Fix migration ID for “remove account type” migration (#1109)
Good catch @Jackenmen in — I’ve also added a CI check to ensure bad migrations aren’t introduced in the future. I think if you have a budget that has managed to have this migration applied successfully, you’ll need to manually patch `getAppliedMigrations` in `packages/loot-core/src/server/migrate/migrations.ts` and inject a query to remove the old migration ID and insert the new one.
- .github/actions/check-migrations.js 69 additions, 0 deletions.github/actions/check-migrations.js
- .github/workflows/check.yml 10 additions, 0 deletions.github/workflows/check.yml
- packages/loot-core/migrations/1686139660866_remove_account_type.sql 0 additions, 0 deletions...oot-core/migrations/1686139660866_remove_account_type.sql
- upcoming-release-notes/ 6 additions, 0 deletionsupcoming-release-notes/
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