/** * This is an example service class to show you that how to use http service in ServerHttpService class. * If you have some data pre-processing job, you can do it here. */ import * as serverHttpService from "./ServerHttpService"; const baseUrl = "example"; function getExapleFromServer() { return serverHttpService.Get(baseUrl); } function getExampleWithIDFromServer(inputId: number | string) { const urlPath = "/" + inputId; return serverHttpService.Get(baseUrl + urlPath); } function getExampleUserFromServer() { const urlPath = "/getUser"; return serverHttpService.Get(baseUrl + urlPath); } function postExampleUserDataToServer(userData: any) { const urlPath = "/newUser"; return serverHttpService.Post(baseUrl + urlPath, JSON.parse(userData)); } export { getExapleFromServer, getExampleWithIDFromServer, getExampleUserFromServer, postExampleUserDataToServer, };