Matiss Janis Aboltins authored
(typescript) fixing strictNullChecks=true issues * Patch test-helpers * Strict patchMatiss Janis Aboltins authored*
(typescript) fixing strictNullChecks=true issues * Patch test-helpers * Strict patch
schedules.ts 7.50 KiB
// @ts-strict-ignore
import type { IRuleOptions } from '@rschedule/core';
import * as monthUtils from './months';
import { q } from './query';
export function getStatus(
nextDate: string,
completed: boolean,
hasTrans: boolean,
) {
const today = monthUtils.currentDay();
if (completed) {
return 'completed';
} else if (hasTrans) {
return 'paid';
} else if (nextDate === today) {
return 'due';
} else if (nextDate > today && nextDate <= monthUtils.addDays(today, 7)) {
return 'upcoming';
} else if (nextDate < today) {
return 'missed';
} else {
return 'scheduled';
export function getHasTransactionsQuery(schedules) {
const filters = schedules.map(schedule => {
const dateCond = schedule._conditions.find(c => c.field === 'date');
return {
$and: {
schedule: schedule.id,
date: {
dateCond && dateCond.op === 'is'
? schedule.next_date
: monthUtils.subDays(schedule.next_date, 2),
return q('transactions')
.filter({ $or: filters })
.orderBy({ date: 'desc' })
.select(['schedule', 'date']);
function makeNumberSuffix(num: number) {
// Slight abuse of date-fns to turn a number like "1" into the full
// form "1st" but formatting a date with that number
return monthUtils.format(new Date(2020, 0, num, 12), 'do');
function prettyDayName(day) {
const days = {
SU: 'Sunday',
MO: 'Monday',
TU: 'Tuesday',
WE: 'Wednesday',
TH: 'Thursday',
FR: 'Friday',
SA: 'Saturday',
return days[day];
export function getRecurringDescription(config, dateFormat) {
const interval = config.interval || 1;
let endModeSuffix = '';
switch (config.endMode) {
case 'after_n_occurrences':
if (config.endOccurrences === 1) {
endModeSuffix = `, once`;
} else {
endModeSuffix = `, ${config.endOccurrences} times`;
case 'on_date':
endModeSuffix = `, until ${monthUtils.format(
const weekendSolveSuffix = config.skipWeekend
? ` (${config.weekendSolveMode} weekend) `
: '';
const suffix = endModeSuffix + weekendSolveSuffix;
switch (config.frequency) {
case 'daily': {
let desc = 'Every ';
desc += interval !== 1 ? `${interval} days` : 'day';
return desc + suffix;
case 'weekly': {
let desc = 'Every ';
desc += interval !== 1 ? `${interval} weeks` : 'week';
desc += ' on ' + monthUtils.format(config.start, 'EEEE');
return desc + suffix;
case 'monthly': {
let desc = 'Every ';
desc += interval !== 1 ? `${interval} months` : 'month';
if (config.patterns && config.patterns.length > 0) {
// Sort the days ascending. We filter out -1 because that
// represents "last days" and should always be last, but this
// sort would put them first
let patterns = [...config.patterns]
.sort((p1, p2) => {
const typeOrder =
(p1.type === 'day' ? 1 : 0) - (p2.type === 'day' ? 1 : 0);
const valOrder = p1.value - p2.value;
if (typeOrder === 0) {
return valOrder;
return typeOrder;
.filter(p => p.value !== -1);
// Add on all -1 values to the end
patterns = patterns.concat(config.patterns.filter(p => p.value === -1));
desc += ' on the ';
const strs: string[] = [];
const uniqueDays = new Set(patterns.map(p => p.type));
const isSameDay = uniqueDays.size === 1 && !uniqueDays.has('day');
for (const pattern of patterns) {
if (pattern.type === 'day') {
if (pattern.value === -1) {
strs.push('last day');
} else {
// Example: 15th day
} else {
const dayName = isSameDay ? '' : ' ' + prettyDayName(pattern.type);
if (pattern.value === -1) {
// Example: last Monday
strs.push('last' + dayName);
} else {
// Example: 3rd Monday
strs.push(makeNumberSuffix(pattern.value) + dayName);
if (strs.length > 2) {
desc += strs.slice(0, strs.length - 1).join(', ');
desc += ', and ';
desc += strs[strs.length - 1];
} else {
desc += strs.join(' and ');
if (isSameDay) {
desc += ' ' + prettyDayName(patterns[0].type);
} else {
desc += ' on the ' + monthUtils.format(config.start, 'do');
return desc + suffix;
case 'yearly': {
let desc = 'Every ';
desc += interval !== 1 ? `${interval} years` : 'year';
desc += ' on ' + monthUtils.format(config.start, 'LLL do');
return desc + suffix;
return 'Recurring error';
export function recurConfigToRSchedule(config) {
const base: IRuleOptions = {
start: monthUtils.parseDate(config.start),
frequency: config.frequency.toUpperCase(),
byHourOfDay: [12],
if (config.interval) {
base.interval = config.interval;
switch (config.endMode) {
case 'after_n_occurrences':
base.count = config.endOccurrences;
case 'on_date':
base.end = monthUtils.parseDate(config.endDate);
const abbrevDay = name => name.slice(0, 2).toUpperCase();
switch (config.frequency) {
case 'daily':
// Nothing to do
return [base];
case 'weekly':
// Nothing to do
return [base];
case 'monthly':
if (config.patterns && config.patterns.length > 0) {
const days = config.patterns.filter(p => p.type === 'day');
const dayNames = config.patterns.filter(p => p.type !== 'day');
return [
days.length > 0 && { ...base, byDayOfMonth: days.map(p => p.value) },
dayNames.length > 0 && {
byDayOfWeek: dayNames.map(p => [abbrevDay(p.type), p.value]),
} else {
// Nothing to do
return [base];
case 'yearly':
return [base];
throw new Error('Invalid recurring date config');
export function extractScheduleConds(conditions) {
return {
conditions.find(cond => cond.op === 'is' && cond.field === 'payee') ||
cond => cond.op === 'is' && cond.field === 'description',
) ||
conditions.find(cond => cond.op === 'is' && cond.field === 'account') ||
conditions.find(cond => cond.op === 'is' && cond.field === 'acct') ||
cond =>
(cond.op === 'is' ||
cond.op === 'isapprox' ||
cond.op === 'isbetween') &&
cond.field === 'amount',
) || null,
cond =>
(cond.op === 'is' || cond.op === 'isapprox') && cond.field === 'date',
) || null,
export function getScheduledAmount(amount) {
if (amount && typeof amount !== 'number') {
return Math.round((amount.num1 + amount.num2) / 2);
return amount;
export function describeSchedule(schedule, payee) {
if (payee) {
return `${payee.name} (${schedule.next_date})`;
} else {
return `Next: ${schedule.next_date}`;