Welcome to MARCO, the **M**ulti-Agent **R**eactive **C**ode **O**ptimizer! MARCO takes your Python code and optimizes it using advanced optimization techniques, powered by your choice of LLM. This wiki contains documentation and instructions on how to run the agent, plus resources for new members of the MARCO team.
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Welcome to MARCO, the **M**ulti-Agent **R**eactive **C**ode **O**ptimizer! MARCO takes your Python code and optimizes it using advanced optimization techniques, powered by your choice of LLM. This wiki contains documentation and instructions on how to run the agent, plus resources for new members of the MARCO team.
To find instructions on setting up your coding environment, go [here](Set-Up-for-New-Members).
To find links for background reading and documentation, go [here](Background-Reading).
To find documentation for the main files of MARCO, go [here](Documentation-for-Main-Files).