import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { integerToCurrency } from 'loot-core/src/shared/util'; import { colors } from '../../style'; import AccountAutocomplete from '../autocomplete/AccountAutocomplete'; import CategoryAutocomplete from '../autocomplete/CategorySelect'; import { P, LinkButton } from '../common'; import Button from '../common/Button'; import FormError from '../common/FormError'; import Modal from '../common/Modal'; import Text from '../common/Text'; import View from '../common/View'; function needsCategory(account, currentTransfer, accounts) { const acct = accounts.find(a => === currentTransfer); const isOffBudget = acct && acct.offbudget === 1; // The user must select a category if transferring from a budgeted // account to an off-budget account return account.offbudget === 0 && isOffBudget; } function CloseAccount({ account, accounts, categoryGroups, balance, canDelete, actions, modalProps, }) { let [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); let [transfer, setTransfer] = useState(''); let [category, setCategory] = useState(''); let [transferError, setTransferError] = useState(false); let [categoryError, setCategoryError] = useState(false); return ( <Modal title="Close Account" {...modalProps} style={{ flex: 0 }} loading={loading} > {() => ( <View> <P> Are you sure you want to close <strong>{}</strong>?{' '} {canDelete ? ( <span> This account has no transactions so it will be permanently deleted. </span> ) : ( <span> This account has transactions so we can’t permanently delete it. </span> )} </P> <form onSubmit={event => { event.preventDefault(); let transferError = balance !== 0 && transfer === ''; setTransferError(transferError); let categoryError = needsCategory(account, transfer, accounts) && category === ''; setCategoryError(categoryError); if (!transferError && !categoryError) { setLoading(true); actions .closeAccount(, transfer || null, category || null) .then(() => { modalProps.onClose(); }); } }} > {balance !== 0 && ( <View> <P> This account has a balance of{' '} <strong>{integerToCurrency(balance)}</strong>. To close this account, select a different account to transfer this balance to: </P> <View style={{ marginBottom: 15 }}> <AccountAutocomplete includeClosedAccounts={false} value={transfer} accounts={accounts} inputProps={{ placeholder: 'Select account...', }} onSelect={acc => { setTransfer(acc); if (transferError && acc) { setTransferError(false); } }} /> </View> {transferError && ( <FormError style={{ marginBottom: 15 }}> Transfer is required </FormError> )} {needsCategory(account, transfer, accounts) && ( <View style={{ marginBottom: 15 }}> <P> Since you are transferring the balance from a budgeted account to an off-budget account, this transaction must be categorized. Select a category: </P> <CategoryAutocomplete categoryGroups={categoryGroups} value={category} inputProps={{ placeholder: 'Select category...', }} onSelect={newValue => { setCategory(newValue); if (categoryError && newValue) { setCategoryError(false); } }} /> {categoryError && ( <FormError>Category is required</FormError> )} </View> )} </View> )} {!canDelete && ( <View style={{ marginBottom: 15 }}> <Text style={{ fontSize: 12 }}> You can also{' '} <LinkButton onClick={() => { setLoading(true); actions .forceCloseAccount( .then(() => modalProps.onClose()); }} style={{ color: colors.r6 }} > force close </LinkButton>{' '} the account which will delete it and all its transactions permanently. Doing so may change your budget unexpectedly since money in it may vanish. </Text> </View> )} <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'flex-end', }} > <Button type="submit" style={{ marginRight: 10 }} onClick={modalProps.onClose} > Cancel </Button> <Button type="submit" primary> Close Account </Button> </View> </form> </View> )} </Modal> ); } export default CloseAccount;