diff --git a/Trie.py b/Trie.py
index bd0b65927806f46414b18ae4fc362aa0714e37c9..118f4c51b484ebd36af60ee671fbb3b1d29cb441 100644
--- a/Trie.py
+++ b/Trie.py
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ class Trie:
         return mat
     # This function mainly calls ancestorMatrixRec()
     def ancestorMatrix(self):
         # Create an empty ancestor array
@@ -129,22 +128,4 @@ class Trie:
         import numpy as np
         mat = np.zeros((len(self.matrixElements), len(self.matrixElements)),dtype=int)
         # Fill ancestor matrix and find
-        return self.ancestorMatrixRec(self.root, anc, mat)
-def main():
-    keys = ['/spotlight/impact/2014-11-24-master/naturalists.html', '/']
-    # Trie object
-    t = Trie()
-    # Construct trie
-    for key in keys:
-        t.insert(key)
-    # Search for different keys
-    print("{} ---- {}".format("/spotlight/impact/2014-11-24-master/naturalists.html", [t.search("/spotlight/impact/2014-11-24-master/naturalists.html")]))
-    print("{} ---- {}".format("/", [t.search("/")]))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
\ No newline at end of file
+        return self.ancestorMatrixRec(self.root, anc, mat)
\ No newline at end of file