diff --git a/backend/config/database/schema.sql b/backend/config/database/schema.sql
index 3c1feccdc55660dc6e25738728cc0e6a2e9be70c..a01f8db1d4f54429f804b8976d4abae457de8217 100644
--- a/backend/config/database/schema.sql
+++ b/backend/config/database/schema.sql
@@ -89,9 +89,10 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS chapterLookup (
-    peopleId INT PRIMARY KEY,
-    addressId INT UNIQUE,
+    peopleId INT,
+    addressId INT,
     preferredAddress VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+    PRIMARY KEY (peopleId, addressId),
     FOREIGN KEY (peopleId) REFERENCES people(peopleId) ON DELETE CASCADE,
     FOREIGN KEY (addressId) REFERENCES address(addressId)
diff --git a/backend/repository/addressRepository.js b/backend/repository/addressRepository.js
index 617379830005009892af89870ea302f74d85eae8..b0e8ee12836bd280f6ecf3de6a8897d86a69d67a 100644
--- a/backend/repository/addressRepository.js
+++ b/backend/repository/addressRepository.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 const { pool } = require("../config/database/database.config");
+const { getStateId } = require("./stateRepository");
 Add address info into address table and peopleXaddress table
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ async function addAddress(address, peopleId) {
   try {
     // Use helper functions to look up stateId and countryId
-    const stateId = await _lookupStateId(state);
+    const stateId = await getStateId(state);
     const countryId = await _lookupCountryId(country);
     // query for adding the address
@@ -62,8 +62,125 @@ async function addAddress(address, peopleId) {
-async function updateAddress() {
-  console.log("Update address not implemented!");
+Function to update an address. If the address is successfully updated,
+the function returns the updated address's ID. If the address is not successfully
+updated, the function returns null
+async function updateAddress(addressId, peopleId, updatedAddress) {
+  // get the parts of the address
+  let { address1, address2, city, state, country, zipCode, preferredAddress } =
+    updatedAddress;
+  console.log("Updating address...");
+  try {
+    // look up the state and country
+    const stateId = await getStateId(state);
+    const countryId = await _lookupCountryId(country);
+    // Update the main address table
+    const updateAddressQuery = `
+      UPDATE address
+      SET address1 = ?, address2 = ?, city = ?, stateId = ?, countryId = ?, zipCode = ?
+      WHERE addressId = ?
+    `;
+    const [addressResult] = await pool.query(updateAddressQuery, [
+      address1,
+      address2,
+      city,
+      stateId,
+      countryId,
+      zipCode,
+      addressId,
+    ]);
+    // Check if any rows were updated in the address table
+    if (addressResult.affectedRows === 0) {
+      console.error("Address not found. No rows updated in the address table.");
+      return null;
+    }
+    console.log("Address table updated successfully.");
+    // Update the preferredAddress in peopleXAddress if provided
+    if (preferredAddress !== undefined) {
+      const updatePeopleXAddressQuery = `
+        UPDATE peopleXAddress
+        SET preferredAddress = ?
+        WHERE peopleId = ? AND addressId = ?
+      `;
+      const [peopleXAddressResult] = await pool.query(
+        updatePeopleXAddressQuery,
+        [preferredAddress, peopleId, addressId]
+      );
+      // Check if any rows were updated in the peopleXAddress table
+      if (peopleXAddressResult.affectedRows === 0) {
+        console.error(
+          "Associated record in peopleXAddress not found. No rows updated in the peopleXAddress table."
+        );
+        return null;
+      }
+      console.log("peopleXAddress table updated successfully.");
+    }
+    return addressId;
+  } catch (error) {
+    console.log("Error updating address: ", error);
+    return null;
+  }
+Function to delete an address by its ID. 
+Deletes from both peopleXAddress and address tables.
+Returns true if the deletion was successful and false if no rows were affected.
+async function deleteAddressById(addressId) {
+  console.log("Deleting address with ID: ", addressId);
+  try {
+    // delete from the peopleXAddress table to satisfy any foreign key constraints
+    const deletePeopleXAddressQuery = `
+      DELETE FROM peopleXAddress
+      WHERE addressId = ?
+    `;
+    const [peopleXAddressResult] = await pool.query(deletePeopleXAddressQuery, [
+      addressId,
+    ]);
+    // Check if any rows were affected in peopleXAddress
+    if (peopleXAddressResult.affectedRows === 0) {
+      console.error(
+        "No associated record found in peopleXAddress. No rows deleted."
+      );
+      return false;
+    }
+    console.log("Deleted from peopleXAddress table");
+    // delete the address from the address table
+    const deleteAddressQuery = `
+      DELETE FROM address
+      WHERE addressId = ?
+    `;
+    const [addressResult] = await pool.query(deleteAddressQuery, [addressId]);
+    // Check if any rows were affected in the address table
+    if (addressResult.affectedRows === 0) {
+      console.error("Address not found in address table. No rows deleted.");
+      return false;
+    }
+    console.log("Address deleted successfully from address table.");
+    return true;
+  } catch (error) {
+    console.error("Error deleting address: ", error);
+    return false;
+  }
@@ -125,48 +242,15 @@ async function getAddressesForPerson(peopleId) {
-// Private helper function to look up the stateId
-async function _lookupStateId(state) {
-  // for now return 1 while tables are not populated
-  return 1;
-  // try {
-  //   const lookupQuery = `
-  //     SELECT stateId FROM stateLookup WHERE name = ?
-  //   `;
-  //   const [lookupResults] = await pool.query(lookupQuery, [state]);
-  //   if (lookupResults.length === 0) {
-  //     console.log("State not found");
-  //     return null;
-  //   }
-  //   return lookupResults[0].stateId;
-  // } catch (error) {
-  //   console.error(`Error looking up state: ${state}`, error);
-  //   throw error;
-  // }
 // Private helper function to look up the countryId
 async function _lookupCountryId(country) {
   // for now return 1 while tables are not populated
   return 1;
-  // try {
-  //   const lookupQuery = `
-  //     SELECT countryId FROM countryLookup WHERE name = ?
-  //   `;
-  //   const [lookupResults] = await pool.query(lookupQuery, [country]);
-  //   if (lookupResults.length === 0) {
-  //     console.log("Country not found");
-  //     return null;
-  //   }
-  //   return lookupResults[0].countryId;
-  // } catch (error) {
-  //   console.error(`Error looking up country: ${country}`, error);
-  //   throw error;
-  // }
-module.exports = { addAddress, getAddressesForPerson };
+module.exports = {
+  addAddress,
+  getAddressesForPerson,
+  deleteAddressById,
+  updateAddress,
diff --git a/backend/repository/contactRepository.js b/backend/repository/contactRepository.js
index 404d9c1087a2e38a2fbeded1d32b46464a197611..72247593391cc356fe1dccd80bc37e2514a772f1 100644
--- a/backend/repository/contactRepository.js
+++ b/backend/repository/contactRepository.js
@@ -123,4 +123,38 @@ async function getContactsForPerson(peopleId) {
-module.exports = { addContact, updateContact, getContactsForPerson };
+Function to delete a contact by its ID. 
+Returns true if the deletion was successful and false if no rows were affected.
+async function deleteContactById(peopleContactId) {
+  console.log("Deleting contact with ID: ", peopleContactId);
+  try {
+    const query = `
+      DELETE FROM peopleContact
+      WHERE peopleContactId = ?
+    `;
+    const [results] = await pool.query(query, [peopleContactId]);
+    // Check if any rows were affected
+    if (results.affectedRows === 0) {
+      console.error("Contact not found. No rows deleted.");
+      return false;
+    }
+    console.log("Contact deleted successfully.");
+    return true;
+  } catch (error) {
+    console.error("Error deleting contact: ", error);
+    return false;
+  }
+module.exports = {
+  addContact,
+  updateContact,
+  getContactsForPerson,
+  deleteContactById,
diff --git a/backend/repository/degreeRepository.js b/backend/repository/degreeRepository.js
index 09aacfca9461a6fbc28c1dc675f7735ce04d6724..1c3dda1e84c39358dd7e3b8ecea1dbf7d3f31509 100644
--- a/backend/repository/degreeRepository.js
+++ b/backend/repository/degreeRepository.js
@@ -26,14 +26,6 @@ async function addDegree(degree, peopleId) {
         VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)
-    console.log("Adding degree with the following details:");
-    console.log("People ID:", peopleId);
-    console.log("Degree Type:", degreeType);
-    console.log("Degree Department:", degreeDepartment);
-    console.log("Degree College:", degreeCollege);
-    console.log("Degree Year:", degreeYear);
-    console.log("Degree Description:", degreeDescription);
     // insert data into db
     const [results] = await pool.query(query, [
@@ -84,7 +76,7 @@ async function updateDegree(peopleDegreeId, peopleId, degreeInfo) {
     const query = `
       UPDATE peopleDegree
-        peopleId = ?
+        peopleId = ?,
         degreeTypeId = ?,
         degreeDepartment = ?,
         degreeCollege = ?, 
@@ -149,30 +141,6 @@ async function deleteDegreeById(peopleDegreeId) {
-// Private helper function to look up the degreeTypeId
-async function _lookupDegreeTypeId(degreeType) {
-  try {
-    // return null for now
-    return null;
-    // const lookupQuery = `
-    //   SELECT degreeTypeId FROM degreeTypeLookup WHERE degreeType = ?
-    // `;
-    // const [lookupResults] = await pool.query(lookupQuery, [degreeType]);
-    // if (lookupResults.length === 0) {
-    //   console.log("Degree type not found");
-    //   return null;
-    //   // throw new Error(`Invalid degree type: ${degreeType}`);
-    // }
-    // return lookupResults[0].degreeTypeId;
-  } catch (error) {
-    console.error(`Error looking up degree type: ${degreeType}`, error);
-    throw error;
-  }
 Function to find all degree IDs associated with a person. 
 Returns an array of peopleDegreeIds or an empty array if no degrees exist.
@@ -255,6 +223,17 @@ async function getDegreesForPerson(peopleId) {
+// Private helper function to look up the degreeTypeId
+async function _lookupDegreeTypeId(degreeType) {
+  try {
+    // return null for now
+    return null;
+  } catch (error) {
+    console.error(`Error looking up degree type: ${degreeType}`, error);
+    throw error;
+  }
 module.exports = {
diff --git a/backend/repository/stateRepository.js b/backend/repository/stateRepository.js
index f30c679ceb1c905aade0deedeeee0a6a9ab71f18..a6852e3664ae3887ac6a39b64b20cc4f5452411d 100644
--- a/backend/repository/stateRepository.js
+++ b/backend/repository/stateRepository.js
@@ -53,6 +53,26 @@ async function getState(name) {
+async function getStateId(name) {
+  // SQL query to get a certain state id
+  const query = "SELECT stateId FROM stateLookup WHERE name = ?";
+  try {
+    console.log("Getting state: ", name);
+    const [rows] = await pool.query(query, [name]);
+    if (rows.length > 0) {
+      console.log("Found state: ", name);
+      return rows[0];
+    } else {
+      console.log("State not found: ", name);
+      return null;
+    }
+  } catch (error) {
+    console.error(`Error fetching state with ID ${name}:`, error);
+    throw error;
+  }
 async function checkTableExistence() {
   try {
     const [rows] = await pool.query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'stateLookup'");
@@ -66,4 +86,9 @@ async function checkTableExistence() {
-module.exports = { checkTableExistence, addStateIfNotExists, getState };
+module.exports = {
+  checkTableExistence,
+  addStateIfNotExists,
+  getState,
+  getStateId,
diff --git a/backend/routes/peopleRoutes.js b/backend/routes/peopleRoutes.js
index 9cf642ca842032eac1ce043d0b69d64b2ec5fb08..c9c22276affa904d5b1118df64e16c65a1e2d312 100644
--- a/backend/routes/peopleRoutes.js
+++ b/backend/routes/peopleRoutes.js
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ const {
+  updatePersonById,
+  getPersonFullDetails,
 } = require("../service/peopleService");
 Function to check that the POST request body in 
@@ -200,4 +202,58 @@ peopleRouter.delete("/:id", async (req, res) => {
+peopleRouter.put("/update/:id", async (req, res) => {
+  // get the personId from the URL params
+  const personId = parseInt(req.params.id, 10);
+  // Check if personId is a valid integer
+  if (!Number.isInteger(personId)) {
+    return res
+      .status(400)
+      .json({ message: "Invalid ID. ID must be an integer." });
+  }
+  try {
+    // Call the update service
+    console.log("req.body: ", req.body);
+    const success = await updatePersonById(personId, req.body);
+    // no person was updated
+    if (!success) {
+      return res.status(404).json({ message: "Person not found" });
+    }
+    return res
+      .status(200)
+      .json({ message: "Person updated successfully", personId });
+  } catch (error) {
+    console.error("Error in PUT /update/:id", error);
+    return res.status(500).json({ message: "Internal server error" });
+  }
+peopleRouter.get("/fullInfo/:id", async (req, res) => {
+  // get the personId from the URL params
+  const personId = parseInt(req.params.id, 10);
+  // Check if personId is a valid integer
+  if (!Number.isInteger(personId)) {
+    return res
+      .status(400)
+      .json({ message: "Invalid ID. ID must be an integer." });
+  }
+  try {
+    const person = await getPersonFullDetails(personId);
+    if (person == null) {
+      return res.status(404).json({ message: "Person not found" });
+    }
+    return res.status(200).json({ message: "Person found", person });
+  } catch (error) {
+    console.error("Error in GET /fullInfo/:id", error);
+    return res.status(500).json({ message: "Internal server error" });
+  }
 module.exports = peopleRouter;
diff --git a/backend/service/peopleService.js b/backend/service/peopleService.js
index b0f9aabb9f1c3343bba207fe3ac812e2527606a3..413079f96bcd41e92c1d11d3ff8465a1a4bd7525 100644
--- a/backend/service/peopleService.js
+++ b/backend/service/peopleService.js
@@ -1,10 +1,28 @@
-const { addAddress } = require("../repository/addressRepository");
-const { addContact } = require("../repository/contactRepository");
-const { addDegree } = require("../repository/degreeRepository");
+const {
+  addAddress,
+  getAddressesForPerson,
+  deleteAddressById,
+  updateAddress,
+} = require("../repository/addressRepository");
+const {
+  addContact,
+  getContactsForPerson,
+  updateContact,
+  deleteContactById,
+} = require("../repository/contactRepository");
+const {
+  addDegree,
+  getDegreeIdsForPerson,
+  deleteDegreeById,
+  updateDegree,
+  getDegreesForPerson,
+} = require("../repository/degreeRepository");
 const {
+  updatePerson,
+  getPersonById,
 } = require("../repository/peopleRepository");
@@ -22,19 +40,19 @@ async function createPerson(person) {
   // insert the degree information into the database
   for (const degree of degrees) {
     const addedDegree = await addDegree(degree, newPersonID);
-    console.log("added degree: ", degree);
+    console.log("added degree: ", addedDegree);
   // insert the address information into the database
   for (const address of addresses) {
     const addedAddress = await addAddress(address, newPersonID);
-    console.log("added address: ", address);
+    console.log("added address: ", addedAddress);
   // insert the contact information into the database
   for (const contact of contacts) {
     const addedContact = await addContact(contact, newPersonID);
-    console.log("added contact: ", contact);
+    console.log("added contact: ", addedContact);
   // insert the involvment information into the database
@@ -70,4 +88,191 @@ async function deleteById(peopleId) {
   return false;
-module.exports = { createPerson, findByName, deleteById };
+Function to update all of a person with the given id's information.
+async function updatePersonById(personId, person) {
+  console.log("Person: ", person);
+  const { personInfo, degrees, addresses, contacts, involvements } = person;
+  console.log("Updating person...");
+  // update personInfo
+  const updatedPersonInfo = await updatePerson(personId, personInfo);
+  if (updatedPersonInfo == false) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  console.log("updated person info");
+  // update degrees
+  if (degrees) {
+    await updateDegreesForPerson(personId, degrees);
+  }
+  // update address info
+  if (addresses) {
+    await updateAddressesForPerson(personId, addresses);
+  }
+  // update contact info
+  if (contacts) {
+    await updateContactsForPerson(personId, contacts);
+  }
+  if (involvements) {
+    await updateInvolvementsForPerson(personId, involvements);
+  }
+  return true;
+Function to get all the data that is associated with a single 
+async function getPersonFullDetails(personId) {
+  // get the personal details
+  const personalInformation = await getPersonById(personId);
+  // get the degree information
+  const degreeInformation = await getDegreesForPerson(personId);
+  // get the address information
+  const addressInformation = await getAddressesForPerson(personId);
+  // get the contact information
+  const contactInformation = await getContactsForPerson(personId);
+  // get the involvement information (none for now)
+  const involvmentInformation = [];
+  // return all of the data
+  return {
+    personalInformation,
+    degreeInformation,
+    addressInformation,
+    contactInformation,
+    involvmentInformation,
+  };
+Helper function to update the degree information for a person.
+async function updateDegreesForPerson(personId, degrees) {
+  // Get the person's current degrees
+  const currentDegreeIds = await getDegreeIdsForPerson(personId);
+  let updatedDegreeIds = [];
+  // Add/update the given degrees
+  for (const degree of degrees) {
+    const peopleDegreeId = degree.peopleDegreeId || null;
+    // degree does not previously have a peopleDegreeId -> this means its new (add degree)
+    if (!peopleDegreeId) {
+      const addedDegree = await addDegree(degree, personId);
+      console.log("Added new degree: ", addedDegree);
+    } else {
+      // previous peopleDegreeId exists, update the degree
+      const updatedDegree = await updateDegree(
+        peopleDegreeId,
+        personId,
+        degree
+      );
+      console.log("Updated degree: ", updatedDegree);
+      if (updatedDegree == true) {
+        updatedDegreeIds.push(peopleDegreeId);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Delete degrees not included in the update
+  for (const degreeId of currentDegreeIds) {
+    if (!updatedDegreeIds.includes(degreeId)) {
+      await deleteDegreeById(degreeId);
+      console.log("Deleted degree: ", degreeId);
+    }
+  }
+Helper function to update addresses for a person.
+async function updateAddressesForPerson(personId, addresses) {
+  // Get the current addresses
+  const currentAddresses = await getAddressesForPerson(personId);
+  let updatedAddressIds = [];
+  for (const address of addresses) {
+    const addressId = address.addressId || null;
+    if (!addressId) {
+      const addedAddress = await addAddress(address, personId);
+      console.log("Added new address: ", addedAddress);
+    } else {
+      const updatedAddress = await updateAddress(addressId, personId, address);
+      if (updatedAddress != null) {
+        console.log("Updated address: ", updatedAddress);
+        updatedAddressIds.push(addressId);
+      } else {
+        console.log("Error updating adddress");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Delete addresses not included in the update
+  for (const currentAddress of currentAddresses) {
+    if (!updatedAddressIds.includes(currentAddress.addressId)) {
+      await deleteAddressById(currentAddress.addressId);
+      console.log("Deleted address: ", currentAddress.addressId);
+    }
+  }
+Helper function to update contacts for a person.
+async function updateContactsForPerson(personId, contacts) {
+  // Get the current contacts
+  const currentContacts = await getContactsForPerson(personId);
+  let updatedContactIds = [];
+  for (const contact of contacts) {
+    const contactId = contact.peopleContactId || null;
+    if (!contactId) {
+      const addedContact = await addContact(contact, personId);
+      console.log("Added new contact: ", addedContact);
+    } else {
+      const updatedContact = await updateContact(contactId, personId, contact);
+      console.log("Updated contact: ", updatedContact);
+      if (updatedContact == true) {
+        updatedContactIds.push(contactId);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Delete contacts not included in the update
+  for (const currentContact of currentContacts) {
+    if (!updatedContactIds.includes(currentContact.peopleContactId)) {
+      // TODO: delete contact by id
+      let success = await deleteContactById(currentContact.peopleContactId);
+      if (success == true) {
+        console.log("Deleted contact: ", currentContact.peopleContactId);
+      } else {
+        console.log("Error deleting contact: ", currentContact.peopleContactId);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+async function updateInvolvementsForPerson(personId, involevements) {}
+module.exports = {
+  createPerson,
+  findByName,
+  deleteById,
+  updatePersonById,
+  getPersonFullDetails,