let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let electron = require('electron'); // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions let backend = require('loot-core/lib-dist/bundle.desktop.js'); function loadState() { let state = {}; try { state = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( path.join(backend.lib.getDataDir(), 'window.json'), 'utf8', ), ); } catch (e) { console.log('Could not load window state'); } return validateState(state); } function updateState(win, state) { const screen = electron.screen || electron.remote.screen; const bounds = win.getBounds(); if (!win.isMaximized() && !win.isMinimized() && !win.isFullScreen()) { state.x = bounds.x; state.y = bounds.y; state.width = bounds.width; state.height = bounds.height; } state.isMaximized = win.isMaximized(); state.isFullScreen = win.isFullScreen(); state.displayBounds = screen.getDisplayMatching(bounds).bounds; } function saveState(win, state) { updateState(win, state); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(backend.lib.getDataDir(), 'window.json'), JSON.stringify(state), 'utf8', ); } function listen(win, state) { if (state.isMaximized) { win.maximize(); } if (state.isFullScreen) { win.setFullScreen(true); } const saver = saveState.bind(null, win, state); win.on('close', saver); return () => { win.removeListener('close', saver); }; } function hasBounds(state) { return ( Number.isInteger(state.x) && Number.isInteger(state.y) && Number.isInteger(state.width) && state.width > 0 && Number.isInteger(state.height) && state.height > 0 ); } function validateState(state) { if (!(hasBounds(state) || state.isMaximized || state.isFullScreen)) { return {}; } const newState = Object.assign({}, state); if (hasBounds(state) && state.displayBounds) { const screen = electron.screen || electron.remote.screen; // Check if the display where the window was last open is still available const displayBounds = screen.getDisplayMatching(state).bounds; if ( state.displayBounds.x !== displayBounds.x || state.displayBounds.y !== displayBounds.y || state.displayBounds.width !== displayBounds.width || state.displayBounds.height !== displayBounds.height ) { if (displayBounds.width < state.displayBounds.width) { if (state.x > displayBounds.width) { newState.x = 0; } if (state.width > displayBounds.width) { newState.width = displayBounds.width; } } if (displayBounds.height < state.displayBounds.height) { if (state.y > displayBounds.height) { newState.y = 0; } if (state.height > displayBounds.height) { newState.height = displayBounds.height; } } } } return newState; } async function get() { const screen = electron.screen || electron.remote.screen; const displayBounds = screen.getPrimaryDisplay().bounds; let state = loadState(); state = Object.assign( { x: 100, y: 50, width: Math.min(1000, displayBounds.width - 100), height: Math.min(700, displayBounds.width - 50), }, state, ); return state; } module.exports = { get, listen };