Vicki Pfau authoredVicki Pfau authored
After you've reviewed these contribution guidelines, you'll be all set to
contribute to this project.
Gym Retro Contribution Guidelines
At this time we are currently accepting the current forms of contributions:
- Bug reports in either the core functionality or game integrations
- Pull requests for core functionality bug fixes
Notably, we are not accepting these forms of contributions:
- New game integrations
- New features
This may change in the future. In the meantime if you wish to integrate new games you are more than welcome to maintain unofficial repositories of additional games.
Issue reports
Please include the following information in your issue reports:
- Operating system
- Python version
- Gym Retro version or git commit
- A detailed description of the issue
Code contributions
Please try to adhere to the existing code style. There is a linter script included at scripts/lint.sh
Gym Retro is written in a PEP 8-compliant code style (minus the line length restriction). Please make sure to maintain this style in any contributions.
There is a .clang-format
file that documents as best as possible the code style for Gym Retro. Please make sure to follow it.