(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = global || self, factory(global.window = global.window || {})); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; /*! * ScrollToPlugin 3.12.7 * https://gsap.com * * @license Copyright 2008-2025, GreenSock. All rights reserved. * Subject to the terms at https://gsap.com/standard-license or for * Club GSAP members, the agreement issued with that membership. * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com */ var gsap, _coreInitted, _window, _docEl, _body, _toArray, _config, ScrollTrigger, _windowExists = function _windowExists() { return typeof window !== "undefined"; }, _getGSAP = function _getGSAP() { return gsap || _windowExists() && (gsap = window.gsap) && gsap.registerPlugin && gsap; }, _isString = function _isString(value) { return typeof value === "string"; }, _isFunction = function _isFunction(value) { return typeof value === "function"; }, _max = function _max(element, axis) { var dim = axis === "x" ? "Width" : "Height", scroll = "scroll" + dim, client = "client" + dim; return element === _window || element === _docEl || element === _body ? Math.max(_docEl[scroll], _body[scroll]) - (_window["inner" + dim] || _docEl[client] || _body[client]) : element[scroll] - element["offset" + dim]; }, _buildGetter = function _buildGetter(e, axis) { var p = "scroll" + (axis === "x" ? "Left" : "Top"); if (e === _window) { if (e.pageXOffset != null) { p = "page" + axis.toUpperCase() + "Offset"; } else { e = _docEl[p] != null ? _docEl : _body; } } return function () { return e[p]; }; }, _clean = function _clean(value, index, target, targets) { _isFunction(value) && (value = value(index, target, targets)); if (typeof value !== "object") { return _isString(value) && value !== "max" && value.charAt(1) !== "=" ? { x: value, y: value } : { y: value }; } else if (value.nodeType) { return { y: value, x: value }; } else { var result = {}, p; for (p in value) { result[p] = p !== "onAutoKill" && _isFunction(value[p]) ? value[p](index, target, targets) : value[p]; } return result; } }, _getOffset = function _getOffset(element, container) { element = _toArray(element)[0]; if (!element || !element.getBoundingClientRect) { return console.warn("scrollTo target doesn't exist. Using 0") || { x: 0, y: 0 }; } var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(), isRoot = !container || container === _window || container === _body, cRect = isRoot ? { top: _docEl.clientTop - (_window.pageYOffset || _docEl.scrollTop || _body.scrollTop || 0), left: _docEl.clientLeft - (_window.pageXOffset || _docEl.scrollLeft || _body.scrollLeft || 0) } : container.getBoundingClientRect(), offsets = { x: rect.left - cRect.left, y: rect.top - cRect.top }; if (!isRoot && container) { offsets.x += _buildGetter(container, "x")(); offsets.y += _buildGetter(container, "y")(); } return offsets; }, _parseVal = function _parseVal(value, target, axis, currentVal, offset) { return !isNaN(value) && typeof value !== "object" ? parseFloat(value) - offset : _isString(value) && value.charAt(1) === "=" ? parseFloat(value.substr(2)) * (value.charAt(0) === "-" ? -1 : 1) + currentVal - offset : value === "max" ? _max(target, axis) - offset : Math.min(_max(target, axis), _getOffset(value, target)[axis] - offset); }, _initCore = function _initCore() { gsap = _getGSAP(); if (_windowExists() && gsap && typeof document !== "undefined" && document.body) { _window = window; _body = document.body; _docEl = document.documentElement; _toArray = gsap.utils.toArray; gsap.config({ autoKillThreshold: 7 }); _config = gsap.config(); _coreInitted = 1; } }; var ScrollToPlugin = { version: "3.12.7", name: "scrollTo", rawVars: 1, register: function register(core) { gsap = core; _initCore(); }, init: function init(target, value, tween, index, targets) { _coreInitted || _initCore(); var data = this, snapType = gsap.getProperty(target, "scrollSnapType"); data.isWin = target === _window; data.target = target; data.tween = tween; value = _clean(value, index, target, targets); data.vars = value; data.autoKill = !!("autoKill" in value ? value : _config).autoKill; data.getX = _buildGetter(target, "x"); data.getY = _buildGetter(target, "y"); data.x = data.xPrev = data.getX(); data.y = data.yPrev = data.getY(); ScrollTrigger || (ScrollTrigger = gsap.core.globals().ScrollTrigger); gsap.getProperty(target, "scrollBehavior") === "smooth" && gsap.set(target, { scrollBehavior: "auto" }); if (snapType && snapType !== "none") { data.snap = 1; data.snapInline = target.style.scrollSnapType; target.style.scrollSnapType = "none"; } if (value.x != null) { data.add(data, "x", data.x, _parseVal(value.x, target, "x", data.x, value.offsetX || 0), index, targets); data._props.push("scrollTo_x"); } else { data.skipX = 1; } if (value.y != null) { data.add(data, "y", data.y, _parseVal(value.y, target, "y", data.y, value.offsetY || 0), index, targets); data._props.push("scrollTo_y"); } else { data.skipY = 1; } }, render: function render(ratio, data) { var pt = data._pt, target = data.target, tween = data.tween, autoKill = data.autoKill, xPrev = data.xPrev, yPrev = data.yPrev, isWin = data.isWin, snap = data.snap, snapInline = data.snapInline, x, y, yDif, xDif, threshold; while (pt) { pt.r(ratio, pt.d); pt = pt._next; } x = isWin || !data.skipX ? data.getX() : xPrev; y = isWin || !data.skipY ? data.getY() : yPrev; yDif = y - yPrev; xDif = x - xPrev; threshold = _config.autoKillThreshold; if (data.x < 0) { data.x = 0; } if (data.y < 0) { data.y = 0; } if (autoKill) { if (!data.skipX && (xDif > threshold || xDif < -threshold) && x < _max(target, "x")) { data.skipX = 1; } if (!data.skipY && (yDif > threshold || yDif < -threshold) && y < _max(target, "y")) { data.skipY = 1; } if (data.skipX && data.skipY) { tween.kill(); data.vars.onAutoKill && data.vars.onAutoKill.apply(tween, data.vars.onAutoKillParams || []); } } if (isWin) { _window.scrollTo(!data.skipX ? data.x : x, !data.skipY ? data.y : y); } else { data.skipY || (target.scrollTop = data.y); data.skipX || (target.scrollLeft = data.x); } if (snap && (ratio === 1 || ratio === 0)) { y = target.scrollTop; x = target.scrollLeft; snapInline ? target.style.scrollSnapType = snapInline : target.style.removeProperty("scroll-snap-type"); target.scrollTop = y + 1; target.scrollLeft = x + 1; target.scrollTop = y; target.scrollLeft = x; } data.xPrev = data.x; data.yPrev = data.y; ScrollTrigger && ScrollTrigger.update(); }, kill: function kill(property) { var both = property === "scrollTo", i = this._props.indexOf(property); if (both || property === "scrollTo_x") { this.skipX = 1; } if (both || property === "scrollTo_y") { this.skipY = 1; } i > -1 && this._props.splice(i, 1); return !this._props.length; } }; ScrollToPlugin.max = _max; ScrollToPlugin.getOffset = _getOffset; ScrollToPlugin.buildGetter = _buildGetter; ScrollToPlugin.config = function (vars) { _config || _initCore() || (_config = gsap.config()); for (var p in vars) { _config[p] = vars[p]; } }; _getGSAP() && gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin); exports.ScrollToPlugin = ScrollToPlugin; exports.default = ScrollToPlugin; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })));