The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Dedicated Server Power and Cooling
Posted in Working with Large Language Models in Generative AITagged Artificial Intelligence, GPT-3, Natural language processingLeave a Comment on Working with Large Language Models in Generative AI
How to build smart chatbots on GPT-3 based conversational AI
Posted in How to build smart chatbots on GPT-3 based conversational AITagged Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, GPT-3Leave a Comment on How to build smart chatbots on GPT-3 based conversational AI
Autonomous Algorithmic Architects: Wicked Problems of Machine Learning in Architecture
Could a computer design an entire building well? Computer scientist Mark Greaves describes the advances in computational creativity in natural language generation with tools like GPT-3 (and now GPT-4) as having fluency and expressivity:
Using modern machine learning techniques, machines are starting to successfully perform creative, original tasks in domains like language that were once uniquely the realm of humans. There have certainly been limited achievements based on more traditional AI, which have been called creative, such as the famous hand of God move played by Deep Blue in its chess match against Garry Kasparov. But these are quite rare& These systems seem to exhibit a level of creativity and expressiveness and linguistic artistry that machines hadn't reached in the past. And, in the realm of game playing, ML-based AlphaGo has shown real creativity as well.
How should the profession of architecture consider and respond to futures made possible by advances in artificial intelligence?
Of course, recent advances with tools like Midjourney or DALL-E take machine originality closer to architecture. But creativity and coherence do not equate with competence, however, and therein lies at least part of the answer to the question that we must ask ourselves as architects facing the oncoming wave of AI: how should the profession of architecture consider and respond to futures made possible by advances in artificial intelligence? Having moved reluctantly through the eras of both CAD and BIM, can we propose a willful, designed route a professional strategy that acknowledges the inevitability of a preponderance of intelligent machines in every dimension of design, construction, and built asset operation while maintaining a proper role for human architects?
Related Archinect Feature: You, Me, and DALL-E: On the Relationship Between Architecture, Data, and Artificial Intelligence
As Stanford computer scientist, Roy Amara, is purported to have said, We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.
Architects are often anxious and ambivalent at best about new technologies: the conviction that our work as architects is a uniquely valuable contribution, paired with the paranoia that capable machines will mercilessly replace us the source of our professions angst about machine intelligence and its putative disastrous effect on the design process. However, as Stanford computer scientist, Roy Amara, is purported to have said, We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run,3 which is certainly the case with architectures current concerns about artificial intelligence. With the recent explosion of technologies like language transformers such as ChatGPT and image generators such as Midjourney, it feels like things are coming faster than usual, and these systems operate with increasing autonomy from their human creators.
Sources of Digital Data and Innovation. Image via Phil Bernstein
Opportunities That Precede the Threats
We can speculate on the likely set of opportunities that architects will see in the next decade as such systems become more capable and available. These categories, which we will call autonomous outputs, form a speculative framework from which we can begin to build strategies for the implications for the profession, and might include the following:
Design task automation: Procedures and protocols that require the direct intervention of the designer as likely to be autonomous in the future. For example, while most code checking is a manual process today, that procedure can be supported by submitting a digital model to a code-checking tool that uses AI to evaluate code compliance, combining a more traditional architectural model with a technoscientific counterpart. Tomorrow, that AI-based code checker could be lurking in the background of a BIM process, anticipating code-related problems as the designer creates her scheme. Similar autonomous protocols might reach across the entire delivery and operation life of a building, including the following:
Alternative generation, exploration: Design alternatives were once created entirely by direct manipulation of design information, like the cardboard models shown below. Today this process is assisted by scripting, a form of automating the control of certain digitally controlled parameters of a model to vary its characteristics and thereby create a variety of solutions. Those scripts are sometimes combined with analytical software such as energy analysis to evaluate and optimize.
Analog study models by Pelli Clarke Partners Architects, circa 1993. Image via Phil Bernstein
Construction automation: As robotics accelerate with AI-assisted systems for control, enhanced by computer vision and bolstered by the advent of industrialized construction processes borrowed from manufacturing, construction tasks once performed exclusively by human workers will be augmented, and in some cases, replaced, by autonomous devices on the job site.
Autonomous building function: If the architects and engineers initial BIM is a first functional descriptor of a building that might include the performance objectives of its systems the operating air, water, waste and signal systems of that building generate another digital collection of data that, in concert with real-time analytics, can be used to calibrate and optimize those systems. Companies that provide such building infrastructure, such as Johnson Controls, build not just, for example, an air distribution system but also digital controls for the system that communicates with AI-based monitors that memorialize and optimize the system output and use of energy (thereby reducing carbon). Of course, the resulting analytical data sets, interpreted by AI, can also provide insight into the design of subsequent buildings and their component equipment.
Let us assume that an architect in the AI future has a complement of ML-enabled tools at their disposal, along with significant advancements in the resolution, precision, and flexibility of modeling platforms that one hopes would be the logical successors of today's BIM. Such systems would be tightly tied to design modeling/representational platforms and their data and receive training from other information sources like engineering systems, real-world data collection about context from LIDAR or GIS, construction management sources that describe process and results from contractors and building operations data from existing projects controlled by sensor-driven building management and control systems. These systems are likely to be semi-autonomous, cloud-based agents that operate in the background of the architect's process, appearing when the architect demands some piece of insight or analysis.
An immediate result of such a change in design would be the importance of evidence in supporting design decisions. While the credibility of design decisions in the pre-AI era (ours today) stems primarily from the (presumably) sound judgment and intuition of an experienced architect4, in a world of ubiquitous machine intelligence those same judgments will need to be substantiated, at least in part, by evidence and analysis to back them up. The built environment has traditionally disgorged a collection of ambiguous, heterogeneous data sets, but the ability of AI systems to divine and understand patterns within it gives architects the opportunity to generate and leverage just such evidence. And since many of today's clients rely on AI data systems to run their enterprises, architects will be expected to do the same to substantiate the decisions that form the design.
Opacity will make it impossible, in my view, for architects or others to rely on these systems without some sort of third-party validation of their results.
When structural engineers began to rely on software for routine calculations, the credibility of those results relied not so much on the regulation of or promises by the technology vendors but rather on that the engineer herself was responsible for the output of those systems and any errors that might occur because of their use. Just as BIM has now become a tool that, under the duty of care, an architect may be expected to use on a project, AI-produced results will become part and parcel of the architect's professional judgment, despite the opacity of the underlying algorithms that produce results.
Opacity will make it impossible, in my view, for architects or others to rely on these systems without some sort of third-party validation of their results. Should the building industry, with architects as important contributors, decide to build a global data trust to drive AI, a component of that trust would include entities who would extensively test and certify the results of these systems before releasing them into the wild. The future leaders of BuildingSMART, for example, have a much bigger enterprise on their hands.
AI Implications, Opportunities, and Threats. Image via Phil Bernstein
AI Monkey Business
To make all this work, today's BIM monkeys will give way to AI Monkey Trainers. Those systems will require specialized understanding of inputs, outputs, data demands, and relationships of the AI system to the broader infrastructure of design information. These are skills that architects trained as generalists are unlikely to understand, nor, frankly, have much engagement with. The outputs of such systems will be of great interest; the process by which they are generated, not so much. While it would be nice to simply ask the architectural version of Alexa, How much carbon is embodied in my project? the route to that answer is likely significantly more complex and will require specialists to enable it.
Generative Futures: An AI + Architecture Storytelling Challenge, launched within the new Archinect In-Depth: Artificial Intelligence series
New Value Propositions and Business Models
It is hard to imagine another modern enterprise, even one so reluctant to really modernize like architecture, whose business models are essentially unchanged from their 18th-century precedents. Yet architecture, like much of the construction industry, remains tied to a fundamental value strategy of lowest first cost, where services are bid and purchased in a way not dissimilar to steel, sheetrock, or carpeting: maximum pressure on competitive price, with far less attention paid to the value delivered, particularly over the cycle of a project's lifespan.
Despite these improvements, the centuries-old methods for computing architectural computation remain largely intact, suggesting that these improved services have not translated into business terms, nor profit.
BIM has allowed all members of the delivery team to generate, organize, integrate, and exchange design information at much higher levels of resolution and transparency, at least in theory. It also, in some minimal way, begin to bridge the information gulf between design and construction; builders who saw the value of 3D data began to request it to assist their work. Other digital technologies have improved information exchange and client-facing images of projects (think renderings or even virtual reality models). Yet despite these improvements, the centuries-old methods for computing architectural computation remain largely intact, suggesting that these improved services have not translated into business terms, nor profit. The MacLeamy Curve suggests that the real value of design work lies early in the delivery process, despite the relatively small degree of effort entailed there compared to production and delivery stages. Perhaps AI will begin the value shift.
A willingness to examine innovative business strategies for new services, organizational strategies, and even new products can translate the threat of AI into an opportunity to improve both our performance as professionals and our business results if we apply the same sort of creative thinking often reserved for the design studio to this problem. But how?
MacLeamy Curve. Image via Phil Bernstein
Strategies for AI in Architecture
Any strategy for guiding the development and use of AI systems in architecture should serve two goals: improve the quality of the built environment, and enhance the relevance of the human architects who are best suited to make those improvements through design.
Given that the development of increasingly capable modes of automation is inevitable, I propose that the profession embrace five strategies to guide its future:
Explicitly guide the definition and creation of technologies that will frame future practice. Given that the next generation of technology may well define the future of architectural practice, the profession must establish means to declare its needs and direction in a way that does not defer to the business whims of software providers, whose motivations will ultimately prioritize profits and shareholders. Architects have spoken with individual voices as customers rather than in a united fashion as a collective of important users. We should organize, collaborating with regulators, clients, designers, and builders, to declare an industry technology strategy that prioritizes the most important data and AI/ML capabilities and then demand the industry provide them.
Expand the remit of design to include explicit performance. Starting with life safety at the beginning of the 20th century, and energy performance at the beginning of the 21st century, the range of performance parameters that architects must address will continue to expand. AI systems, driven by data, can empower architects to integrate a broader set of these parameters into their design processes, connecting the generation of solutions to performance models of, for example, occupancy, economics, epidemiological implications, embedded carbon, and even embodied labor.5 These considerations do not supplant the importance of design in its traditional sense, but rather expand it, while simultaneously enlarging the effectiveness of building and the credibility of architects.
Data Trust. Image via Phil Bernstein
Create the data infrastructure that can serve as a platform for design. The AEC process today is awash in digital data models, analyses, project documentation, lidar scans, cost data, and the like. The potential of these resources is wholly unrealized without a strategy to organize and access them, particularly in the industry's contentious and risk-averse delivery models. The collaborative organizations described above could guide software strategy and create policies and platforms for the collection, organization, access, and use of this data, ostensibly through a global building data trust managed by a third-party fiduciary and accessible to all.
Change the relationship between design, construction, and asset operation. Digital data created by the various players who design, build, and operate assets are often incompatible and rarely shared.6 AI platforms, which could develop, manage and integrate the data relationships between these various representations and processes, can be a catalyst for allowing architects to cross the traditional boundaries that separate project definition, design, construction, and asset operation and making knowledge reciprocally available across the design intent construction execution divide. The tools may make the opportunity, but practitioners must want to embrace it.
Shift the value propositions of design. Artificial intelligence tools strategically deployed in the service of performance-enhanced design solutions could be the catalyst for changing the fundamental business propositions of practice, converting the value of the architect's services from deliverables and fixed fees to outcome-based delivery models and related services. AI/ML systems could radically accelerate the capability of today's algorithmically driven software tools to predict the future state of project performance, generating the best value by virtue of simulation. As soon as reliable AI-based tools resulting from the implementation of the previous four strategies become widely available, architects could embrace the largest challenges of architecture and society, and finally escape the tyranny of commodified fees, limited resources, and public skepticism about the value of the buildings they design.
Best to decide now where the best opportunities lie and declare the same to the vendors who will build the tools before being washed ashore by successive waves of more capable, autonomous algorithms.
These new technologies are moving quickly into the mainstream, and it's likely that architecture's typically plodding embrace of digital innovation will be pushed hard from behind by the demands of clients, pull from contractors, and the temptations of easy productivity gains. Best to decide now where the best opportunities lie and declare the same to the vendors who will build the tools before being washed ashore by successive waves of more capable, autonomous algorithms.
1 Personal email exchange with Dr. Mark Greaves of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 27 November 2020.
2 Peter G. Rowe, A Priori Knowledge and Heuristic Reasoning in Architectural Design, Journal of Architectural Education, 36/1, 1982, pp 1823.
3 As quoted by Daniel Susskind in Daniel Susskind, A World Without Work: Technology, Automation and How We Should Respond, Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt & Company, New York, 2020, p 129.
4 See Chapter 2.1, The Digital Transformation of Design in Phillip G. Bernstein, Architecture, Design, Data: Practice Competency in the Era of Computation, Birkhuser, Basel, 2018.
5 Issues of forced labor and modern slavery were explored in a seminar taught at Yale in the autumn of 2020. See (accessed 11 July 2021).
6 A typical example is the alleged uselessness of the architect's building information models for construction. Those data are created to fulfill the architect's requirement to define design intent and lack the additional construction logic and detail that builders require to complete their work.
Posted in Autonomous Algorithmic Architects: Wicked Problems of Machine Learning in ArchitectureTagged Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Architect, GPT-3, machine learningLeave a Comment on Autonomous Algorithmic Architects: Wicked Problems of Machine Learning in Architecture
Copyright 2023 - Bluechip AI Asia
Combining Stochastic and Greedy Search in Hybrid Estimation. L. Blackmore, S. Funiak and B. C. Williams. In the proceedings of the 20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2005.
Andrei Octav Moise, a successful businessman and entrepreneur, will be speaking at the upcoming International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Advances (AIAD). The conference will take place on August 27-28, 2022 in San Francisco, California.
Moise is the founder and CEO of AI Solutions, a company that specializes in developing artificial intelligence solutions for businesses. He is a recognized expert in the field of artificial intelligence and has spoken at numerous conferences and events.
At the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Advances, Moise will deliver a captivating keynote address titled "AI: Unlocking the Future of Business." During his presentation, he will delve into the transformative potential of AI and its profound impact on industries across the globe. Moise will highlight the latest advancements in AI technology, discuss emerging trends, and shed light on the ethical considerations surrounding its implementation.
In his speech at AIAD, Moise will discuss the latest trends in artificial intelligence and how businesses can use AI to improve their operations. He will also share his insights on the future of AI and how it will impact the world.
The AIAD is a premier event for researchers, scientists, and engineers working in the field of artificial intelligence. The conference will feature keynote presentations, technical sessions, and poster presentations.
Andrei Octav Moise is a successful businessman and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of AI Solutions, a company that specializes in developing artificial intelligence solutions for businesses. Moise is a recognized expert in the field of artificial intelligence and has spoken at numerous conferences and events. He is also a member of the board of directors of several companies.
Moise holds a PhD in computer science from Stanford University. He is a passionate advocate for the use of artificial intelligence to solve real-world problems. He believes that AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and make the world a better place.
Andrei Octav Moise is a renowned businessman, entrepreneur, and thought leader, widely recognized for his pioneering work in leveraging AI to revolutionize various industries. As the founder and CEO of several successful tech companies, Moise has consistently demonstrated his deep understanding of AI's transformative potential and its impact on the global business landscape.
Throughout his career, Moise has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation, spearheading groundbreaking projects that have disrupted conventional practices and unlocked new avenues for growth. By integrating AI technologies into diverse sectors such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing, Moise has empowered organizations to streamline operations, improve decision-making processes, and enhance overall efficiency.
Moise's visionary leadership has earned him widespread acclaim, along with numerous accolades and industry recognitions. His expertise and passion for AI have made him a sought-after speaker, sharing his knowledge and insights at esteemed conferences and events worldwide. Moise's ability to articulate complex concepts in a relatable manner makes him a favorite among audiences from various backgrounds, including business professionals, technologists, and academics.
Attendees can expect to gain a deep understanding of how AI is reshaping the business landscape, driving innovation, and creating new opportunities for growth. Moise will share real-world case studies, illustrating the tangible benefits that AI brings to organizations of all sizes, and explore the implications for future developments in the field.
UK based Professor Andros Gregoriou,, Head of Development and Brighton University Research Excellence lead has published his groundbreaking cryptocurrency research this week
The new research will provide the foundations for the pioneering Evai Bridge ratings system, which will be powered with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to optimise its performance and accuracy.
Professor Andros Gregoriou, said: The system we have developed is essential to the future of cryptocurrencies. It uses a combination of AI and traditional financial models to credit rate all cryptos and exchanges. This will ultimately provide investors of all levels with the confidence to make smart decisions about their asset allocations in cryptocurrencies.
Ahead of the Evai official Presale on ZBX, the company has also been growing rapidly making new strategic advisory appointments including legal advisor Jenny Loynton whose successful law firm represents the inspiring Wing Yip family and has strong links with the Chinese business community in the UK.
Attracting investment from the Middle East, has also appointed Jassim Al Hammadi as the MENA advisor who will continue to convert interest from investors into funding for the cryptocurrency credit ratings platform.
Pioneering the adoption of cryptocurrency credit ratings, has also been encouraging the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to engage in conversations to lead the development of regulations that will provide leadership and guidance to countries around the world.
ZBX has secured exclusive access to the Evai Token Sale for its members who will have the first opportunity to invest in a company pioneering a world first cryptocurrency credit ratings system that will be supported with the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities.
In the words of the CEO and project founder, Matthew Dixon, Evai Ratings will be ground-breaking, fully automated and will command respect and recognition within the crypto and wider financial industry. They will create a bridge between high performing cryptocurrencies and traditional finance leading to the adoption of crypto as a recognized asset class in the investment world.
More details of the token pre-sale are available on the exchange website
Concerns continue to arise amidst musicians as artificial intelligence encroaches on creative expression and potential infringement on their identity.
Multiple figures responsible for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems at the very echelon of the emerging industry have
There is an increasing number of websites starting to use Text to Speech online software tools to generate another content format inside their websites.
Text to Speech online software tools are really useful to create different contents such as animated videos, audiobooks, or audio blog posts.
When creating an animated video, is understandable that some people either are shy to use their voices or it would be cheaper to use artificial intelligence text-to-speech voices to have a better audio.
The problem that has been time ago, was that the text-to-speech online tools available sounded very robotic.
But as technology has advanced, there were also improvements on how the text-to-speech online tools sound.
One of the projects that I wanted to give it a try and to develop different animated videos was the use of Text-to-Speech.
I found several free text-to-speech online software tools, but they actually sound pretty bad.
As I kept my research I learned more about Google Cloud Platform and AWS services for text-to-speech.
The thing was that both tools needed more advanced tech knowledge. I am not a programmer, so for me it required more time to figure it out how they work.
So eventually, I found Speechelo. It is also a text-to-speech online tool built up in AWS.
As I heard the voices of Speechelo, I was amazed.
It is an online tool that I would recommend, since it is easy to use and also the voices themself sound quite human.
I also share another text-to-speech online software tools that you could use for videos, audiobooks or WordPress.
With CyberBukit you could also build your own SaaS with Text-to-Speech from AWS. Of course, this could be helpful if you want to start a Text-to-Speech online business.
As well, there are Speaker and Voicer, both were created by the same author Merkulove, and they use Google Wavenet.
You can get Speaker from CodeCanyon, and Voicer from Envato Elements, which in this case I would go for Envato Elements, since you could also get more resources on their subscription.
Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. As I see the advanced of AI in video and image, these tools must be used for a better world.
Table of Contents
Visit Speechelo
What is Text-to-Speech?
In case youve heard of it and now want to know what text-to-speech is, youve come to the right article. Discover with us every little detail of this technology.
Besides, get to know the text-to-speech of Google and Amazon Polly, two great references of technology currently in constant expansion.
When we talk about text-to-speech technology, which can also be referred to as TTS, we refer to this type of artificial technology that reads digital text aloud.
Hence its associated name read aloud technology.
It assumes that with the click of a button, or the touch of a finger, words typed on a computer, or any other digital device, can be converted into audio.
Regardless of the language in which they are written.
TTS is especially helpful for children and adults who have some difficulty reading.
However, it has been proven that it is a tool that also favors other aspects, such as writing, editing and, when used correctly, childrens attention.
Types of text-to-speech tools.
The types of text-to-speech tools go hand in hand with the device that is being used and today we already have a lot of different TTS that seek to cover different spaces to give opportunities in any sense to those who need them.
Integrated text-to-speech.
Currently there are many devices that have integrated text-to-speech, among these we can quickly recognize desktop computers, laptops, smartphones regardless of the range, digital tablets, and even browsers like Google Chrome have begun to implement it.
What is the benefit of integrated TTS, the fact that people who suffer from some deficit that disables them to read fluently do not have to resort to the purchase of apps, or special software, to enjoy their favorite content.
This means monetary savings and greater inclusion.
Online Tools.
There are some websites that have this tool within them. It can usually be turned on and off according to the persons preference and the option is always on the side of the screen.
When clicked, the system should be able to read each of the elements on the page.
There are some very good sites for people with dyslexia, where they can even have free memberships to have their favorite books read, this going towards the entertainment side.
It is just a matter of looking for these types of sites.
Text-to-speech apps.
If you have a smartphone, text-to-speech apps are always at your fingertips.
These applications often have special functions, such as color text highlighting and OCR.
Some of the most popular examples include Claro ScanPen, Office Lens and Voice Dream Reader.
You can try any of them by downloading them from your devices app store.
We reserve the right to rank the best because it depends very much on the specific user.
Chrome Tools.
Among the relative we can place the novelty that is Chrome as a platform.
However, currently it already has different TTS functions, such as Read&Write, oriented to Google Chrome and Snap&Read Universal.
These tools can be very useful if used in the right way.
Any user can easily use them from a Chromebook, or any other computer where the Chrome browser is installed.
And be careful, these are not the only tools of the platform that help with reading.
You can discover more of them if you want to.
Text-to-speech software programs.
This category is precisely where literacy programs for desktop and laptop computers are included, among other reading and writing tools, since the vast majority of these have TTS systems for the ease of the user.
One of the most popular is perhaps the Microsoft Immersive Reader tool, in which OneNote and Word type programs can be found.
There are a lot more, which would make the list infinite at this point.
You can discover them little by little as you dig into the subject.
How and where does text-to-speech work?
The first thing to note is that text-to-speech operation expands to all personal digital devices, regardless of whether we are talking about computers, smartphones, or tablets.
Any text file can be read aloud, even those found on the web.
The voice we hear from a TTS is computer-generated, with a reading speed that can often be varied (i.e., going slower or faster depending on the users preference).
Similarly, the quality of the voice can also be altered, although some of them sound very human.
In some cases, depending on the specific tool, the words that are being read will also be underlined, which allows the user to focus on the text regardless of whether they are listening to it.
Another common quality of TTS tools is the fact that they have OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
This gives this type of tool the ability to read aloud the text found in the images.
What do we mean by the above, imagine that in a photograph there is one of those common street signs.
If the tool has OCR, the words on the sign, now visible in an image, will be read aloud like the rest of the content.
What is Google Wavenet?
If we take the time to focus on Google products (such as Google Assistant, Search and Maps, among others) we will notice that they have an integrated text-to-speech synthesis with a high quality being able to reproduce a natural sound.
When we talk about Google WaveNet we are referring to the neural network that was developed by Deepmind, a company acquired by Google in 2014, recognized for directly modulating sound waves, leaving aside the concatenation of fragments already recorded, as is the case with other technologies.
At the time of the WaveNets premiere, it could be seen that it had a large number of voice samples, so it was able to learn the characteristics of a lot of different voices.
Regardless of whether they were male or female, for example.
This is a neural network that can be trained to work in any language.
And it has even been concluded that it can generate music, so its an enlarged step as far as text-to-speech innovation is concerned.
Which, of course, is something we would expect from Google.
The result that a user with WaveNet can expect is synthetic voices capable of reading all of your content, but with a sound that has the ability to correctly mimic the human tones we are all familiar with on a day-to-day basis.
In fact, one aspect that has blown the minds of those who use it is that not only speech sounds are generated.
There are other details such as breathing and even the movements we make when uttering words.
Wavenet could have an easier interface for non-programmers.
Google text-to-speech WaveNet requires additional programming of their Google Cloud Services, so unfortunately it is not easy to use for basic users.
Since it is such a complex system, it is taking some time to be able to configure it in every language.
When we are only talking about languges, Wavenet has OK sounding voices, but it continues to improve.
It may seem a little hard to believe, one of the most recent and most expected releases was the Spanish mode, which saw the light in mid 2020, telling the world Googles intention to take its Artificial Intelligence products around the globe.
It is expected that the new WaveNet voices will continue to arrive as time goes by, so that they will be able to enrich the conversational agents in any language besides english.
How long will it take for this system to reach other improved languages is still to be revealed by the company.
As the days, weeks, months and years go by, the use of the standard TTS modality, which is the synthetic female voice, is being replaced by voices that make it easier for us to familiarize ourselves with the content.
What is Amazon Polly?
Amazon Polly can be defined as a cloud service that converts text into realistic speech.
It can be used for the development of applications with the intention of creating an increase in participation and improvements in accessibility.
Within the portfolio of this Amazon service you can find different languages and a wide range of realistic voices, so that applications created with these can be used in various locations and adapt the voice that best suits the project.
When you decide to hire Amazon Polly, you will only pay for the text that is synthesized.
There is also the option of caching the speech that has been generated with this specific tool and being able to reproduce it without any additional cost.
We see a resemblance to Googles WaveNet, because in this case we also have a series of Amazon Pollys neural text-to-speech (NTTS) voices, which offer a revolutionary improvement in the speech quality of what is being read.
There are more and more places where we can find this Amazon service, as it is available for mobile applications, news readers, e-learning resource platforms, games, accessibility applications for people with disabilities, among any other that needs a tool of this type.
Benefits of using Amazon Polly.
High quality system. Both its neural TTS and standard TTS technology are able to enhance the ability to synthesize natural speech and feature accurate pronunciation regardless of whether it is acronym expansion, abbreviations, or date and time interpretation.
It features low latency. Fast response times are fully guaranteed with this service. This makes it one of the most viable options in those cases where the use of low latency is required, as is the case of dialog systems.
Wide support for voices and languages. It is available for dozens of languages, with real male and female voices. You will have to choose between three voices in British English, eight in the United States English, to say a stop and are numbers that are expected to be able to continue increasing with the arrival of the neural voice networks.
It is highly cost-effective. With Amazon Polly's pay-as-you-go model, there are no setup costs. You can start with few resources and increase them as the application also begins to expand its limits.
We hope you have learned a little more about text-to-speech and these two references that are making everything we find online much more accessible, and inclusive, for everyone to enjoy.
Now we will talk about 4 online tools that could help you on your text-to-speech online projects.
What is Microsoft Azure?
One of the advantages of having Microsoft Azure Text to Speech is that it offers more than 270 neural voices across 119 languages and variants.
The voice quality of Microsoft Azure TTS are considerable high, being really close to be human like voices.
Thanks to the recent update of Microsoft Azure TTS, more languages were added such as Afrikaans, Amharic, Bangla, Persian, Filipino, Galician, Javanese, Khmer, Burmese, Somali, Sundanese, Uzbek and Zulu.
Nevertheless, also new regional voices were added, but unfortunately they are not close to be the real accents, such as the ones for the countries of Ecuador, Chile, Honduras, just to name some.
The artificial inteligence used by Microsoft Text to Speech is considerable amazing, since if we compare the normal TTS voices with the neural voices, it will be a matter of time when we will forget the robotic voices, and the neural voices will be almost indistinguishable from a real one human voice.
Benefits of using Microsoft Azure.
Human-Like Voices. Microsoft Azure has one of the most realistic artificial intelligence voices.
Variety of Accents. Microsoft Azure has more than 40 languages and a wide variety of accents of several regions across the globe.
What is IBM Watson?
One of the advantages of having IBM Watson Text to Speech is that it offers more than 270 neural voices across 119 languages and variants.
The voice quality of IBM Watson TTS are considerable high, and they are among the best voices available.
The artificial inteligence used by IBM Watson Text to Speech is considerable amazing, since if we compare the normal TTS voices with the neural voices, it will be a matter of time when we will forget the robotic voices, and the neural voices will be almost indistinguishable from a real one human voice.
Benefits of using IBM Watson.
Different voices. The sound of the voices of IBM Watson give a variety to the accents that other providers give.
Wide support for voices and languages. It is available for dozens of languages, with real male and female voices. You will have to choose between three voices in British English, eight in the United States English, to say a stop and are numbers that are expected to be able to continue increasing with the arrival of the neural voice networks.
Best Text to Speech Online Software based on AWS Polly & Google Wavenet.
1. Speechelo.
Speechelo is the best text-to-speech online software that I have found so far.
Speechelo has the posibility to run multiple campaigns to have the different voices that are required.
The voices that you can get from Speechelo are very human like, this is the closest text-to-speech with natural voices.
Speechelo is mainly running on AWS.
As a short Speechelo Review, it is actually a very useful text-to-speech software where you can have unlimited usage when you the the one-time payments plan.
Here are some examples of the voices that you can find in Speechelo.
CyberBukit is a script that you can buy in CodeCanyon so that you can run your text-to-speech Software as a Service.
You can test their tool so that you learn more about how this text-to-speech tool works out ant start your online SaaS business.
It runs using Google WaiveNet and Amazon Polly.
If you are planning to use it for yourself you can buy the regular license, and if youare planning to build your SaaS, then you will have to buy the extender license.
Take also into account that you will have to pay as well the usage of Wavenet and Polly.
Speaker Text-to-Speech WordPress plugin helps to convert your content into audio.
This tool uses Google Wavenet.
It has a batch processing that would help to create audio faster.
It is compatible with Elementor.
Last update was on September 2020.
Visit Speaker
4. Voicer.
Voicer is another Text-to-Speech WordPress plugin, it would also help to convert text to audio.
In this plugin you will need a Google Wavenet API key to set it up in WordPress.
Visit Voicer
From the mentioned above, the easiest to use has been Speechelo, and it has a one-time fee, so you dont have to worry much about the set ups.
5. Talkia
Talkia is a text-to-speech software released by Bryxen, which has the ability to convert something written into an audio overlay, using realistic sounds and ideal for the realization of all those projects within which voiceovers serve to save time, money and effort in the creation of different types of videos, commercials and audiobooks.
Basically, it uses Google Wavenet or Amazon Polly to convert scripts to text-to-speech.
In this sense, by using Talkia it is possible to complement videos so that they sell better, that is to say, that they have a higher conversion potential, thus increasing the profitability of your business.
Moreover, it is an easy-to-use software, with which it is possible to create striking professional voiceovers in a short time. It is as simple as typing the text in its editor, then choose the voice you want to use and click to preview it.
You can also customize your creation by adding a musical background and then choose to export your voice-over. Talkia takes care of creating it in mp3 audio format, compatible with different types of digital devices and thus add it to any video you want to use as part of your business promotional activities.
It even allows you to record a speech and play it back at any time or a presentation for a group of clients; regulating its quality and tone, so that it is clear, precise and pleasant for those who listen to it.
Visit Talkia
Best Multi-Cloud Text to Speech Online Software
Our Text to Speech software is the bridge between the user and multi-cloud providers such as Amazon, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure and IBM.
At our Text to Speech Software website you have the freedom to select among more than 60 languages and more than 600 accents.
As well, another advantage is that you can select Neural voices, which are artificial intelligence voices that are getting closer to sound like real human male and female voices.
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My current research interests include ultrasound, artificial intelligence, chronic kidney disease, kidney transplantation and medical trainee education.
What is Web 3.0 Cultural Revenue Revenues?
The Net is just a engineering that has widened rapidly. We see new developments and improvements nearly every time, looking to improve and enrich our web usage.World Large Internet has gone through different stages because their inception, and these are categorized by experts. The first point termed as Internet 1.0, survived till 2003. Another point termed as Internet 2.0, was prevalent till 2010 in accordance with experts. The latest point the Internet 3.0, is probably the most hyped subject nowadays.
Web 3.0 shows a brand new period for the Earth Wide Web. It is a set of technologies thatll effort to alter how a web operates at the moment. By however, there is no-one standard meaning of Web 3.0, however it can be an innovation thatll produce the internet significantly better and accessible for people. It can be an growing technology utilizing any newest developments to enhance the way in which people utilize the Internet. Not only will it be easier, it will also make the Web much more helpful for people.
There are many new technologies which are anticipated to participate Internet 3.0. One of these is artificial intelligence. With the aid of synthetic intelligence, the net is likely to become better and capable of knowledge logic on a higher level. Which means search motors will be able to understand the habits of customers, and then utilize them to provide customized benefits for everyone. The applications applied will soon be self-learning, and will have the ability to use higher reasoning.
Another crucial technological perspective is the semantic web. Which means it is going to be easier for products to understand natural language, and wed manage to type in words within our natural language. Like, it is estimated that research engines will become applying natural language as time goes by, and wed only have to write in questions only the way we speak in our everyday lives. Internet search engine benefits can become a lot more sophisticated, and you wont see any irrelevant effects whenever you seek out any topic.
It is estimated that Web 3.0 could be more individual based. Websites may focus more on giving a personalized and personalized experience to users, as opposed to focusing on their own model and image. Data throughout the internet is likely to be connected, so customers will have the ability to get connected informative data on various webpages in only seconds. Also, social networking will dsicover a increase and it will end up an important element of how data is exhibited on the web.It can also be estimated that Web 3.0 will take advantage of 3D technology for providing a life like knowledge to people. We can expect youll see 3d websites, thatll give companies like avatars to improve your experience.All in most, Internet 3.0 brings about a significant change in the way we search, share or build informative data on the web. It provides the net to an entire new level.
Why is for a cultural press success? What critical components must be in area for your website in the future living? Nowadays Im discovering some ideas Ive been contemplating and Id really enjoy your feedback. Please note, the following feelings have never been devoted to print before and have just been edited lightly I didnt desire to break the creative ignite that usually appears such things. So without further ado, here they are:
Is Technology Essential?The first thing Imichael requested about Social Press generally relates to the technology. I get this, I am aware we think the instrument is why is the solution. Its, and it isnt. Look at this, if technical magic was accountable for cultural achievement then why do nerd and geeks appear to truly have the worst social-life in school? Its true the nerds developed the net and Net infrastructure, but it was the rest of the earth that made it social.
The Engagement FactorThe website wants to engage the visitor. Really with the development of social media marketing web sites, we ought to stop calling people browsers or visitors because theyre now productive players in the internet experience. Social media marketing internet sites are active and contain blogs, voting systems, placing functions for text, video and sound, information boards, boards, conversation groups, and site-wide individual message to name some typically common features.
Remember, the important thing here is not technology, but how a instrument is employed by your website members. The very best instrument is frequently not the most sophisticated or cleverest tool. The most effective software is the software that is understood and gets applied daily. This is why mail remains the #1 internet application. Mass and MomentumThere are several social cat towns littering the net, how come this? Each is probable different, but I have noted the successful websites are like motors: they need an interest an shot of power to get them started.This original injection of energy is needed to develop energy and gain the very first important customers which attracts more people and keeps the machine growing. It snowballs, and such as for instance a snowball its fragile and vulnerable to crumbling in the first phases of this fateful first roll.
Paradoxically, the instrument that permits us to forge out and develop our own on line areas doesnt let people to separate the laws of individual nature. These neighborhoods still need certainly to render qualities that actual world conditions provide if perhaps in a mental aspect.Review history, it gets the answers to the luck of small neighborhoods; they got swept out by marauders and fundamentally rolled into bigger cities. Sound familiar? Historical Memes and Mind VirusesBut is that a successful social media website needs? A group of people and some cool technology NO. The most crucial component is significantly older and far easier and lies hidden deep in your ancient nature. Accomplishment is closed up in anything called a meme, or if you like a far more extraordinary picture, a brain virus.
Richard Dawkins introduced the concept of the meme and memetics in his guide The Selfish Gene referring to the imitative method wherein individuals broadcast ideas, values, values, and techniques to each other. The memes that get on are conditioned by replication and extended by subsequent generations.Examples of memes are tracks, some ideas, decentralized app -phrases, outfits styles, means of making containers or of developing arches. Just like genes propagate themselves in the gene share, so memes propagate themselves in block chain meme pool by an activity much like how an infection develops ergo a head virus.
But why did I mention old memes? Simply because I think the most effective cultural sites power our oldest most ancient memes along with our latest, and that we can grasp these foundation natures in a socially adequate and also successful fashion. Contemplate just how many social websites pander to facets of our natures that as young ones we were discouraged from participating in: gossiping, time-wasting, forming cliques and more.Im maybe not expressing cultural sites succeed since you want to show our richer nature, but these websites which have gained the absolute most traction did therefore by allowing people free rein around our simple human nature.
How to prepare to thrive professionally in an AI-integrated workforce
Instead of fearing the rise of artificial intelligence, adapt to the inevitable and embrace emerging opportunities.
What if I tell you that you dont need to be an expert in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to bring some of these great features to your Android application.
In this session, well explore what ML Kit has to offer to easily bring machine learning features that are optimized for mobile. In fun and practical code sample, well explore the main Vision and Natural Language APIs to potentially unlock new ideas in your apps.
AI Artificial Intelligence is a fascinating term. Its been part of our lives, in one form or the other, ever since we were born. Its only in the last decade that the usage of the term has become so daily. Nary a day goes by where you dont run into AI impacting one or the other aspects of our lives.
What was previously a thing of a future life is suddenly something that we use and interact with every day. Are our computers suddenly intelligent, more so than they were 20 years ago, or has the terms definition merely been rebased to their current capabilities in order to influence our behavior?
AI suddenly became a thing of this century a few years ago as my memory recalls during a Facebook conference that had a session about how the company was using Artificial Intelligence to make the platform safer for its users. It is hard to manually moderate all the content being liked and shared by billions of users (theyre not customers) every hour, and so the company desperately needed a way to automate a huge portion of that grunt, and often, mentally disturbing work. This is where AI suddenly became a thing that exists today, instead of an utopian future.
That is not to say that AI, the term, is merely cunning marketing. I mean, even though your chances of being taken seriously in the money markets are greatly improved if you throw in the term in your communications material, a lot of it has to do with the quantum jump in our computers capabilities. Moores law is real, after all.
I just came across two articles in this mornings newspaper one about YouTube finally reverting to using more humans for content moderation as a result of the automated systems (read algorithms) falsely flagging content that was safe and letting through questionable content. They reached the conclusion that the financial burden of investigating moderation appeals was higher than any cost-savings coming from automating the moderation process.
The second was an opinion piece about how AI has disappointed us during the ongoing pandemic. The premise is that the current state of AI works incredibly well if humans intervene early on and help decipher it right from wrong, good from bad, or wanted from unwanted. What we call AI today is largely just an aspect of big data that combines with advances in computing technology to stimulate machine learning, and like us humans, learning requires an early intervention to prevent learning all the wrong things.
There was another interesting event that went viral on Twitter this weekend. Apparently, in order to generate a thumbnail preview of any posted pictures, the website uses an algorithm to center it around a key ingredient. In the case of pictures with people, the idea is to center the thumbnail around a key person so that the thumbnail is more relevant and informative in the post. There was a snag, though. The algorithm always preferred a white person to represent this key person whenever there was another non-white person.
Clearly, the current state of AI is not there, yet, and often leads to results that are actually bad. Some of this AI is also generating our Internet search results and is creating even more division and sowing hatred among people. AI also has potential to change lives of people long-term as was evinced by the algorithmic generation of school-leaving results in the UK a while ago.
But, AI is cool, and just by making it a part of your business plan could make the difference between being able to launch that company or watching the idea of it slowly withering away. Investments are largely buzzword-driven.
So, what are we to do?
As with politics, the clear way to make long term positive impact is to educate others. Part of this involves also keeping up with the evolution of AI yourself. We could help others in understanding that computers arent autonomous and will only learn what theyre taught. And like everyone else, these teachers will often make mistakes. Fact check. Seek answers. Clarify.
Computers can be wrong.
Digital Allys newest fleet video system utilizes the latest innovations in telematics technology. Compact in form factor yet rich in features, the EVO Fleet Vehicle Camera offers artificial intelligence providing immediate driver-assist feedback by recognizing pedestrians, distracted or drowsy driving, and lane drifting.
One month before a purported leak of files from Hunter Biden's laptop, a fake "intelligence" document about him went viral on the right-wing internet, asserting an elaborate conspiracy theory involving former Vice President Joe Biden's son and business in China.
The document, a 64-page composition that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump, appears to be the work of a fake "intelligence firm" called Typhoon Investigations, according to researchers and public documents.
The author of the document, a self-identified Swiss security analyst named Martin Aspen, is a fabricated identity, according to analysis by disinformation researchers, who also concluded that Aspen's profile picture was created with an artificial intelligence face generator. The intelligence firm that Aspen lists as his previous employer said that no one by that name had ever worked for the company and that no one by that name lives in Switzerland, according to public records and social media searches.
One of the original posters of the document, a blogger and professor named Christopher Balding, took credit for writing parts of it when asked about it and said Aspen does not exist.
Despite the document's questionable authorship and anonymous sourcing, its claims that Hunter Biden has a problematic connection to the Communist Party of China have been used by people who oppose the Chinese government, as well as by far-right influencers, to baselessly accuse candidate Joe Biden of being beholden to the Chinese government.
Inside the false conspiracy theory being pushed about the Bidens
A viral dossier about Hunter Biden was written by "Martin Aspen," a fake identity whose profile picture was created by artificial intelligence.
ChatGPT had one million registered users five days after OpenAI went public
ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, has significantly impacted content creators and copyrighters. Its ability to quickly generate high-quality, natural-sounding text has streamlined content creation in multiple industries.
The impact of AI on content copyrighters is most evident by the swiftness and accuracy with which it can produce text. Traditionally, these professionals had to spend hours researching and writing narratives. However, with ChatGPT, they can input a few keywords, including restrictions or preferences such as spelling or jargon. After that, within minutes, the AI system generates a coherent article that complies with their requirements.
ChatGPTs advanced algorithms analyse the tone and style of existing content and create new text that matches the fashion, improving the consistency of blog publishing or newspaper articles.
Moreover, ChatGPT can assist in localising content by comprehending multiple languages and helping copyrighters create narratives that appeal to a global audience. This feature is convenient for companies with a worldwide presence that must create reports that resonate with different cultures and languages.
Will ChatGPT become a threat?
Critics argue that ChatGPT could threaten to reduce the demand for people delivering copyright work. Some say ChatGPT will become the leading cause of attrition in some organisations.
Although ChatGPT can automate some content creation, it cannot replace peoples creativity and critical thinking. ChatGPT still requires human supervision to ensure the content generated appropriately aligns with the companys operating principles.
Artificial Intelligence technology can free up copyrighters time, permitting them to focus on higher-level tasks such as analysing their audiences or developing personas. With ChatGPTs assistance, they can produce more content in less time, allowing them to be more productive overall.
There are ethical concerns regarding OpenAIs impact on content creation. The quality of the data used to prepare the ChatGPT could result in content that perpetuates stereotypes. In some cases, critics say the powerful language model could spread misinformation.
Other concerns include OpenAIs policy allowing for any information uploaded (including confidential data) to be used to improve its algorithms. However, OpenAI also provides the option to create private instances where organisations can safely upload protected information. The latter mitigates the risks of data confidentiality breaches.
ChatGPT has positively impacted content creation and copyrighters by streamlining content creation and increasing productivity. We encourage organisations to integrate such AI systems to enable staff to achieve more outcomes whilst mitigating the risks.