Steps to run the full stack in local environment:
docker-compose down -> Will delete old containers
docker-compose build --no-cache -> Build new containers and copy updated files to containers
docker-compose up -> run new containers
note: If you only edit the frontend, you only need to rebuild the frontend. So to make the process faster you can do "docker-compose build --no-cache frontend". The same applies to backend.
Steps to commit backend docker image to cluster
cd ./backend
docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t .
docker push
Go to CS Launch and scale down backend deployment to 0, then scale back up to 1.
Steps to commit frontend docker image to cluster
cd ./frontend
docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t .
docker push
Go to CS Launch and scale down backend deployment to 0, then scale back up to 1.
Steps to create a branch and merge request on git lab
To make a branch do: git checkout -b Branch-Name
Go into your branch: git checkout Branch-Name
To push your local changes to remote git: git push --set-upstream origin Branch-Name
To merge go to GitLab. Click merge request tab. Click new merge request. Fill out the information. Assign to members if you want branch to be tested before merged. They will have to approve your branch in order for it to be merged. Make sure you check "delete source branch when merge request is accepted" and "squash commits when merge request is accepted."
If you are assigned a merge-request you can view them on the merge-request tab on GitLab. You will have to switch to their branch by doing git checkout Branch-Name to test their branch. Note: You can only switch to their branch if you have pulled in an up to date main branch. For example let's say I did a "git push --set-upstream origin test-branch" so it could connect with git. If I did that after you last pulled, then you won't be able to switch into it until you git pull again.
After merge happens: Switch back to main: git checkout main Pull changes from remote repository: git pull origin main