class CrisisEventsDatabase:    
    def initialize(reset: bool) -> bool:
        """Creates the files neccesary for the database to operate"""
        raise "Not Implemented"
    def get_next_user_id() -> int:
        raise "Not Implemented"
    def get_next_collection_id() -> int:
        raise "Not Implemented"
    def create_collection(self,user_id: int, collection_name:str,collection_type:str):
        Returns the collection data if the `user_id` matches in the corresponding `collection_id` entry.
        Otherwise, it returns `None`
        The list returned is in the format:

        raise "Not Implemented"
    def create_user(self, username: str, password: str):
        raise "Not Implemented"
    def get_user_by_username(self, username: str):
         raise "Not Implemented"
    def get_collection(self, collection_id:int):
        Returns the collection data if the `user_id` matches in the corresponding `collection_id` entry.
        Otherwise, it returns `None`
        The list returned is in the format:

        raise "Not Implemented"
    def get_collections(self, user_id: int):
        raise "Not Implemented"
    def set_collection(self,collection_id:int, user_id: int, collection_json:str, summary:str, name:str) -> bool:
        Returns the collection data if the `authenticated_user_id` matches in the corresponding `collection_id` entry.
        Otherwise, it returns `None`
        The list returned is in the format:

        raise "Not Implemented"
    def get_sample_of_collections(self):
        raise "Not Implemented"
    def get_info(self) -> str:
        "Returns data about this database"
        raise "Not Implemented"