Arnav Pant authored
added animation for the line in projects.html, need to change the line to make it look better with tracing and change the current image placeholders and hide the scrollbar
Arnav Pant authoredadded animation for the line in projects.html, need to change the line to make it look better with tracing and change the current image placeholders and hide the scrollbar
ScrollToPlugin.js 8.30 KiB
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.window = global.window || {}));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
* ScrollToPlugin 3.12.7
* https://gsap.com
* @license Copyright 2008-2025, GreenSock. All rights reserved.
* Subject to the terms at https://gsap.com/standard-license or for
* Club GSAP members, the agreement issued with that membership.
* @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com
var gsap,
_windowExists = function _windowExists() {
return typeof window !== "undefined";
_getGSAP = function _getGSAP() {
return gsap || _windowExists() && (gsap = window.gsap) && gsap.registerPlugin && gsap;
_isString = function _isString(value) {
return typeof value === "string";
_isFunction = function _isFunction(value) {
return typeof value === "function";
_max = function _max(element, axis) {
var dim = axis === "x" ? "Width" : "Height",
scroll = "scroll" + dim,
client = "client" + dim;
return element === _window || element === _docEl || element === _body ? Math.max(_docEl[scroll], _body[scroll]) - (_window["inner" + dim] || _docEl[client] || _body[client]) : element[scroll] - element["offset" + dim];
_buildGetter = function _buildGetter(e, axis) {
var p = "scroll" + (axis === "x" ? "Left" : "Top");
if (e === _window) {
if (e.pageXOffset != null) {
p = "page" + axis.toUpperCase() + "Offset";
} else {
e = _docEl[p] != null ? _docEl : _body;
return function () {
return e[p];
_clean = function _clean(value, index, target, targets) {
_isFunction(value) && (value = value(index, target, targets));
if (typeof value !== "object") {
return _isString(value) && value !== "max" && value.charAt(1) !== "=" ? {
x: value,
y: value
} : {
y: value
} else if (value.nodeType) {
return {
y: value,
x: value
} else {
var result = {},
for (p in value) {
result[p] = p !== "onAutoKill" && _isFunction(value[p]) ? value[p](index, target, targets) : value[p];
return result;
_getOffset = function _getOffset(element, container) {
element = _toArray(element)[0];
if (!element || !element.getBoundingClientRect) {
return console.warn("scrollTo target doesn't exist. Using 0") || {
x: 0,
y: 0
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
isRoot = !container || container === _window || container === _body,
cRect = isRoot ? {
top: _docEl.clientTop - (_window.pageYOffset || _docEl.scrollTop || _body.scrollTop || 0),
left: _docEl.clientLeft - (_window.pageXOffset || _docEl.scrollLeft || _body.scrollLeft || 0)
} : container.getBoundingClientRect(),
offsets = {
x: rect.left - cRect.left,
y: rect.top - cRect.top
if (!isRoot && container) {
offsets.x += _buildGetter(container, "x")();
offsets.y += _buildGetter(container, "y")();
return offsets;
_parseVal = function _parseVal(value, target, axis, currentVal, offset) {
return !isNaN(value) && typeof value !== "object" ? parseFloat(value) - offset : _isString(value) && value.charAt(1) === "=" ? parseFloat(value.substr(2)) * (value.charAt(0) === "-" ? -1 : 1) + currentVal - offset : value === "max" ? _max(target, axis) - offset : Math.min(_max(target, axis), _getOffset(value, target)[axis] - offset);
_initCore = function _initCore() {
gsap = _getGSAP();
if (_windowExists() && gsap && typeof document !== "undefined" && document.body) {
_window = window;
_body = document.body;
_docEl = document.documentElement;
_toArray = gsap.utils.toArray;
autoKillThreshold: 7
_config = gsap.config();
_coreInitted = 1;
var ScrollToPlugin = {
version: "3.12.7",
name: "scrollTo",
rawVars: 1,
register: function register(core) {
gsap = core;
init: function init(target, value, tween, index, targets) {
_coreInitted || _initCore();
var data = this,
snapType = gsap.getProperty(target, "scrollSnapType");
data.isWin = target === _window;
data.target = target;
data.tween = tween;
value = _clean(value, index, target, targets);
data.vars = value;
data.autoKill = !!("autoKill" in value ? value : _config).autoKill;
data.getX = _buildGetter(target, "x");
data.getY = _buildGetter(target, "y");
data.x = data.xPrev = data.getX();
data.y = data.yPrev = data.getY();
ScrollTrigger || (ScrollTrigger = gsap.core.globals().ScrollTrigger);
gsap.getProperty(target, "scrollBehavior") === "smooth" && gsap.set(target, {
scrollBehavior: "auto"
if (snapType && snapType !== "none") {
data.snap = 1;
data.snapInline = target.style.scrollSnapType;
target.style.scrollSnapType = "none";
if (value.x != null) {
data.add(data, "x", data.x, _parseVal(value.x, target, "x", data.x, value.offsetX || 0), index, targets);
} else {
data.skipX = 1;
if (value.y != null) {
data.add(data, "y", data.y, _parseVal(value.y, target, "y", data.y, value.offsetY || 0), index, targets);
} else {
data.skipY = 1;
render: function render(ratio, data) {
var pt = data._pt,
target = data.target,
tween = data.tween,
autoKill = data.autoKill,
xPrev = data.xPrev,
yPrev = data.yPrev,
isWin = data.isWin,
snap = data.snap,
snapInline = data.snapInline,
while (pt) {
pt.r(ratio, pt.d);
pt = pt._next;
x = isWin || !data.skipX ? data.getX() : xPrev;
y = isWin || !data.skipY ? data.getY() : yPrev;
yDif = y - yPrev;
xDif = x - xPrev;
threshold = _config.autoKillThreshold;
if (data.x < 0) {
data.x = 0;
if (data.y < 0) {
data.y = 0;
if (autoKill) {
if (!data.skipX && (xDif > threshold || xDif < -threshold) && x < _max(target, "x")) {
data.skipX = 1;
if (!data.skipY && (yDif > threshold || yDif < -threshold) && y < _max(target, "y")) {
data.skipY = 1;
if (data.skipX && data.skipY) {
data.vars.onAutoKill && data.vars.onAutoKill.apply(tween, data.vars.onAutoKillParams || []);
if (isWin) {
_window.scrollTo(!data.skipX ? data.x : x, !data.skipY ? data.y : y);
} else {
data.skipY || (target.scrollTop = data.y);
data.skipX || (target.scrollLeft = data.x);
if (snap && (ratio === 1 || ratio === 0)) {
y = target.scrollTop;
x = target.scrollLeft;
snapInline ? target.style.scrollSnapType = snapInline : target.style.removeProperty("scroll-snap-type");
target.scrollTop = y + 1;
target.scrollLeft = x + 1;
target.scrollTop = y;
target.scrollLeft = x;
data.xPrev = data.x;
data.yPrev = data.y;
ScrollTrigger && ScrollTrigger.update();
kill: function kill(property) {
var both = property === "scrollTo",
i = this._props.indexOf(property);
if (both || property === "scrollTo_x") {
this.skipX = 1;
if (both || property === "scrollTo_y") {
this.skipY = 1;
i > -1 && this._props.splice(i, 1);
return !this._props.length;
ScrollToPlugin.max = _max;
ScrollToPlugin.getOffset = _getOffset;
ScrollToPlugin.buildGetter = _buildGetter;
ScrollToPlugin.config = function (vars) {
_config || _initCore() || (_config = gsap.config());
for (var p in vars) {
_config[p] = vars[p];
_getGSAP() && gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin);
exports.ScrollToPlugin = ScrollToPlugin;
exports.default = ScrollToPlugin;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });