diff --git a/packages/desktop-client/e2e/page-models/account-page.js b/packages/desktop-client/e2e/page-models/account-page.js
index bf4fc96ba23f15d3ab694a4b34bfb2f8770211f4..37398971a19c3858641a055c9c78753da9e3aec5 100644
--- a/packages/desktop-client/e2e/page-models/account-page.js
+++ b/packages/desktop-client/e2e/page-models/account-page.js
@@ -91,12 +91,6 @@ export class AccountPage {
     return new CloseAccountModal(this.page.locator('css=[aria-modal]'));
-  async _clearFocusedField() {
-    let isMac = process.platform === 'darwin';
-    await this.page.keyboard.press(isMac ? 'Meta+A' : 'Control+A');
-    await this.page.keyboard.press('Backspace');
-  }
   async _fillTransactionFields(transactionRow, transaction) {
     if (transaction.payee) {
       await transactionRow.getByTestId('payee').click();
@@ -123,14 +117,12 @@ export class AccountPage {
     if (transaction.debit) {
       await transactionRow.getByTestId('debit').click();
-      await this._clearFocusedField();
       await this.page.keyboard.type(transaction.debit);
       await this.page.keyboard.press('Tab');
     if (transaction.credit) {
       await transactionRow.getByTestId('credit').click();
-      await this._clearFocusedField();
       await this.page.keyboard.type(transaction.credit);
       await this.page.keyboard.press('Tab');
diff --git a/packages/loot-core/src/mocks/number-formats.ts b/packages/loot-core/src/mocks/number-formats.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e586b490617808eab5151910968232f5d476d40a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/packages/loot-core/src/mocks/number-formats.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-export function generateTestCases(
-  configurableFormats: string[],
-  inputFormats: Array<{
-    name: string;
-    tests: Array<{ places: number; input: string; expected: number }>;
-  }>,
-) {
-  let cases = [];
-  for (let configurableFormat of configurableFormats) {
-    for (let inputFormat of inputFormats) {
-      for (let test of inputFormat.tests) {
-        cases.push([
-          configurableFormat,
-          inputFormat.name,
-          test.places,
-          test.input,
-          test.expected,
-        ]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return cases;
diff --git a/packages/loot-core/src/shared/arithmetic.test.ts b/packages/loot-core/src/shared/arithmetic.test.ts
index 4d94c606fe24a3da381e81dd6a743331e1609945..c0f5afa46c516b03c17dd9a0faa4eebeee49132c 100644
--- a/packages/loot-core/src/shared/arithmetic.test.ts
+++ b/packages/loot-core/src/shared/arithmetic.test.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
-import { generateTestCases } from '../mocks/number-formats';
 import evalArithmetic from './arithmetic';
-import { setNumberFormat } from './util';
 describe('arithmetic', () => {
   test('handles negative numbers', () => {
@@ -44,76 +41,4 @@ describe('arithmetic', () => {
   test('respects current number format', () => {
-  let configurableFormats = [
-    'dot-comma',
-    'comma-dot',
-    'space-comma',
-    'space-dot',
-  ];
-  let inputFormats = [
-    {
-      name: 'dot-comma',
-      tests: [
-        { places: 3, input: '1.234.567', expected: 1234567 },
-        { places: 2, input: '1.234,56', expected: 1234.56 },
-        { places: 1, input: '1.234,5', expected: 1234.5 },
-        { places: 0, input: '1.234,', expected: 1234.0 },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'comma-dot',
-      tests: [
-        { places: 3, input: '1,234,567', expected: 1234567 },
-        { places: 2, input: '1,234.56', expected: 1234.56 },
-        { places: 1, input: '1,234.5', expected: 1234.5 },
-        { places: 0, input: '1,234.', expected: 1234.0 },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'dot-dot',
-      tests: [
-        { places: 3, input: '1.234.567', expected: 1234567 },
-        { places: 2, input: '1.234.56', expected: 1234.56 },
-        { places: 1, input: '1.234.5', expected: 1234.5 },
-        { places: 0, input: '1.234.', expected: 1234.0 },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'comma-comma',
-      tests: [
-        { places: 3, input: '1,234,567', expected: 1234567 },
-        { places: 2, input: '1,234,56', expected: 1234.56 },
-        { places: 1, input: '1,234,5', expected: 1234.5 },
-        { places: 0, input: '1,234,', expected: 1234.0 },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'space-comma',
-      tests: [
-        { places: 3, input: '1 234 567', expected: 1234567 },
-        { places: 2, input: '1 234,56', expected: 1234.56 },
-        { places: 1, input: '1 234,5', expected: 1234.5 },
-        { places: 0, input: '1 234,', expected: 1234.0 },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'space-dot',
-      tests: [
-        { places: 3, input: '1 234 567', expected: 1234567 },
-        { places: 2, input: '1 234.56', expected: 1234.56 },
-        { places: 1, input: '1 234.5', expected: 1234.5 },
-        { places: 0, input: '1 234.', expected: 1234.0 },
-      ],
-    },
-  ];
-  test.each(generateTestCases(configurableFormats, inputFormats))(
-    'format is agnostic: %s can parse %s with %d decimal place(s)',
-    (configurableFormat, inputFormat, places, input, expected) => {
-      setNumberFormat({ format: configurableFormat, hideFraction: false });
-      expect(evalArithmetic(input)).toEqual(expected);
-    },
-  );
diff --git a/packages/loot-core/src/shared/arithmetic.ts b/packages/loot-core/src/shared/arithmetic.ts
index 0957d10b101239d3c20e79fa02438b666a9672b2..4dd2b8955ab4e1d1a3660695101ebf54e5ce2ce7 100644
--- a/packages/loot-core/src/shared/arithmetic.ts
+++ b/packages/loot-core/src/shared/arithmetic.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import { getNumberFormat } from './util';
 function fail(state, msg) {
   throw new Error(
     msg + ': ' + JSON.stringify(state.str.slice(state.index, 10)),
@@ -27,24 +29,6 @@ function nextOperator(state, op) {
   return false;
-function unifyNumberFormatForParsing(numberStr: string): string {
-  let unifiedNumberStr = '';
-  for (let i = 0; i < numberStr.length; i++) {
-    let ch = numberStr[i];
-    if (ch === ',' || ch === '.') {
-      // Skip thousands separators
-      let remainingChars = numberStr.length - i;
-      if (remainingChars > 3) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      // Unify decimal separator
-      ch = '.';
-    }
-    unifiedNumberStr += ch;
-  }
-  return unifiedNumberStr;
 function parsePrimary(state) {
   // We only support numbers
   let isNegative = char(state) === '-';
@@ -60,14 +44,21 @@ function parsePrimary(state) {
   // and we should do more strict parsing
   let numberStr = '';
   while (char(state) && char(state).match(/[0-9,.]/)) {
-    numberStr += next(state);
+    let thousandsSep = getNumberFormat().separator === ',' ? '.' : ',';
+    // Don't include the thousands separator
+    if (char(state) === thousandsSep) {
+      next(state);
+    } else {
+      numberStr += next(state);
+    }
   if (numberStr === '') {
     fail(state, 'Unexpected character');
-  let number = parseFloat(unifyNumberFormatForParsing(numberStr));
+  let number = parseFloat(numberStr.replace(getNumberFormat().separator, '.'));
   return isNegative ? -number : number;
diff --git a/upcoming-release-notes/1144.md b/upcoming-release-notes/1144.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3dfdae2dfe075189947a0a361b31b4aa097d787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upcoming-release-notes/1144.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+category: Bugfix
+authors: [j-f1]
+Revert “Make number parsing agnostic to decimal and thousands separators” because it produced undesirable behavior