import { Admin } from './admin';
import { type BSONSerializeOptions, type Document, resolveBSONOptions } from './bson';
import { ChangeStream, type ChangeStreamDocument, type ChangeStreamOptions } from './change_stream';
import { Collection, type CollectionOptions } from './collection';
import * as CONSTANTS from './constants';
import { AggregationCursor } from './cursor/aggregation_cursor';
import { ListCollectionsCursor } from './cursor/list_collections_cursor';
import { RunCommandCursor, type RunCursorCommandOptions } from './cursor/run_command_cursor';
import { MongoInvalidArgumentError } from './error';
import type { MongoClient, PkFactory } from './mongo_client';
import type { TODO_NODE_3286 } from './mongo_types';
import type { AggregateOptions } from './operations/aggregate';
import { CollectionsOperation } from './operations/collections';
import type { IndexInformationOptions } from './operations/common_functions';
import {
  type CreateCollectionOptions
} from './operations/create_collection';
import {
  type DropCollectionOptions,
  type DropDatabaseOptions
} from './operations/drop';
import { executeOperation } from './operations/execute_operation';
import {
  type CreateIndexesOptions,
  type IndexSpecification
} from './operations/indexes';
import type { CollectionInfo, ListCollectionsOptions } from './operations/list_collections';
import { ProfilingLevelOperation, type ProfilingLevelOptions } from './operations/profiling_level';
import { RemoveUserOperation, type RemoveUserOptions } from './operations/remove_user';
import { RenameOperation, type RenameOptions } from './operations/rename';
import { RunCommandOperation, type RunCommandOptions } from './operations/run_command';
import {
  type ProfilingLevel,
  type SetProfilingLevelOptions
} from './operations/set_profiling_level';
import { DbStatsOperation, type DbStatsOptions } from './operations/stats';
import { ReadConcern } from './read_concern';
import { ReadPreference, type ReadPreferenceLike } from './read_preference';
import { DEFAULT_PK_FACTORY, filterOptions, MongoDBNamespace, resolveOptions } from './utils';
import { WriteConcern, type WriteConcernOptions } from './write_concern';

// Allowed parameters

/** @internal */
export interface DbPrivate {
  options?: DbOptions;
  readPreference?: ReadPreference;
  pkFactory: PkFactory;
  readConcern?: ReadConcern;
  bsonOptions: BSONSerializeOptions;
  writeConcern?: WriteConcern;
  namespace: MongoDBNamespace;

/** @public */
export interface DbOptions extends BSONSerializeOptions, WriteConcernOptions {
  /** If the database authentication is dependent on another databaseName. */
  authSource?: string;
  /** Force server to assign _id values instead of driver. */
  forceServerObjectId?: boolean;
  /** The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST). */
  readPreference?: ReadPreferenceLike;
  /** A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys. */
  pkFactory?: PkFactory;
  /** Specify a read concern for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported) */
  readConcern?: ReadConcern;
  /** Should retry failed writes */
  retryWrites?: boolean;

 * The **Db** class is a class that represents a MongoDB Database.
 * @public
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
 * interface Pet {
 *   name: string;
 *   kind: 'dog' | 'cat' | 'fish';
 * }
 * const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017');
 * const db = client.db();
 * // Create a collection that validates our union
 * await db.createCollection<Pet>('pets', {
 *   validator: { $expr: { $in: ['$kind', ['dog', 'cat', 'fish']] } }
 * })
 * ```
export class Db {
  /** @internal */
  s: DbPrivate;

  /** @internal */
  readonly client: MongoClient;


   * Creates a new Db instance.
   * Db name cannot contain a dot, the server may apply more restrictions when an operation is run.
   * @param client - The MongoClient for the database.
   * @param databaseName - The name of the database this instance represents.
   * @param options - Optional settings for Db construction.
  constructor(client: MongoClient, databaseName: string, options?: DbOptions) {
    options = options ?? {};

    // Filter the options
    options = filterOptions(options, DB_OPTIONS_ALLOW_LIST);

    // Ensure there are no dots in database name
    if (typeof databaseName === 'string' && databaseName.includes('.')) {
      throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError(`Database names cannot contain the character '.'`);

    // Internal state of the db object
    this.s = {
      // Options
      // Unpack read preference
      readPreference: ReadPreference.fromOptions(options),
      // Merge bson options
      bsonOptions: resolveBSONOptions(options, client),
      // Set up the primary key factory or fallback to ObjectId
      pkFactory: options?.pkFactory ?? DEFAULT_PK_FACTORY,
      // ReadConcern
      readConcern: ReadConcern.fromOptions(options),
      writeConcern: WriteConcern.fromOptions(options),
      // Namespace
      namespace: new MongoDBNamespace(databaseName)

    this.client = client;

  get databaseName(): string {
    return this.s.namespace.db;

  // Options
  get options(): DbOptions | undefined {
    return this.s.options;

   * Check if a secondary can be used (because the read preference is *not* set to primary)
  get secondaryOk(): boolean {
    return this.s.readPreference?.preference !== 'primary' || false;

  get readConcern(): ReadConcern | undefined {
    return this.s.readConcern;

   * The current readPreference of the Db. If not explicitly defined for
   * this Db, will be inherited from the parent MongoClient
  get readPreference(): ReadPreference {
    if (this.s.readPreference == null) {
      return this.client.readPreference;

    return this.s.readPreference;

  get bsonOptions(): BSONSerializeOptions {
    return this.s.bsonOptions;

  // get the write Concern
  get writeConcern(): WriteConcern | undefined {
    return this.s.writeConcern;

  get namespace(): string {
    return this.s.namespace.toString();

   * Create a new collection on a server with the specified options. Use this to create capped collections.
   * More information about command options available at
   * Collection namespace validation is performed server-side.
   * @param name - The name of the collection to create
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async createCollection<TSchema extends Document = Document>(
    name: string,
    options?: CreateCollectionOptions
  ): Promise<Collection<TSchema>> {
    return executeOperation(
      new CreateCollectionOperation(this, name, resolveOptions(this, options)) as TODO_NODE_3286

   * Execute a command
   * @remarks
   * This command does not inherit options from the MongoClient.
   * The driver will ensure the following fields are attached to the command sent to the server:
   * - `lsid` - sourced from an implicit session or options.session
   * - `$readPreference` - defaults to primary or can be configured by options.readPreference
   * - `$db` - sourced from the name of this database
   * If the client has a serverApi setting:
   * - `apiVersion`
   * - `apiStrict`
   * - `apiDeprecationErrors`
   * When in a transaction:
   * - `readConcern` - sourced from readConcern set on the TransactionOptions
   * - `writeConcern` - sourced from writeConcern set on the TransactionOptions
   * Attaching any of the above fields to the command will have no effect as the driver will overwrite the value.
   * @param command - The command to run
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async command(command: Document, options?: RunCommandOptions): Promise<Document> {
    // Intentionally, we do not inherit options from parent for this operation.
    return executeOperation(
      new RunCommandOperation(this, command, {
        session: options?.session,
        readPreference: options?.readPreference

   * Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the database, needs MongoDB \>= 3.6
   * @param pipeline - An array of aggregation stages to be executed
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  aggregate<T extends Document = Document>(
    pipeline: Document[] = [],
    options?: AggregateOptions
  ): AggregationCursor<T> {
    return new AggregationCursor(
      resolveOptions(this, options)

  /** Return the Admin db instance */
  admin(): Admin {
    return new Admin(this);

   * Returns a reference to a MongoDB Collection. If it does not exist it will be created implicitly.
   * Collection namespace validation is performed server-side.
   * @param name - the collection name we wish to access.
   * @returns return the new Collection instance
  collection<TSchema extends Document = Document>(
    name: string,
    options: CollectionOptions = {}
  ): Collection<TSchema> {
    if (typeof options === 'function') {
      throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('The callback form of this helper has been removed.');
    return new Collection<TSchema>(this, name, resolveOptions(this, options));

   * Get all the db statistics.
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async stats(options?: DbStatsOptions): Promise<Document> {
    return executeOperation(this.client, new DbStatsOperation(this, resolveOptions(this, options)));

   * List all collections of this database with optional filter
   * @param filter - Query to filter collections by
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
    filter: Document,
    options: Exclude<ListCollectionsOptions, 'nameOnly'> & { nameOnly: true }
  ): ListCollectionsCursor<Pick<CollectionInfo, 'name' | 'type'>>;
    filter: Document,
    options: Exclude<ListCollectionsOptions, 'nameOnly'> & { nameOnly: false }
  ): ListCollectionsCursor<CollectionInfo>;
    T extends Pick<CollectionInfo, 'name' | 'type'> | CollectionInfo =
      | Pick<CollectionInfo, 'name' | 'type'>
      | CollectionInfo
  >(filter?: Document, options?: ListCollectionsOptions): ListCollectionsCursor<T>;
    T extends Pick<CollectionInfo, 'name' | 'type'> | CollectionInfo =
      | Pick<CollectionInfo, 'name' | 'type'>
      | CollectionInfo
  >(filter: Document = {}, options: ListCollectionsOptions = {}): ListCollectionsCursor<T> {
    return new ListCollectionsCursor<T>(this, filter, resolveOptions(this, options));

   * Rename a collection.
   * @remarks
   * This operation does not inherit options from the MongoClient.
   * @param fromCollection - Name of current collection to rename
   * @param toCollection - New name of of the collection
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async renameCollection<TSchema extends Document = Document>(
    fromCollection: string,
    toCollection: string,
    options?: RenameOptions
  ): Promise<Collection<TSchema>> {
    // Intentionally, we do not inherit options from parent for this operation.
    return executeOperation(
      new RenameOperation(
        this.collection<TSchema>(fromCollection) as TODO_NODE_3286,
        { ...options, new_collection: true, readPreference: ReadPreference.primary }
      ) as TODO_NODE_3286

   * Drop a collection from the database, removing it permanently. New accesses will create a new collection.
   * @param name - Name of collection to drop
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async dropCollection(name: string, options?: DropCollectionOptions): Promise<boolean> {
    return executeOperation(
      new DropCollectionOperation(this, name, resolveOptions(this, options))

   * Drop a database, removing it permanently from the server.
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async dropDatabase(options?: DropDatabaseOptions): Promise<boolean> {
    return executeOperation(
      new DropDatabaseOperation(this, resolveOptions(this, options))

   * Fetch all collections for the current db.
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async collections(options?: ListCollectionsOptions): Promise<Collection[]> {
    return executeOperation(
      new CollectionsOperation(this, resolveOptions(this, options))

   * Creates an index on the db and collection.
   * @param name - Name of the collection to create the index on.
   * @param indexSpec - Specify the field to index, or an index specification
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async createIndex(
    name: string,
    indexSpec: IndexSpecification,
    options?: CreateIndexesOptions
  ): Promise<string> {
    return executeOperation(
      new CreateIndexOperation(this, name, indexSpec, resolveOptions(this, options))

   * Remove a user from a database
   * @param username - The username to remove
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async removeUser(username: string, options?: RemoveUserOptions): Promise<boolean> {
    return executeOperation(
      new RemoveUserOperation(this, username, resolveOptions(this, options))

   * Set the current profiling level of MongoDB
   * @param level - The new profiling level (off, slow_only, all).
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async setProfilingLevel(
    level: ProfilingLevel,
    options?: SetProfilingLevelOptions
  ): Promise<ProfilingLevel> {
    return executeOperation(
      new SetProfilingLevelOperation(this, level, resolveOptions(this, options))

   * Retrieve the current profiling Level for MongoDB
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async profilingLevel(options?: ProfilingLevelOptions): Promise<string> {
    return executeOperation(
      new ProfilingLevelOperation(this, resolveOptions(this, options))

   * Retrieves this collections index info.
   * @param name - The name of the collection.
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
  async indexInformation(name: string, options?: IndexInformationOptions): Promise<Document> {
    return executeOperation(
      new IndexInformationOperation(this, name, resolveOptions(this, options))

   * Create a new Change Stream, watching for new changes (insertions, updates,
   * replacements, deletions, and invalidations) in this database. Will ignore all
   * changes to system collections.
   * @remarks
   * watch() accepts two generic arguments for distinct use cases:
   * - The first is to provide the schema that may be defined for all the collections within this database
   * - The second is to override the shape of the change stream document entirely, if it is not provided the type will default to ChangeStreamDocument of the first argument
   * @param pipeline - An array of {@link|aggregation pipeline stages} through which to pass change stream documents. This allows for filtering (using $match) and manipulating the change stream documents.
   * @param options - Optional settings for the command
   * @typeParam TSchema - Type of the data being detected by the change stream
   * @typeParam TChange - Type of the whole change stream document emitted
    TSchema extends Document = Document,
    TChange extends Document = ChangeStreamDocument<TSchema>
  >(pipeline: Document[] = [], options: ChangeStreamOptions = {}): ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange> {
    // Allow optionally not specifying a pipeline
    if (!Array.isArray(pipeline)) {
      options = pipeline;
      pipeline = [];

    return new ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange>(this, pipeline, resolveOptions(this, options));

   * A low level cursor API providing basic driver functionality:
   * - ClientSession management
   * - ReadPreference for server selection
   * - Running getMores automatically when a local batch is exhausted
   * @param command - The command that will start a cursor on the server.
   * @param options - Configurations for running the command, bson options will apply to getMores
  runCursorCommand(command: Document, options?: RunCursorCommandOptions): RunCommandCursor {
    return new RunCommandCursor(this, command, options);