Matiss Janis Aboltins authored
Another monkeypatch bites the dust. AFAIK there is no regression in functionality. But please test yourselves too to double check.
Matiss Janis Aboltins authoredAnother monkeypatch bites the dust. AFAIK there is no regression in functionality. But please test yourselves too to double check.
sort.js 2.99 KiB
import React, {
} from 'react';
import { useDrag, useDrop } from 'react-dnd';
import { colors } from '../style';
import { View } from './common';
function useMergedRefs(ref1, ref2) {
return useMemo(() => {
function ref(value) {
[ref1, ref2].forEach(ref => {
if (typeof ref === 'function') {
} else if (ref != null) {
ref.current = value;
return ref;
}, [ref1, ref2]);
export function useDraggable({ item, type, canDrag, onDragChange }) {
let _onDragChange = useRef(onDragChange);
const [, dragRef] = useDrag({
item: () => {
_onDragChange.current({ state: 'start-preview', type, item });
setTimeout(() => {
_onDragChange.current({ state: 'start' });
}, 0);
return { type, item };
collect: monitor => ({ isDragging: monitor.isDragging() }),
end(item) {
_onDragChange.current({ state: 'end', type, item });
canDrag() {
return canDrag;
useLayoutEffect(() => {
_onDragChange.current = onDragChange;
return { dragRef };
export function useDroppable({ types, id, onDrop, onLongHover }) {
let ref = useRef(null);
let [dropPos, setDropPos] = useState(null);
let [{ isOver }, dropRef] = useDrop({
accept: types,
drop({ item }) {
onDrop(item.id, dropPos, id);
hover(_, monitor) {
let hoverBoundingRect = ref.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let hoverMiddleY = (hoverBoundingRect.bottom - hoverBoundingRect.top) / 2;
let clientOffset = monitor.getClientOffset();
let hoverClientY = clientOffset.y - hoverBoundingRect.top;
let pos = hoverClientY < hoverMiddleY ? 'top' : 'bottom';
collect(monitor) {
return { isOver: monitor.isOver() };
useEffect(() => {
let timeout;
if (onLongHover && isOver) {
timeout = setTimeout(onLongHover, 700);
return () => timeout && clearTimeout(timeout);
}, [isOver]);
return {
dropRef: useMergedRefs(dropRef, ref),
dropPos: isOver ? dropPos : null,
export const DropHighlightPosContext = createContext(null);
export function DropHighlight({ pos, offset = {} }) {
let itemPos = useContext(DropHighlightPosContext);
if (pos == null) {
return null;
let topOffset = (itemPos === 'first' ? 2 : 0) + (offset.top || 0);
let bottomOffset = (itemPos === 'last' ? 2 : 0) + (offset.bottom || 0);
let posStyle =
pos === 'top' ? { top: -2 + topOffset } : { bottom: -1 + bottomOffset };
return (
position: 'absolute',
left: 2,
right: 2,
borderRadius: 3,
height: 3,
background: `linear-gradient(90deg, ${colors.b4} 0%, ${colors.b5} 100%)`,
zIndex: 10000,
pointerEvents: 'none',