import { differenceInCalendarMonths, addMonths, addWeeks, format, } from 'date-fns'; import * as monthUtils from '../../shared/months'; import { extractScheduleConds, getScheduledAmount, } from '../../shared/schedules'; import { amountToInteger, integerToAmount } from '../../shared/util'; import * as db from '../db'; import { getRuleForSchedule, getNextDate } from '../schedules/app'; import { setBudget, getSheetValue } from './actions'; import { parse } from './goal-template.pegjs'; export function applyTemplate({ month }) { return processTemplate(month, false); } export function overwriteTemplate({ month }) { return processTemplate(month, true); } function checkScheduleTemplates(template) { let lowPriority = template[0].priority; let errorNotice = false; for (let l = 1; l < template.length; l++) { if (template[l].priority !== lowPriority) { lowPriority = Math.min(lowPriority, template[l].priority); errorNotice = true; } } return { lowPriority, errorNotice }; } async function processTemplate(month, force) { let num_applied = 0; let errors = []; let category_templates = await getCategoryTemplates(); let lowestPriority = 0; let originalCategoryBalance = []; let categories = await db.all( 'SELECT * FROM v_categories WHERE tombstone = 0', ); //clears templated categories for (let c = 0; c < categories.length; c++) { let category = categories[c]; let budgeted = await getSheetValue( monthUtils.sheetForMonth(month), `budget-${}`, ); if (budgeted) { originalCategoryBalance.push({ cat: category, amount: budgeted }); } let template = category_templates[]; if (template) { for (let l = 0; l < template.length; l++) { lowestPriority = template[l].priority > lowestPriority ? template[l].priority : lowestPriority; } await setBudget({ category:, month, amount: 0, }); } } for (let priority = 0; priority <= lowestPriority; priority++) { for (let c = 0; c < categories.length; c++) { let category = categories[c]; let template = category_templates[]; if (template) { //check that all schedule and by lines have the same priority level let skipSchedule = false; let isScheduleOrBy = false; let priorityCheck = 0; if ( template.filter(t => t.type === 'schedule' || t.type === 'by') .length > 0 ) { let { lowPriority, errorNotice } = await checkScheduleTemplates( template, ); priorityCheck = lowPriority; skipSchedule = priorityCheck !== priority ? true : false; isScheduleOrBy = true; if (!skipSchedule && errorNotice) { errors.push( + ': Schedules and By templates should all have the same priority. Using priority ' + priorityCheck, ); } } if (!skipSchedule) { if (!isScheduleOrBy) { template = template.filter(t => t.priority === priority); } if (template.length > 0) { errors = errors.concat( template .filter(t => t.type === 'error') .map(({ line, error }) => [ + ': ' + error.message, line, ' '.repeat( TEMPLATE_PREFIX.length + error.location.start.offset, ) + '^', ].join('\n'), ), ); let { amount: to_budget, errors: applyErrors } = await applyCategoryTemplate( category, template, month, priority, force, ); if (to_budget != null) { num_applied++; await setBudget({ category:, month, amount: to_budget, }); } if (applyErrors != null) { errors = errors.concat( => `${}: ${error}`), ); } } } } } } if (!force) { //if overwrite is not preferred, set cell to original value for (let l = 0; l < originalCategoryBalance.length; l++) { await setBudget({ category: originalCategoryBalance[l], month, amount: originalCategoryBalance[l].amount, }); //if overwrite is not preferred, remove template errors for category let j = errors.length; for (let k = 0; k < j; k++) { if (errors[k].includes(originalCategoryBalance[l] { errors.splice(k, 1); j--; } } } } if (num_applied === 0) { if (errors.length) { return { type: 'error', sticky: true, message: `There were errors interpreting some templates:`, pre: errors.join('\n\n'), }; } else { return { type: 'message', message: 'All categories were up to date.' }; } } else { let applied = `Successfully applied templates to ${num_applied} ${ num_applied === 1 ? 'category' : 'categories' }.`; if (errors.length) { return { sticky: true, message: `${applied} There were errors interpreting some templates:`, pre: errors.join('\n\n'), }; } else { return { type: 'message', message: applied, }; } } } const TEMPLATE_PREFIX = '#template'; async function getCategoryTemplates() { let templates = {}; let notes = await db.all( `SELECT * FROM notes WHERE lower(note) like '%${TEMPLATE_PREFIX}%'`, ); for (let n = 0; n < notes.length; n++) { let lines = notes[n].note.split('\n'); let template_lines = []; for (let l = 0; l < lines.length; l++) { let line = lines[l].trim(); if (!line.toLowerCase().startsWith(TEMPLATE_PREFIX)) continue; let expression = line.slice(TEMPLATE_PREFIX.length); try { let parsed = parse(expression); template_lines.push(parsed); } catch (e) { template_lines.push({ type: 'error', line, error: e }); } } if (template_lines.length) { templates[notes[n].id] = template_lines; } } return templates; } async function applyCategoryTemplate( category, template_lines, month, priority, force, ) { let current_month = new Date(`${month}-01`); let errors = []; let all_schedule_names = await db.all( 'SELECT name from schedules WHERE name NOT NULL AND tombstone = 0', ); all_schedule_names = =>; // remove lines for past dates, calculate repeating dates template_lines = template_lines.filter(template => { switch (template.type) { case 'by': case 'spend': let target_month = new Date(`${template.month}-01`); let num_months = differenceInCalendarMonths( target_month, current_month, ); let repeat = template.annual ? (template.repeat || 1) * 12 : template.repeat; let spend_from; if (template.type === 'spend') { spend_from = new Date(`${template.from}-01`); } while (num_months < 0 && repeat) { target_month = addMonths(target_month, repeat); if (spend_from) { spend_from = addMonths(spend_from, repeat); } num_months = differenceInCalendarMonths(target_month, current_month); } if (num_months < 0) { errors.push(`${template.month} is in the past.`); return false; } template.month = format(target_month, 'yyyy-MM'); if (spend_from) { template.from = format(spend_from, 'yyyy-MM'); } break; case 'schedule': if (!all_schedule_names.includes( { errors.push(`Schedule ${} does not exist`); return null; } break; default: } return true; }); if (template_lines.length > 1) { template_lines = template_lines.sort((a, b) => { if (a.type === 'by' && !a.annual) { return differenceInCalendarMonths( new Date(`${a.month}-01`), new Date(`${b.month}-01`), ); } else { return a.type.localeCompare(b.type); } }); } let sheetName = monthUtils.sheetForMonth(month); let budgeted = await getSheetValue(sheetName, `budget-${}`); let spent = await getSheetValue(sheetName, `sum-amount-${}`); let balance = await getSheetValue(sheetName, `leftover-${}`); let budgetAvailable = await getSheetValue(sheetName, `to-budget`); let to_budget = budgeted; let limit; let hold; let last_month_balance = balance - spent - budgeted; let remainder = 0; for (let l = 0; l < template_lines.length; l++) { let template = template_lines[l]; switch (template.type) { case 'simple': { // simple has 'monthly' and/or 'limit' params if (template.limit != null) { if (limit != null) { errors.push(`More than one “up to” limit found.`); return { errors }; } else { limit = amountToInteger(template.limit.amount); hold = template.limit.hold; } } let increment = 0; if (template.monthly != null) { let monthly = amountToInteger(template.monthly); increment = monthly; } else { increment = limit; } if (to_budget + increment < budgetAvailable || !priority) { to_budget += increment; } else { if (budgetAvailable > 0) to_budget += budgetAvailable; errors.push(`Insufficient funds.`); } break; } case 'by': { // by has 'amount' and 'month' params let target = 0; let target_month = new Date(`${template_lines[l].month}-01`); let num_months = differenceInCalendarMonths( target_month, current_month, ); let repeat = template.type === 'by' ? template.repeat : (template.repeat || 1) * 12; while (num_months < 0 && repeat) { target_month = addMonths(target_month, repeat); num_months = differenceInCalendarMonths( template_lines[l], current_month, ); } if (l === 0) remainder = last_month_balance; remainder = amountToInteger(template_lines[l].amount) - remainder; if (remainder >= 0) { target = remainder; remainder = 0; } else { target = 0; remainder = Math.abs(remainder); } let diff = num_months > -1 ? Math.round(target / (num_months + 1)) : 0; if (diff >= 0) { if (to_budget + diff < budgetAvailable || !priority) { to_budget += diff; } else { if (budgetAvailable > 0) to_budget += budgetAvailable; errors.push(`Insufficient funds.`); } } break; } case 'week': { // week has 'amount', 'starting', 'weeks' and optional 'limit' params let amount = amountToInteger(template.amount); let weeks = template.weeks != null ? Math.round(template.weeks) : 1; if (template.limit != null) { if (limit != null) { errors.push(`More than one “up to” limit found.`); return { errors }; } else { limit = amountToInteger(template.limit.amount); hold = template.limit.hold; } } let w = new Date(template.starting); let next_month = addMonths(current_month, 1); while (w.getTime() < next_month.getTime()) { if (w.getTime() >= current_month.getTime()) { if (to_budget + amount < budgetAvailable || !priority) { to_budget += amount; } else { if (budgetAvailable > 0) to_budget += budgetAvailable; errors.push(`Insufficient funds.`); } w = addWeeks(w, weeks); } } break; } case 'spend': { // spend has 'amount' and 'from' and 'month' params let from_month = new Date(`${template.from}-01`); let to_month = new Date(`${template.month}-01`); let already_budgeted = last_month_balance; let first_month = true; for ( let m = from_month; differenceInCalendarMonths(current_month, m) > 0; m = addMonths(m, 1) ) { let sheetName = monthUtils.sheetForMonth(format(m, 'yyyy-MM')); if (first_month) { let spent = await getSheetValue( sheetName, `sum-amount-${}`, ); let balance = await getSheetValue( sheetName, `leftover-${}`, ); already_budgeted = balance - spent; first_month = false; } else { let budgeted = await getSheetValue( sheetName, `budget-${}`, ); already_budgeted += budgeted; } } let num_months = differenceInCalendarMonths(to_month, current_month); let target = amountToInteger(template.amount); let increment = 0; if (num_months < 0) { errors.push(`${template.month} is in the past.`); return { errors }; } else if (num_months === 0) { increment = target - already_budgeted; } else { increment = Math.round( (target - already_budgeted) / (num_months + 1), ); } if (increment < budgetAvailable || !priority) { to_budget = increment; } else { if (budgetAvailable > 0) to_budget = budgetAvailable; errors.push(`Insufficient funds.`); } break; } case 'percentage': { let percent = template.percent; let monthlyIncome = 0; if (template.category.toLowerCase() === 'all income') { monthlyIncome = await getSheetValue(sheetName, `total-income`); } else { let income_category = (await db.getCategories()).find( c => c.is_income && === template.category.toLowerCase(), ); if (!income_category) { errors.push(`Could not find category “${template.category}”`); return { errors }; } monthlyIncome = await getSheetValue( sheetName, `sum-amount-${}`, ); } let increment = Math.max( 0, Math.round(monthlyIncome * (percent / 100)), ); if (increment < budgetAvailable || !priority) { to_budget = increment; } else { if (budgetAvailable > 0) to_budget = budgetAvailable; errors.push(`Insufficient funds.`); } break; } case 'error': return { errors }; default: case 'schedule': { let { id: schedule_id } = await db.first( 'SELECT id FROM schedules WHERE name = ?', [], ); let rule = await getRuleForSchedule(schedule_id); let conditions = rule.serialize().conditions; let { date: dateCond, amount: amountCond } = extractScheduleConds(conditions); let next_date_string = getNextDate(dateCond, current_month); let num_months = differenceInCalendarMonths( new Date(next_date_string), current_month, ); if (l === 0) remainder = last_month_balance; remainder = -getScheduledAmount(amountCond.value) - remainder; let target = 0; if (remainder >= 0) { target = remainder; remainder = 0; } else { target = 0; remainder = Math.abs(remainder); } let diff = num_months > 0 ? Math.round(target / num_months) : 0; if (num_months < 0) { errors.push( `Non-repeating schedule ${} was due on ${next_date_string}, which is in the past.`, ); return { errors }; } else if (num_months > 0) { if ( (diff >= 0 && num_months > -1 && to_budget + diff < budgetAvailable) || !priority ) { to_budget += diff; } else { if (budgetAvailable > 0) to_budget = budgetAvailable; errors.push(`Insufficient funds.`); } } break; } } } if (limit != null) { if (hold && balance > limit) { to_budget = 0; } else if (to_budget + last_month_balance > limit) { to_budget = limit - last_month_balance; } } if ( ((category.budgeted != null && category.budgeted !== 0) || to_budget === 0) && !force ) { return { errors }; } else if (category.budgeted === to_budget) { return null; } else { let str = + ': ' + integerToAmount(last_month_balance); str += ' + ' + integerToAmount(to_budget) + ' = ' + integerToAmount(last_month_balance + to_budget); str += ' ' + => x.line).join('\n'); console.log(str); return { amount: to_budget, errors }; } }