationality": "Spanish",
"dateOfBirth": "1986-06-03",
"height": 185,
"weight": 85,
"playingHand": "Left-handed",
"playingStyle": "Aggressive baseline player with heavy topspin",
"turnedProYear": 2001
"careerHighlights": {
"totalCareerTitles": 92,
"grandSlamWins": 22,
"olympicMedals": {
"total": 2,
"details": {
"goldSingles": 1,
"goldDoubles": 1,
"silver": 0,
"bronze": 0
"careerPrizeMoney": 134640000,
"careerHighRanking": 1,
"currentRanking": 3,
"yearEndNo1Rankings": [2008, 2010, 2013, 2017, 2019]
"headToHeadRecords": {
"totalMatchesPlayed": 6,
"winsByNadal": 5,
"winsByMedvedev": 1,
"winsBySurface": {
"hard": {
"nadal": 4,
"medvedev": 1
"clay": {
"nadal": 1,
"medvedev": 0
"grass": {
"nadal": 0,
"medvedev": 0
"historicalTrends": "Nadal has dominated their encounters, particularly on hard courts."
"performanceStatistics": {
"overallWinPercentage": 83.2,
"serviceStats": {
"aces": 3700,
"doubleFaults": 1600,
"firstServePercentage": 68,
"firstServePointsWon": 74,
"secondServePointsWon": 57
"returnStats": {
"firstServeReturnPointsWon": 34,
"secondServeReturnPointsWon": 56
"tiebreakRecord": {
"played": 320,
"won": 200
"tournamentHistory": {
"grandSlamPerformances": {
"australianOpen": "Winner (2009)",
"frenchOpen": "Winner (2005-2008, 2010-2014, 2017-2020, 2022)",
"wimbledon": "Winner (2008, 2010)",
"usOpen": "Winner (2010, 2013, 2017, 2019)"
"atpFinalsTitles": 0,
"mastersTitles": 36
"rankingProgression": [
{"year": 2005, "ranking": 2},
{"year": 2010, "ranking": 1},
{"year": 2015, "ranking": 5},
{"year": 2020, "ranking": 2}
"historicalTrends": {
"matchWinStreaks": 32,
"performanceAgainstTop10Players": 62.5,
"notableUpsets": "Defeated Roger Federer in the 2008 Wimbledon final."
"daniilMedvedev": {
"playerOverview": {
"fullName": "Daniil Sergeyevich Medvedev",
"nationality": "Russian",
"dateOfBirth": "1996-02-11",
"height": 198,
"weight": 83,
"playingHand": "Right-handed",
"playingStyle": "Counterpuncher with a strong backhand",
"turnedProYear": 2014
"careerHighlights": {
"totalCareerTitles": 20,
"grandSlamWins": 1,
"olympicMedals": {
"total": 0,
"details": {}
"careerPrizeMoney": 29564000,
"careerHighRanking": 1,
"currentRanking": 5,
"yearEndNo1Rankings": []
"headToHeadRecords": {
"totalMatchesPlayed": 6,
"winsByNadal": 5,
"winsByMedvedev": 1,
"winsBySurface": {
"hard": {
"nadal": 4,
"medvedev": 1
"clay": {
"nadal": 1,
"medvedev": 0
"grass": {
"nadal": 0,
"medvedev": 0
"historicalTrends": "Medvedev has struggled against Nadal, with his sole victory on hard court."
"performanceStatistics": {
"overallWinPercentage": 73.4,
"serviceStats": {
"aces": 4200,
"doubleFaults": 1600,
"firstServePercentage": 63,
"firstServePointsWon": 78,
"secondServePointsWon": 52
"returnStats": {
"firstServeReturnPointsWon": 31,
"secondServeReturnPointsWon": 50
"tiebreakRecord": {
"played": 210,
"won": 130
"tournamentHistory": {
"grandSlamPerformances": {
"australianOpen": "Finalist (2021, 2022)",
"frenchOpen": "Quarterfinalist (2021)",
"wimbledon": "Fourth Round (2021)",
"usOpen": "Winner (2021)"
"atpFinalsTitles": 1,
"mastersTitles": 6
"rankingProgression": [
{"year": 2019, "ranking": 4},
{"year": 2020, "ranking": 4},
{"year": 2021, "ranking": 2},
{"year": 2022, "ranking": 1}
"historicalTrends": {
"matchWinStreaks": 20,
"performanceAgainstTop10Players": 55.1,
"notableUpsets": "Defeated Novak Djokovic in the 2021 US Open final."
\ No newline at end of file
File suppressed by a .gitattributes entry or the file's encoding is unsupported.
scp -i "C:/Users/gauth/Desktop/courses/capstone/project-code/capstone-project-deploy/capstone-project-group-8-key.pem" .\ azureuser@
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3.11 python3.11-venv python3.11-dev
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 1
sudo update-alternatives --config python3
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
python3.11 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
sudo apt install unzip
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo service postgresql start
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE DATABASE capstone_project;
CREATE USER postgres1 WITH PASSWORD 'Test1234!';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE capstone_project TO postgres1;
sudo mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE flask_app_db;
CREATE USER 'flask_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Test1234!';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON flask_app_db.* TO 'flask_user'@'localhost';
pip install pymysql
pip install cryptography
sudo ufw allow 5434
sudo ufw allow 5000
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo service mysql start
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "Initial migration"
flask db revision -m "Add users table"
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=150), nullable=False),
sa.Column('email', sa.String(length=150), nullable=False, unique=True),
sa.Column('password_hash', sa.String(length=200)),
sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime, nullable=True),
flask db upgrade'', port=5000, debug=True)
sudo ufw allow 5000
sudo ufw enable
sudo apt install gunicorn nginx -y
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout /etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key \
-out /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: Washington
Locality Name (eg, city) []: Seattle
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: MyCompany
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: IT
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:
Email Address []:
sudo vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
server {
listen 80;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl restart nginx