#!/bin/bash -e ROOT=`dirname $0` VERSION="" BETA="" RELEASE="" RELEASE_NOTES="" cd "$ROOT/.." POSITIONAL=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in --version) VERSION="$2" shift shift ;; --beta) RELEASE="beta" shift ;; --release) RELEASE="production" shift ;; *) POSITIONAL+=("$1") shift ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" if [ -z "$VERSION" ] && [ -n "$RELEASE" ]; then echo "Version is required if making a release" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$RELEASE" ]; then if [ -z "$CIRCLE_TAG" ]; then read -p "Make release: $RELEASE v$VERSION? [y/N] " -r if [ -z "$REPLY" ] || [ "$REPLY" != "y" ]; then exit 2 fi fi if [ "$RELEASE" == "production" ]; then if [ -z "$CIRCLE_TAG" ]; then RELEASE_NOTES=`git tag -l --format="%(contents:subject)" "$VERSION"` else RELEASE_NOTES=`git tag -l --format="%(contents:subject)" "$CIRCLE_TAG"` fi fi PACKAGE_VERSION=`node -p -e "require('./packages/desktop-electron/package.json').version"` if [ "$VERSION" != "$PACKAGE_VERSION" ]; then echo "Version in desktop-electron/package.json does not match given version! ($PACKAGE_VERSION)" exit 4 fi fi if [ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]; then if [ -z "$CIRCLE_TAG" ]; then read -s -p "Windows certificate password: " -r CSC_KEY_PASSWORD export CSC_KEY_PASSWORD else certutil -f -p ${CSC_KEY_PASSWORD} -importPfx ~/windows-shift-reset-llc.p12 fi fi # We only need to run linting once (and this doesn't seem to work on # Windows for some reason) if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then yarn lint fi ./node_modules/.bin/patch-package ( cd packages/loot-design; ../../node_modules/.bin/patch-package ) ( cd packages/mobile; ../../node_modules/.bin/patch-package ) ( cd packages/loot-core; NODE_ENV=production yarn build:node ) ( cd packages/desktop-client; yarn build ) rm -fr packages/desktop-electron/client-build cp -r packages/desktop-client/build packages/desktop-electron/client-build # Remove the embedded backend for the browser version. Will improve # this process rm -fr packages/desktop-electron/client-build/data rm -fr packages/desktop-electron/client-build/*kcab.* rm -fr packages/desktop-electron/client-build/*.wasm rm -fr packages/desktop-electron/client-build/*.map if [ -n "$RELEASE" ]; then SENTRY_CLI="./packages/desktop-electron/node_modules/.bin/sentry-cli" "$SENTRY_CLI" releases -o shift-reset-llc -p actual set-commits "$VERSION" --auto echo "Uploading frontend sourcemaps to sentry for version $VERSION..." "$SENTRY_CLI" releases -o shift-reset-llc -p actual files "$VERSION" \ upload-sourcemaps --url-prefix app://actual/static/js/ --rewrite ./packages/desktop-client/build/static/js echo "Uploading backend sourcemaps to sentry for version $VERSION..." "$SENTRY_CLI" releases -o shift-reset-llc -p actual files "$VERSION" \ delete app:///node_modules/loot-core/lib-dist/bundle.desktop.js "$SENTRY_CLI" releases -o shift-reset-llc -p actual files "$VERSION" \ delete app:///node_modules/loot-core/lib-dist/bundle.desktop.js.map "$SENTRY_CLI" releases -o shift-reset-llc -p actual files "$VERSION" \ upload-sourcemaps --url-prefix 'app:///node_modules/loot-core/lib-dist/' ./packages/loot-core/lib-dist/bundle.desktop* fi ( cd packages/desktop-electron; rm -rf dist; export npm_config_better_sqlite3_binary_host="https://static.actualbudget.com/prebuild/better-sqlite3" if [ "$RELEASE" == "production" ]; then if [ -f ../../.secret-tokens ]; then source ../../.secret-tokens fi yarn build --publish always -c.releaseInfo.releaseNotes="$RELEASE_NOTES" --arm64 --x64 echo "\nCreated release $VERSION with release notes \"$RELEASE_NOTES\"" elif [ "$RELEASE" == "beta" ]; then yarn build --publish never --arm64 --x64 WINDOWS_FILE="./dist/Actual Setup $VERSION.exe" if [ -f "$WINDOWS_FILE" ]; then scp "$WINDOWS_FILE" "jlongster.com:/sites/static.actualbudget/Actual-Setup-$VERSION.exe" echo "Windows: https://static.actualbudget.com/Actual-Setup-$VERSION.exe" else echo "No Windows file found" fi MAC_FILE="./dist/Actual-$VERSION.dmg" if [ -f "$MAC_FILE" ]; then scp "$MAC_FILE" "jlongster.com:/sites/static.actualbudget.com/Actual-$VERSION.dmg" echo "macOS: https://static.actualbudget.com/Actual-$VERSION.dmg" else echo "No macOS file found" fi LINUX_FILE="./dist/Actual-$VERSION-x86_64.AppImage" if [ -f "$LINUX_FILE" ]; then scp "$LINUX_FILE" "jlongster.com:/sites/static.actualbudget/Actual-$VERSION-x86_64.AppImage" echo "Linux: https://static.actualbudget.com/Actual-$VERSION-x86_64.AppImage" else echo "No linux file found" fi else SKIP_NOTARIZATION=true yarn build --publish never --x64 fi )